Dr. mr. Peter-Jan Engelen

Adam Smith Hall
Kriekenpitplein 21-22
Kamer V.1.02

Dr. mr. Peter-Jan Engelen

Associate Professor
+31 30 253 9943

Highlighted publications

Cassimon, D., De Backer, M., Engelen, P. J., van Wouwe, M., & Yordanov, V. (2011). Incorporating Technical Risk into a Compound Option Model to Value a Pharma R&D Licensing Opportunity. Research Policy, 40(9), 1200-1216.
Sanders, M., Fuss, S., & Engelen, P. J. (2013). Mobilizing private funds for carbon capture and storage: An exploratory field study in the Netherlands. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 19, 595-605.
Carberry, E. J., Engelen, P. J., & Van Essen, M. (2018). Which Firms Get Punished for Unethical Behavior? Explaining Variation in Stock Market Reactions to Corporate Misconduct. Business Ethics Quarterly, 28(2), 119-151. https://doi.org/10.1017/beq.2017.46
Engelen, P. J., & van Essen, M. (2010). Underpricing of IPOs: Firm-, Issue- and Country-Specific Characteristics. Journal of Banking and Finance, 34(8), 1958-1969.
Engelen, P. J., van Essen, M., & Carney, M. (2013). Does ‘good’ corporate governance help in a crisis? The impact of country- and firm-level governance mechanisms in the European financial crisis. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 21(3), 201-224.
Engelen, P. J., & Cassimon, D. (2018). Real Options. In A. Marciano, & G. Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_406-1
Engelen, P. J., & Van Liederkerke, L. (2007). The Ethics of Insider Trading Revisited. Journal of Business Ethics, 74(4), 497-507.



Scholarly publications

Engelen, P. J., Meoli, M., Signori, A., & Vismara, S. (2020). The effects of stricter regulation on the going public decision of small and knowledge-intensive firms. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 47(1-2), 188-217. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbfa.12417
Engelen, P. J., Heugens, P., van Essen, M., Turturea, R., & Bailey, N. (2020). The impact of stakeholders’ temporal orientaton on short- and long-term IPO outcomes: A meta-analysis. Long Range Planning, 53(2), [101853]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2018.10.003
Li, Y., Kool, C., & Engelen, P. J. (2020). Analyzing the business case for hydrogen-fuel infrastructure investments with endogenous demand in the Netherlands: A real options approach. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(13), [5424]. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135424
Van de Vijver, A., Cassimon, D., & Engelen, P. J. (2020). A real option approach to sustainable corporate tax behavior. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(13), [5406]. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135406


Scholarly publications

Cassimon, D., Dijkstra, M., & Engelen, P. J. (2019). Banks. In A. Marciano, & G. Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_95-1


Scholarly publications

Van de Vijver, A., Cassimon, D., & Engelen, P. J. (2018). A Real Option Approach to Responsible Tax Behavior. (IOB Working Papers; Vol. 2018, No. 12). IOB.
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., & Van Cappellen, H. (2018). Globalization. In A. Marciano, & G. Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_194-1
Van Liedekerke, L., & Engelen, P. J. (2018). Codes of Ethics. In A. Marciano, & G. Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_116-1
Cassimon, D., & Engelen, P. J. (2018). Option. In A. Marciano, & G. Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_355-1
Engelen, P. J. (2018). Did BP Pay a Reputational Penalty for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill? In M. Faure, W. Schreuders, & L. Visscher (Eds.), Don't Take it Seriously. Essays in Law and Economics in honour of Roger Van den Bergh (pp. 303-317). Intersentia Publishers.
Laveren, E., & Engelen, P. J. (2018). Financieel Beheer voor KMO's. (2 ed.) Intersentia Publishers.
Carberry, E. J., Engelen, P. J., & Van Essen, M. (2018). Which Firms Get Punished for Unethical Behavior? Explaining Variation in Stock Market Reactions to Corporate Misconduct. Business Ethics Quarterly, 28(2), 119-151. https://doi.org/10.1017/beq.2017.46
Engelen, P. J., & Cassimon, D. (2018). Real Options. In A. Marciano, & G. Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_406-1

Professional publications

Carberry, E. J. (Author), Engelen, P. J. (Author), & van Essen, M. (Author). (2018). How the media influence investors’ reactions to corporate misconduct.. Web publication/site, LSE. http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2018/08/09/how-the-media-influence-investors-reactions-to-corporate-misconduct/


Professional publications

Engelen, P. J. (2017). De koersimpact van catastrofaal wangedrag van bedrijven. VBA Journaal, 33(130), 27-30.


Scholarly publications

Li, Y., Kool, C. J. M., & Engelen, P. J. (2016). Hydrogen-Fuel Infrastructure Investment with Endogenous Demand: A Real Options Approach. (U.S.E. Discussion paper series; Vol. 16, No. 12). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Engelen, P. J., Lander, M. W., & van Essen, M. (2016). What determines crime rates? An empirical test of integrated economic and sociological theories of criminal behavior. The Social Science Journal, 53(2), 247-262. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2015.09.001
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., & Van Liedekerke, L. (2016). When do Firms Invest in Corporate Social Responsibility? A Real Option Framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 137(1), 15-29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-015-2539-y
Engelen, P. J., Kool, C. J. M., & Li, Y. (2016). A Barrier Options Approach to Modeling Project Failure: The Case of Hydrogen Fuel Infrastructure. Resource and Energy Economics, 43, 33-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reseneeco.2015.10.001


Popularising publications

Engelen, P. J. (2015). Schaf het rijexamen af! De Standaard.

Other output

Engelen, P. J. (Author). (2015). Rijexamen is achterhaald. Web publication/site, Autoweek. http://www.autoweek.nl/nieuws/35445/hoogleraar-pleit-voor-afschaffen-rijexamen


Scholarly publications

Engelen, P-J. (2014). Financial Management. McGraw-Hill.
Engelen, P-J. (2014). Financial Architecture of the Firm. McGraw-Hill.
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., & Liedekerke, L. (2014). When Do Firms Invest in Corporate Social Responsibility? A Real Option Framework. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 14, No. 06). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Engelen, P-J., & Laveren, E. (2014). Financieel beheer voor KMO’s. Intersentia Publishers.

Popularising publications

Engelen, P-J. (2014). Man of vrouw, KPN ziet geen verschil. Trouw.


Scholarly publications

Li, Y., Engelen, P. J., & Kool, C. J. M. (2013). A Barrier Options Approach to Modeling Project Failure: The Case of Hydrogen Fuel Infrastructure. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute ; Vol. 13, No. 01). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Engelen, P. J., van Essen, M., & Carney, M. (2013). Does ‘good’ corporate governance help in a crisis? The impact of country- and firm-level governance mechanisms in the European financial crisis. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 21(3), 201-224.
Engelen, P. J. (2013). Bestuursraden: Effectiviteit, diversiteit en impact op ondernemingsprestaties. In W. H. van Boom, I. Giesen, & A. J. Verheij (Eds.), Capita Civilologie. Handboek Empirie en Privaatrecht (pp. 811-842). Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Engelen, P. J., & van Essen, M. (2013). The Impact of Firm-Level Corporate Governance and Country-level Economic Governance Institutions on R&D Curtailment during Crisis Times. In M. Ugur (Ed.), Governance, Regulation And Innovation: Theory And Evidence From Firms And Nations (pp. 58-85). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Sanders, M., Fuss, S., & Engelen, P. J. (2013). Mobilizing private funds for carbon capture and storage: An exploratory field study in the Netherlands. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 19, 595-605.
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., & Reyntjens, F. (2013). Rwanda’s involvement in Eastern DRC: A criminal real options approach. Crime, Law and Social Change, 59, 39-62. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-012-9397-7

Popularising publications

Engelen, P. J. (2013). Over de holding company discount van Quantas en een eventuele split-up van het bedrijf. Airline Business Magazine.


Scholarly publications

Engelen, P. J., van den Berg, A., & van der Laan, G. (2012). Board Diversity as a Shield during the Financial Crisis. In S. Boubaker, B. D. Nguyen, & D. K. Nguyen (Eds.), Corporate Governance: Recent Developments and New Trends (pp. 259-286). Springer.
Engelen, P. J. (2012). What Is the Reputational Cost of a Dishonest CEO? Evidence from US Illegal Insider Trading. CESifo Economic Studies, 58, 140-163.

Popularising publications

Engelen, P. J. (2012). Daling aantal patenten zorgelijk; Octrooideskundigen stellen dat innovatie in Nederland te afhankelijk is van enkele grote spelers. FD.
Engelen, P. J. (2012). De beursgang van facebook. HP/De Tijd.

Other output

Engelen, P. J. (Author). (2012). Beursgang Facebook of de kroniek van een aange-kondigde mislukking. Web publication/site http://www.mejudice.nl/artikelen/detail/beursgang-facebook-of-de-kroniek-van-een-aangekondigde-mislukking
Engelen, P. J. (Author), & Groot, L. F. M. (Author). (2012). Laat gelijkere toegang tot de Spelen ambitie zijn voor Amsterdam 2028. Web publication/site http://www.mejudice.nl/artikelen/detail/laat-gelijkere-toegang-tot-de-spelen-ambitie-zijn-voor-amsterdam-2028


Scholarly publications

Cassimon, D., De Backer, M., Engelen, P. J., van Wouwe, M., & Yordanov, V. (2011). Incorporating Technical Risk into a Compound Option Model to Value a Pharma R&D Licensing Opportunity. Research Policy, 40(9), 1200-1216.
Engelen, P. J. (2011). Legal versus Reputational Penalties in Deterring Corporate Misconduct. In D. Sunderland, & M. Ugur (Eds.), Does Governance Matter? Governance Institutions and Outcomes (pp. 71-95). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., & Yordanov, V. (2011). Compound Real Option Valuation with Phase-Specific Volatility: a Multi-phase Mobile Payments Case Study. Technovation, 31(5/6), 240-255.
Engelen, P. J., & van Essen, M. (2011). The Role of Financial Markets to Induce Corporate Responsibility. In W. Vandekerckhove, J. Leys, B. Scholtens, S. Signori, & H. Schäfer (Eds.), Responsible Investment in Times of Turmoil (Issues in Business Ethics Series) (pp. 55-74). Springer.

Popularising publications

Engelen, P. J. (2011). Voorrang geven aan vrouwelijke commissaris is weinig effectief. de Ondernemer.
Engelen, P. J. (2011). Waar is de risicovrije rentevoet gebleven. HP/De tijd.
Engelen, P. J. (2011). Het ene bedrijf is meer gebaat bij vrouwen in raden van bestuur dan het andere. Me Judice.
Engelen, P. J. (2011). Lang leve de short sellers. De Standaard.


Scholarly publications

Engelen, P. J. (2010). Editorial. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11(3)(Special Issue on “Family Firms), 221-222.
Engelen, P. J., & Liedekerke, L. (2010). Insider Trading. In Finance Ethics: Critical Issues in Theory and Practice (pp. 199-222). Wiley.
Engelen, P. J., & van Essen, M. (2010). Underpricing of IPOs: Firm-, Issue- and Country-Specific Characteristics. Journal of Banking and Finance, 34(8), 1958-1969.
Engelen, P. J., & Lannoo, K. (2010). Facing New Regulatory Frameworks in Securities Trading in Europe. Intersentia Publishers.

Professional publications

Engelen, P. J. (2010). Helft koersverlies BP lijkt reputatieschade. Me Judice, 16 augustu.

Other output

van der Laan, G., Engelen, P-J., & van den Berg, A. (2010, Nov). Samenstelling en Functioneren van de Raden van Commissarissen van Nederlandse Beursgenoteerde Vennootschappen in 2009. http://commissiecorporategovernance.nl/rapport-2010


Scholarly publications

Laveren, E., Engelen, P. J., Limere, A., & Vandemaele, S. (2009). Handboek Financieel Beheer, editie 3. Intersentia Publishers.

Professional publications

Bos, J. W. B., & Engelen, P. J. (2009). Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Credit Crisis But Were Afraid to Ask. AElementair, 8(1), 4-9.

Popularising publications

Engelen, P. J. (2009). The Benefits of CCS”, Letters to the Editor. The Economist.com.


Scholarly publications

Engelen, P. J., & Essen, M. (2008). Underpricing of IPOs and Legal Frameworks Around the World. Review of Law and Economics, 4, 419-441.

Popularising publications

Engelen, P. J. (2008). Karel De Gucht geniet het voordeel van de crisis. De Morgen.


Scholarly publications

Engelen, P. J., & Van Liederkerke, L. (2007). Insiderhandel mit Aktien. Ein neuer Blick auf die ethische Beurteilung. Amos : Internationale Zeitschrift für christliche Sozialethik, 2007(4), 10-18.
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., Thomassen, L., & van Wouwe, M. (2007). Closed-form Valuation of American Call-options with Multiple Dividends Using n-fold Compound Option Models. Financial Research Letters, 4, 33-48.
Engelen, P. J. (2007). Structural Problems in the Design of Market Abuse Regulations in the EU. The journal of interdisciplinary economics, 19, 57-82.
Engelen, P. J., & Van Liederkerke, L. (2007). The Ethics of Insider Trading Revisited. Journal of Business Ethics, 74(4), 497-507.


Scholarly publications

Engelen, P. J. (2006). Changes in the Securities Trading Landscape in Europe and the U.S. Journal of Network Industries, Competition and Regulation, 7(4), 1-11.
Engelen, P. J., Gomber, P., & Gsell, M. (2006). Facing New Regulatory Frameworks in Securities Trading. Journal of Network Industries, Competition and Regulation, 7(4), 41-50.
Engelen, P. J., & Liedekerke, L. (2006). An Ethical Analysis of Regulating Insider Trading. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 06, No. 05). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., & Yordanov, V. (2006). Decomposition of the Value of a Pharmaceutical Company. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 20(2), 87-97.
Engelen, P. J., Cassimon, D., & Yordanov, V. (2006). Decomposing the Value of a Pharmaceutical Firm. (RODEO Discussion Paper Series ed.) RODEO Research Center.
Engelen, P. J., & Kabir, R. (2006). Empirical Evidence on the Role of Trading Suspensions in Disseminating New Information to the Capital Market. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 33(7-8), 1142-1167.
Engelen, P. J. (2006). Difficulties in the Criminal Prosecution of Insider Trading – A Clinical Study of the Bekaert Case. European Journal of Law and Economics, 22, 121-141.
Engelen, P. J. (2006). An Economic Analysis of the Bekaert NV Insider Trading Case. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 06, No. 04). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.

Other output

Engelen, P. J. (2006). Session chairman: Finance, B&ESI 2006 Conference. Paper presented at Finance, B&ESI 2006 Conference, Firenze, Italy.


Scholarly publications

Engelen, P. J. (2005). Remedies to Information Asymmetries in Securities Markets. Interdentia.
Cassimon, D., & Engelen, P. J. (2005). The impact of the legal and institutional framework on the financial architecture of new economy firms in developing countries. Information Economics and Policy, 17(2), 247-269.

Other output

Engelen, P. J. (2005). Chairman of session “Regulation of Financial Markets”. Paper presented at 22nd Annual EALE Conference, Ljublijana, Slovenia.
Engelen, P. J. (2005). Trackleader of Track “Law and Finance”. Paper presented at 18th Scandinavian Academy of Management – NFF2005, Arhus, Denmark.


Scholarly publications

Cassimon, D., & Engelen, P. J. (2004). Legal and Institutional Barriers to the Financial Architecture of New Economy Firms in Developing Countries. In Proceedings of the SAM/ISFAM VIIth World Congress-Management in a World of Diversity and Change (pp. 71).
Engelen, P. J. (2004). Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Behavioral Finance, but Were Afraid to Ask. Global Business and Economics Review, 6, 305-309.
Cassimon, D., & Engelen, P. J. (2004). A Compound Option Valuation Model of R&D-intensive Pharmaceutical Companies. In Proceedings of Korus 2004 (pp. 209-212). Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., & van Wouwe, M. (2004). Opties in het kwadraat: Compound Opties herondekt. In S. Kesenne, & C. Reyns (Eds.), Kwantitatief Bekeken. Liber Amicorum Robert van Straelen (pp. 219-235). Garant.
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., Thomassen, L., & van Wouwe, M. (2004). Valuing New Drug Applications Using N-fold Compound Options. Research Policy, 33, 41-51.
Laveren, E., Engelen, P. J., & Limere, A. (2004). handboek Financieel beheer. Intersentia.
Engelen, P. J. (2004). Criminal Behavior: A Real Option Approach. With an Application to Restricting Illegal InsiderTrading. European Journal of Law and Economics, 17(3), 329-352.
Engelen, P. J. (2004). Legal Claim as a Compound Option. In Proceedings of 21th Annual Conference of EALE

Other output

Engelen, P. J. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility and Croation Managers: an Empirical Study. Paper presented at Business & Economics Society International 2004 Conference, Greece.


Scholarly publications

Engelen, P. J. (2003). Law and Finance - State of the Art. Ekonomia, 9, 118-131.
Cassimon, D., & Engelen, P. J. (2003). The New Frontiers of Corporate Finance. Global Business and Economics Review, 5, 1-9.
Engelen, P. J., & van Liedekerk, L. (2003). An Ethical Analysis of Regulating Isider Trading. In Book of Abstracts http://www.nff2003.hi.is/id/1002718
Cassimon, D., Engelen, P. J., Meersman, H., & van Wouwe, M. (2003). Investment, Uncertainty and Irreversibility: Evidence from Belgian Accounting Data. In Butzen, & Fuss (Eds.), Firms' Investment and Finance Decisions. Theory and Emperical Methodology Edward Elgar Publishing.
Engelen, P. J., & van Liedekerk, L. (2003). An Ethical Analysis of Regulating Insider Trading. In Papers and Abstract http://www.fondazionelanza.it/epa/abstract/engelen_full.pdf
Engelen, P. J. (2003). Underpricing of IPO's- Belgian Evidence. European Review of Economics and Finance, 2(1), 53-69.
Aernoudt, R., & Engelen, P. J. (2003). Belgian Yearbook Corporate Finance 2004. Intersentia Publishers.
Engelen, P. J. (2003). Regulating Insider Trading - An Ethical Consequentialist View. Mechanism of Economic Regulation, 139-155.
Engelen, P. J. (2003). Can Reputational Damage Restrict Illegal Insider Trading? European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 11(3), 253-263.
Engelen, P. J. (2003). Handel met Voorkennis: Belgische regelgeving onverenigbaar met Europese Richtlijn. Bank- en Financieel Recht, 1, 58-61.

Other output

Engelen, P. J. (2003). A Taxonomy of Derivatives - from Future to Credit Default Swaps. Paper presented at Workshop Derivatives: Derivation or Deviation?, Brussels.
Engelen, P. J. (2003). Chairman of Session 6. Paper presented at Money, Interest and Mortgages Rates, San Francisco.
Engelen, P. J. (2003). Moderator of the Roundtable. Paper presented at The New Frontiers of Corporate Finance, San Francisco.