Prof. dr. P.J.M. (Peter) Rottier

Emeritus Professor
Infectious Diseases & Immunology
Infectious Diseases & Immunology


1959-1966      Gymnasium ß; Jansenius Lyceum, Hulst, The Ne­ther­lands

1966-1974      Undergraduate study; Catholic University, Nijme­gen, The Nether­lands. Degree: Biochemistry (major subject: bioche­mis­try; minor sub­jects: phy­sio­logy, phar­maco­che­mistry, and clinical bioche­mistry)

1974-1979      Graduate study; Agri­cultural University, Wage­ningen, The Ne­ther­lands. Degree: Ph.D., March 1980. Thesis: "Viral Pro­tein Synthesis in Cow­pea Mo­saic Virus Infec­ted Proto­plasts" (Advisor/Promotor: Prof.Dr. A. van Kammen).



1979-1985      Research Associate in the Department of Viro­logy (Chairman Prof.Dr. M.C.Horzinek), Veteri­nary Faculty, Utrecht University, The Nether­lan­ds. Within the Molecular Viro­logy division (g­rou­p lea­der Dr. B.A.M. van der Zeijst) studies on the synthesis, membrane integra­tion, trans­port and maturation of coronaviral membra­ne glycoproteins.


1982               Short-term EMBO-fellow at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidel­berg (FRG) to study the nucleotide sequence of the nucleocapsid and E1 genes of mouse hepatitis coronavirus and the assembly of the E1 protein in membranes (collaboration with Dr. J. Armstrong and Dr. G. Warren).


1984               Short-term EMBO-fellow at the EMBL in Heidel­berg (FRG) to study the involve­ment of Signal Recognition Particle in membrane integration of the coronaviral E1 glycopro­tein (colla­borati­on with Dr. J. Armstrong and Dr. D.I. Mey­er).


1985-1986      Research Associate at the Salk Institute (Dr. J.K. Rose; Molecular Biology & Virology Labora­tory), San Diego, Califor­nia. Main re­search subject: biogenesis of the vesicu­lar stomatitis virus G protein in vitro and in vivo.


1986-1987      Research Associate at Yale University, School of Medicine (Dept. of Pathology, Prof.Dr. J.K. Rose), New Haven, Connec­ticut. Research sub­jects: i) biogenesis of the vesicular stoma­titis virus G pro­tein in vivo and in vitro and ii) expression and mutagenesis of the coro­na­viral E1 gly­cop­rotein.


1987-1990      Research Scientist in the Institute of Virology  (Head Prof.Dr. M.C. Horzi­nek), Veteri­nary Facul­ty, Utrecht University, The Nether­lands. Working within the Molecu­lar Virolo­gy division (group leader Dr. W.J.M. Spaan) on the biogenesis and intracellular transport of viral membrane proteins.


1990-1995      Associate Professor in the Institute of Virology, Veteri­nary Facul­ty, Dept.Infectious Diseases & Immunology, Utrecht University, The Nether­lands. Lines of re­search:

                                    i) assembly of envelo­ped viruses

                                    ii) molecular pathogenesis of viral infections

                                    iii) deve­lopment of animal virus vac­ci­nes.


1995-2012      Professor in Virology & Virus Diseases; head of the Division of Virology, Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology, Veteri­nary Facul­ty, Utrecht University, The Nether­lands. Lines of re­search as before.


1999-2003      Chairman of the Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology, Veterinary Faculty, Utrecht University.


2001-2002      Sabbatical year, spent at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California (host: Prof.Dr.J.Johnson)


2003-2005      Director of the Institute of Veterinary Sciences and of the Graduate School for Animal Health, both at the Veterinary Faculty of Utrecht University


2012-2016      Professor in Veterinary Virology in the Division of Virology, Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology, Veteri­nary Facul­ty, Utrecht University, The Nether­lands (head: prof. dr. Frank van Kuppeveld). Lines of re­search as before.


2016-2019      Visiting Professor and research advisor in animal virology at the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China (appointment 2 months/year).


2016-present   Emeritus professor and advisor in the Division of Virology (head: prof. dr. Frank van Kuppeveld), Department of Biomolecular Health Sciences, Veteri­nary Facul­ty, Utrecht University.


2019               Temporary advisor on Covid-19 related issues; Veterinary Faculty, Utrecht university, The Netherlands.