Scholarly publications
Sahin, O. (2024).
On being different: Exploring the relationship between dissimilarity and social inclusion in the workplace. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University. 2019
Scholarly publications
Sahin, O., van der Toorn, J., Jansen, W. S., Boezeman, E. J.
, & Ellemers, N. (2019).
Looking Beyond Our Similarities: How Perceived (In)Visible Dissimilarity Relates to Feelings of Inclusion at Work.
Frontiers in Psychology,
10, Article 575. 2018
Scholarly publications
Sahin, O. (2018). Dealing with differences at work: How (in)visible dissimilarity relates to employees’ feelings of inclusion. Poster session presented at KLI conference, Zeist, Netherlands.
Professional publications
Sahin, O. (2018). Looking Beyond Our Similarities: How Perceived (In)Visible Dissimilarity Relates to Feelings of Inclusion at Work. Poster session presented at ASPO conference 2018, Nijmegen, Netherlands.