Scholarly publications
Jiang, H., Li, M.
, Witte, P., Geertman, S., & Pan, H. (2025).
Urban Chatter: Exploring the Potential of ChatGPT-like and Generative AI in Enhancing Planning Support.
158, Article 105701. Advance online publication. Punt, E., Monstadt, J., Frank, S.
, & Witte, P. (2025).
Business-as-unusual: exploring port stakeholders' time tactics for mediating recent disruptions at the Port of Rotterdam.
Time and Society. Advance online publication. 2024
Scholarly publications
Snel, K., Priest, S.
, Hartmann, T., Witte, P., & Geertman, S. (2024).
Tailored Flood Risk Communication: Residents’ Perspectives as Starting Point.
Nature and Culture,
19(3), 297-327. Suprayoga, G. B., Witte, P., Zandvoort, M., Buizer, M.
, & Spit, T. (2024).
Contestations over scale frames regarding the sustainability of mega-infrastructure project development: The case of the Bali Mandara highway.
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development,
12(2), 221-237. 2023
Scholarly publications
Punt, E., Monstadt, J., Frank, S.
, & Witte, P. (2023).
Navigating cyber resilience in seaports: challenges of preparing for cyberattacks at the Port of Rotterdam.
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance,
25(4), 420-438. 2022
Scholarly publications
Chai, H., Witte, P., Geertman, S., & Ettema, D. (2022).
How do suburban residents organize their daily lives? A behavioural time–space analysis in Beijing, China.
Urban, Planning and Transport Research,
10(1), 396-411. Witte, P., Wiegmans, B.
, de Jong, T., & van Oort, F. (2022).
Shifting towards sustainability? Questioning the effectiveness of policymaking for intermodal freight transport.
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research,
11(2), 133-154. 2021
Scholarly publications
Jiang, H., Witte, P., & Geertman, S. (2021).
Smart Governance and COVID-19 Control in Wuhan, China. In S. C. M. Geertman, C. Pettit, R. Goodspeed, & A. Staffans (Eds.),
Urban Book Series (pp. 17-32). (Urban Book Series). Springer. Snel, K., Priest, S.
, Hartmann, T., Witte, P., & Geertman, S. (2021).
“Do the resilient things.” Residents’ perspectives on responsibilities for flood risk adaptation in England.
Journal of Flood Risk Management,
14(3), 1-14. Article e12727. 2020
Scholarly publications
Punt, E., Geertman, S. C. M., Afrooz, A.
, Witte, P. A., & Pettit, C. (2020).
Life is a scene and we are the actors: Assessing the usefulness of planning support theatres for smart city planning.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,
82, 1-12. Article 101485. Witte, P., Punt, E., & Geertman, S. (2020).
Smart governance in the making: integrating ‘smart’ in local spatial planning. In S. Geertman, & J. Stillwell (Eds.),
Handbook of planning support science (pp. 226-237). Edward Elgar Publishing. Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Delphine, D., Prakoso, Y.
, Witte, P. A., & Spit, T. J. M. (2019).
Scaling Up to Speed Up? A critical evaluation of programme management in Indonesian megaproject development.
International Journal of Project Organisation and Management,
11(3), 267-286. Delphine, D., Busquet, M. M., Santpoort, R. M., Witte, P. A., & Spit, T. J. M. (2019).
Living on the edge: identifying challenges of port expansion for local communities in developing countries, the case of Jakarta, Indonesia.
Ocean and Coastal Management,
171, 119-130. Yang, H., Dijst, M. J., Witte, P. A., van Ginkel, J. A., & Wang, J. (2019).
Comparing passenger flow and time schedule data to analyse High-Speed Railways and urban networks in China.
Urban Studies,
56(6), 1267-1287. 2018
Scholarly publications
Wiegmans, B., Champagne-Gélinas, A., Duchesne, S., Slack, B.
, & Witte, P. A. (2018).
Rail and road freight transport network efficiency of Canada, member states of the EU, and the USA.
Research in Transportation Business and Management,
28, 54-65., H., Dobruzkes, F., Wang, J.
, Dijst, M. J., & Witte, P. A. (2018).
Comparing China’s urban systems in high-speed railway and airline networks.
Journal of Transport Geography,
68, 233-244. Rindrasih, E., Hartmann, T., Witte, P. A., Spit, T. J. M., & Zoomers, E. B. (2018).
Travelling without a helmet: Tourists’ Vulnerabilities and Responses to Disasters in Indonesia.
Disasters Journal,
42(4), 782-803. Witte, P. A., Slack, B., Keesman, M., Jugie, J.-H., & Wiegmans, B. (2018).
Facilitating start-ups in port-city innovation ecosystems: A case study of Montreal and Rotterdam.
Journal of Transport Geography,
71, 224-234. Professional publications
Huck, A., Liedtke, I., & Witte, P. A. (2018). Innovationsmanagement in großen Hafenstädten: das Beispiel Rotterdam. Geografische Rundschau, 2018(3), 26-29.
Scholarly publications
de Wijs, L., Witte, P. A., de Klerk, D., & Geertman, S. C. M. (2017). Does activity fullfil aspiration? A contextual comparison of smart city applications in practice. In Planning Support Systems for Smarter Urban Futures (pp. 491-503). Springer.
van Straalen, F. M., Witte, P. A., & Buitelaar, E. (2017).
Self-organisation in Oosterwold, Almere: challenges with public goods and externalities.
Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie,
108(4), 503-511. 2016
Scholarly publications
Witte, P. A., & Spit, T. J. M. (2016).
Challenges for Corridors: Future Perspectives on European Corridor Development. In H. Drewello, & B. Scholl (Eds.),
Integrated Spatial and Transport Infrastructure Development: The Case of the European North-South Corridor Rotterdam-Genoa (pp. 99-114). Article 6 (Contributions to Economics). Springer. Professional publications
Keesman, M., & Witte, P. A. (2016). Havenstad Rotterdam: dé vestigingsplaats voor innovatieve startups? .
Other output
van Oosten, T., Witte, P. A., & Hartmann, T. (2016). Active land policy in small municipalities in the Netherlands: ‘We don’t do it, unless…’. Abstract from PLPR, Bern, Switzerland.
Witte, P. A., van Oort, F. G., Spit, T. J. M., & Wiegmans, B. (2016). Regional clustering and agglomeration externalities of inland ports: a statistical analysis of Dutch inland ports. Paper presented at WCTR, Shanghai, China.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Witte, P. A. (2015). INTERREG IVB NWE PROJECT CODE24: Action 16: Inland ports development. Final Report. CODE24.
Scholarly publications
Witte, P., & Spit, T. (2014).
Sectoral drawbacks in transport: Towards a new analytical framework on European transport corridors. In I. Lami (Ed.),
Analytical Decision-Making Methods for Evaluating Sustainable Transport in European Corridors (Vol. 11, pp. 47-61). (SxI - Springer for Innovation/SxI-Springer per l'Innovazione; Vol. 11). Springer. Witte, P., Wiegmans, B.
, van Oort, F., & Spit, T. (2014).
Governing inland ports: A multi-dimensional approach to addressing inland port-city challenges in European transport corridors.
Journal of Transport Geography,
36, 42-52. 2013
Scholarly publications
Witte, P. A., van Oort, F. G., Wiegmans, B.
, & Spit, T. J. M. (2013).
Capitalizing on spatiality in European transport corridors.
Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie,
104(4), 510-517. 2012
Scholarly publications
Witte, P. A., Wiegmans, B.
, van Oort, F. G., & Spit, T. J. M. (2012).
Chokepoints in corridors: Perspectives on bottlenecks in the European transport network.
Research in Transportation Business & Management,
5, 57-66. Professional publications
Professional publications
Other output
Buitelaar, E.
, Witte, P. A., & Spit, T. J. M. (2011).
The costs and benefits of land development A multivariate analysis into the effects of location factors. Poster session presented at 18th ERES Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Professional publications
van Rietbergen, A., Brinkman, M., Kuypers, S., Rammos, I.
, & Witte, P. A. (2008).
Evolutionaire geografie. Blijvertje of modegrill? Geografie,