Inequality in society is a broad problem that plays out in all sorts of areas. In my research, I focus on two areas: 1) the workplace and 2) within relationships.


Diversity and inclusion are hot topics in organizations. This often refers to unequal treatment of people, such as in opportunities for work or promotion, how colleagues interact with each other, and how organizations deal with the needs of their employees. I primarily conduct research from the perspective of the minority: how does the feeling of being 'different' from the majority play a role in feelings of inclusion? On how many and which characteristics do these people feel different? Do these people have the idea that they can be authentic? Does the group give them a sense of belonging?


Women are often responsible for household chores and child care, while men are often responsible for the majority of the income. This is not always a division of tasks that people are satisfied with, and it can also lead to inequality:

- Women who are responsible for the majority of the income are often also responsible for care and household chores, which puts extra strain on them.
- Women who work little and rely on their partner's income can get into financial trouble in case of a divorce.
- Men who are less involved in child care, especially with newborns, do not form as good a bond with their child.

In my research, I develop and test an intervention that allows future parents to divide responsibilities more to their liking. The goal of the intervention is to provide couples with skills to be able to discuss how responsibilities are divided in the household, so that the role of societal expectations about what a man or woman should do is minimized in redistributing (un)paid work.