Media Presence (30/150)   

Oct 15, 2023. Deep Dive podcast on Feminist futures of work.

June 1, 2023. Interview with Development + Cooperation magazine on women and digital empowerment.

June 20, 2023. Interview for Rathenau Institute Report on ‘Health technology specifically for women: FemTech and the health gap.’

May 31, 2022. Podcast with Future Processing: Human-centrism & the cultural context of tech

Apr 6, 2022. Interview with MIT Technology Review for article Deception, exploited workers, and cash handouts: How Worldcoin recruited its first half a million test users

Mar 31, 2022. Interview with The Swaddle: Social Media Is Shaping Our Memory of Wars, Pandemic. What Will That Mean for History?

Nov 30, 2021. Fragile Futures podcast interview with Bianca Wylie. Dark Matters Lab and Future of Good

Nov 20, 2021. Times of India Article: Girls online have hacks against patriarchal wall. 

Oct 24, 2021. D+C Development + Cooperation article: The vast majority does not get any kind of sex education.

July 27, 2021. Recliner Designer podcast with Adobe UX team Lance Shields and Laura Herman.

June 25, 2021. Aawaz Next Billion Innovations podcast: Demystifying the NBU segment. 

Mar 11, 2021. Mashable Interview: What to expect when you're expecting 8 billion internet users

Mar 5, 2021. Rest of World Op Ed: AI isn’t going to save us: 

Nov 5, 2020. Financieele Dagblad (Financial Times, The Netherlands) on How do you reach a billion new customers? 'By Listening To Them' 

Oct 23, 2020. 99%Invisible Podcast, Radiotopia interview with Google on The next billion 

Mar 13, 2020. Quartz India interview on Inside the Chinese dating apps exploiting the loneliness of India’s men

Aug 26, 2019. Forbes named Payal Arora the “Next Billion champion” in their article 10,000 People In Copenhagen Are About To Determine A Better Future For You

Aug 1, 2019). Creative Next podcast on How AI and Automation will change the world

July 29, 2019. We the People NDTV Indian Television Talk Show: How is technology impacting Culture?

July 27, 2019.  Engaget: Hitting the Books: Modern surveillance and 'the science of happiness'

July 24, 2019. Strategy + Business: A new view of the fortune at the bottom of the digital pyramid

 July 7, 2019. El Confidential (Spanish) Interview on book: Why do they use the internet in poor countries? Same reasons as we do.

June 8, 2019. The Economist: How the pursuit of leisure drives internet use

May 14, 2019. The Nation: The Race for Global Internet Access Is Not a Zero-Sum Game: Payal Arora’s The Next Billion Users turns a critical eye to the humanitarian push to connect the globe. 

March 6, 2019. De Standaard (Dutch) Interview: That the poor use the internet primarily for entertainment? So what? 

March 8, 2019. Tech Crunch interview: Who are the next billion users and what do they want?

March 17, 2019. Podcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation –Spark Despite limited access, online habits in the developing world aren't that different from ours

March 27, 2019. FAZ Edition: Now the next billion users are online (German) 

March 22, 2019. Engineering & Technology Magazine (E&T): An uncomfortable challenge to the West’s collective superiority complex that questions the way we see technology in the connected world.

Jan 2019. The Boston Globe: The global poor go online for the same reasons you do by