Boards and Committees (selection of recent activities, bold is current):
Related to Utrecht University
Member of the Board of the department of Chemistry (2021-)
Academic Member group Sustainable Industry Lab (2020-)
Member of the Board of the Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science (2018-)
Chairman of the UU ERC grant proposal support committee for the faculties of Natural Science and Geosciences (2016-2017, 2022)
Electron Microscopy Steering Board (2020-)
Raad van Advies PAC symposium (Proton, 2017)
Program Board Utrecht University Pathways to Sustainability (2017-2018)
Mentor for colleagues at Utrecht University (2015-2016)
Member of the committee to select the best teacher and the best teacher talent of Utrecht University (Beste Docent) (2015-2020)
Director of the MSc program “Nanomaterials-Chemistry and Physics” at Utrecht University (UU) (2011-2014)
Lid van de Instituutsadviesraad (IAR) AMOLF (2021-)
Elected Member Royal Dutch Academy of Science (KNAW, Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie der Wetenschappen) (2018-)
Elected Member of the Royal Netherlands Society of Sciences (KHMW, Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) (2018-)
Adviesraad ECCM (Electrochemical Conversie en Materialen) een adviesraad van de samenwerkende topsectoren Chemie, Energie en Materialen (2017-)
(Vice) Chair Netherlands Catalysis Conference (2021-)
Board of the Netherlands Institute of Catalysis Research (NIOK) (2016-)
Member Dutch Chemical Society
Member Dutch Catalysis Society
World Petroleum Council - NL (2021-2022)
Voorzitter Jury NWO Athena Prijs (2017)
Materials for Sustainability Programm committee (2017)
Scientific Advisory Board TNO- Catalysis (2017-2021)
Board of the NWO studygroup Chemistry and Structure of Materials (2015-)
Lid van de programmaraad van de Topsector Chemie – Fonds Nieuwe Chemische Innovaties (TKI-NCI) (2014-2017)
Member of NWO-VICI jury committee – Natural and Geosciences (2017-)
Member of NWO-VIDI jury committee – division Chemical Sciences (2012-2015)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry - FRSC (UK), 2021-)
Editorial Board Journal of Physical Chemistry ABC (2021-)
Vice Chair Scientific Advisory Council of the Helmholtz Institute - Berlin, Germany (2020-)
Review panel NCCR Catalysis (Swiss National Science Foundation, 2021-)
International Strategic Advisory Committee Institut de Science des Matériaux (iMAT) - Sorbonne Université Paris (2021-)
Editorial Board Reaction Chemistry and Engineering (2019-)
International Energy Agency (IEA) - Task 40 - Energy storage and conversion based on hydrogen (2019-)
Member of the editorial Board of ChemCatChem (2017-)
International Advisory Board EOS (Belgium) (2022-)
Scientific Advisory Council of the Helmholtz Institute - Berlin, Germany (2016-2020)
Member of the EERA JP-FHC2 (2017-)
Member of the International Energy Agency Task 32 – “Hydrogen Based Energy Storage” (2013-209)
Member of the Management Committee of European COST Action “Nanostructured Materials for Solid State Hydrogen Storage” (2011-2017)
Member of the American Chemical Society
Member of the Materials Research Society
Involvement in the organisation of conferences (selection recent activities):
Scientific co-Chair IUPAC2023/CHAINS (to be held in the Hague, August 2023)
International Scientific Committe CARBOCAT conferences (2018-)
Organiser ECCM Graduate School Electrochemistry (2019-2022)
International Steering Team of the International Symposium on Metal Hydrogen Systems (2017-)
Organising committee CatPrep European Summer School on Catalyst Preparation, June 2019, Vogüé (France)
Organisational Committee IACIS2018 (2017-2018)
Scientific Advisory Board CIMTEC conference (2015-)
Abstract reviewer for the North American Catalysis Meeting (2017)
Co-organiser CatPrep European Summer School on Catalyst Preparation, May 2017, Vogüé (France)
Membership of professional societies:
Netherlands: Dutch Chemical Society, Dutch Catalysis Society
USA: American Chemical Society, Materials Research Society
Commissions of trust:
Regular reviewer for several journals, among which high impact journals such as:
Nature journals
Advanced Materials
Energy and Environmental Science
ACS Nano
Angewandte Chemie
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Regular reviewer and committee member for research proposals:
Nationally: NWO Vidi, NWO Vici, STW, ACTS, etc
European: ERC Consolidator grants, Marie Curie Grants, FET proposals, also consensus rapporteur
National European grants : Belgian (FWO), Swiss, British, Czech, Norwegian.
US: NSF, DOE, Evaluations Nat. Lab., University Researchers.
Other: South America, Israel, KACST (Saudi Arabia)