Scholarly publications
Kosters, O., van Egdom, G. M. W., & Declercq, C. (2024).
"Can make mistakes": Prompting ChatGPT to Enhance Literary MT output. In
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Creative-text Translation and Technology (pp. 10-20). European Association for Machine Translation. Kosters, O. (2024). “Analogous scenes are occasionally, if not often, met with”: Three Dutch Translations of “Eumaeus”. Paper presented at Across the waters, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Kosters, O. (2024). VI (G)een potje schaken, r. 139-172: The Waste Land, deel II (derde tafereel). Webfilter.
Professional publications
Kosters, O. (2024). Vissen naast de dichter. Awater, 23(3), 10-11.
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. (2023). Transformatie is het parool: H.C. ten Berge en de poëzie in vertaling. In P. Gerbrandy, M. Sanders, & C. De Strycker (Eds.), H.C. ten Berge handboek (pp. 222-230). Poëziecentrum.
Kosters, O. (2023). De eigenstandige ruïne: Een nieuwe vertaling van The Waste Land. Filter. Tijdschrift over vertalen, 30(1), 111-122.
Kosters, O. (2023). “Give Us a Squint at that Literature, Grandfather” (U 16.1669): On First Looking into Joyce’s Ulysses. James Joyce Literary Supplement, 36(1), 111-112.
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. (2022). De ruïne opnieuw: Een herziene en een nieuwe vertaling van The Waste Land. Filter. Tijdschrift over vertalen, 29(4), 115-132.
Kosters, O. (2022). Dante and the Letters: A Desccent into Samuel Beckett's Correspondences. In G. Cascio (Ed.), Rivolti al monte : Studi sul Purgatorio dantesco (pp. 177-193). Marsilio Editori.
Kosters, O. (2022). "'(pron. ane bloom'): An Irish Writer in the Netherlands (the Early Years). Paper presented at JAMES JOYCE: ULYSSES 1922–2022
, Dublin, Ireland.
Kosters, O. R. (2022). Pre-echoing the Bones: Samuel Beckett’s Poetry Translations, 1929-1935. In J. Brophy, & W. Davies (Eds.), Samuel Beckett's Poetry Cambridge University Press.
Professional publications
Kosters, O. (2022). De tijd is een moeder. Hollands Diep.
Popularising publications
Kosters, O. (2022). 'Vreemd van techniek is dit boek': De ontvangst van James Joyce in Nederland, 1918-1941. De Parelduiker, 27(3), 2-21.
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. (2021). “The spirit moving him” (U 16.1456): Joyce’s Kardec. Paper presented at 27th International James Joyce Symposium.
Kosters, O. (2021). Dante and the Letters: A Descent in Beckett's Correspondence(s). Paper presented at Toward the Mountain:.
Kosters, O. (2021).
Stopped in Holland: Samuel Beckett in Dutch Translation. In J. F. Fernández, & P. Sardin (Eds.),
Translating Samuel Beckett around the World (1 ed., pp. 41-60). (New Interpretations of Beckett in the Twenty-First Century). Palgrave Macmillan. Kosters, O. (2021). Translated by the feelings that we had: The Prelude in vertaling. Filter. Tijdschrift over vertalen, 28(1), 91-103.
Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (2020). ‘Die lange opname’: The Long Take in vertaling. Filter, 27(1), 36-39.
Cascio, G. (Ed.), Marcheschi, D. (Ed.), Kosters, O. R., & Speelman, R. M. (2020). Saggi: Giuseppe Baretti: an Italian Mind, a European Writer. Kamen'. Rivista di poesia e filosofia, XXIX(56), 73-115.
Kosters, O. R. (2020). “Perhaps the less we quarrel, the more we hate”: Joseph Baretti’s Second Sojourn in Britain (1766-1789). Kamen'. Rivista di poesia e filosofia, XXIX(56), 77-98.
Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (2019). Ich weiss nicht, was soll es besdeuten. In C. Koster, & E. Van der Knaap (Eds.), Teksten in beweging: Over vertaling, vertalers en literatuur (pp. 176-181). Uitgeverij Vantilt.
Kosters, O. R. (2019). Bless James Joyce: Re-reading Wyndham Lewis's Attack on Joyce. In M. Tortora, & A. Volpone (Eds.), Borders of Modernism (pp. 23-42). (European Modernism; Vol. 5).
Kosters, O. R. (2019). De regels voorbij: Het vertalen van poëzie. In L. D'Hulst, & C. Van de Poel (Eds.), Alles verandert: Opstellen over het vertalen van literatuur (pp. 169-182). Leuven University Press.
Professional publications
Kosters, O. R., Bennis, H., Pröpper, H., Heyvaert, L.
, Rigney, A., Perez, T., Van Bockstal, K., Blom, C., Nicolaas, M., & Schelhaas, G. (2019).
VerTALEN voor de toekomst: Een nieuw vertaalpleidooi. Expertisecentrum Literair Vertalen (ELV). 2018
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (2018). Geworstel met een dode taal: Samuel Becketts All That Fall. Filter, 25(3), 49-54.
Kosters, O. R. (2018). De beestjes en hun namen: Derek Walcotts Omeros. Filter, 25(1), 46-51.
Professional publications
Kosters, O. R., (TRANS.) (2018). The New Jerusalem. (Nexus library; Vol. 12). Nexus.
Popularising publications
Kosters, O. R. (2018). Waarvan akte. Atlas Contact.
Scholarly publications
Popularising publications
Kosters, O. R., & Andeweg, A. (Eds.) (2017). Dichterbijen / Poet Bees: Carol Ann Duffy in Utrecht. Het Literatuurhuis.
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (Ed.) (2016). A long the Krommerun: Selected Papers of the XXIV International James Joyce Symposium. (European Joyce Studies; Vol. 24). Brill.
Professional publications
Kosters, O. R. (2016). Verses en Sheaves: Gertrude Pape en Theo van Baaren. In Gertrude pape, Verses by a female Robinson; Theo van Baaren, A sheaf of simple poems (pp. 46-19). De Utrechtse Boekhoudpers.
Other output
Kosters, O. R. (2016). Running “the gantelope of sense and nonsense”: Echo’s Bones in the 1930s. Paper presented at Beckett and Modernism, Antwerp, Belgium.
Kosters, O. R. (2016). Bless James Joyce: Re-reading Wyndham Lewis's Attack on Joyce. Paper presented at Borders of Modernism, Perugia, Italy.
Kosters, O. R. (2016). From “little pills like putty” to “three smoking globes of turd”: ‘Eumaeus’ as a Writers’ Lab”. Paper presented at XXV International James Joyce Symposium, London, United Kingdom.
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (2015). De verlamming verraden, of: Hoe James Joyce de Ierse beschaving hielp vormgeven. Vooys, 33(1), 18-28.
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (2014).
“Wafts of what conspired”: Seamus Heaney’s District and Circle and the Holocaust.
Journal of Modern Literature,
37(3), 146-160. Kosters, O. R. (2014). A Word List to James Joyce's Pomes Penyeach. Hypermedia Joyce Studies, 13.
Kosters, O. R. (2014). “Bella Poetria!” (U 16.346): Rereading the Poetic in Joyce’s Prose and the Prosaic in his Poetry. Hypermedia Joyce Studies, 13.
Professional publications
Kosters, O., (TRANS.), Foulds, A., & van der Vegt, H., (TRANS.) (2014). Het gebroken woord. Atlas Contact.
Popularising publications
Kosters, O. (2014). Vangst. Atlas Contact.
Other output
Kosters, O. (2014). Paralysis Betrayed, or: How Joyce Promoted the Course of Civilisation in Ireland. Paper presented at 100 Dubliners, London, United Kingdom.
Professional publications
Kosters, O. R. (2013). District en Circle. Meulenhoff.
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (2012). Hoe Joyce terugkeerde in Ulysses: Mijn ervaringen, om maar wat te noemen, in Ulixes. Filter, 19(4), Article 1.
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (2011). Martinus Nijhoffs Awater. Filter, 18.
Other output
Kosters, O. R. (2011). Voorzitter panel 22e International James Joyce Symposium, Prague, June 2010. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (2010). Not-So-Smooth Operator: Having the Nerves in “Eumaeus”. In M. Groden, D. Spurr, & D. Vichnar (Eds.), PRAHARFEAST: Proceedings of the XXII International James Joyce Symposium Litteraria Pragensia/Syracuse University Press.
Kosters, O. R. (2010). "I Tell You Nothing Is Known!" Watt As Beckett's Parting With Joyce. Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui, 21, 193-208.
Professional publications
Kosters, O. R. (2010). Gedoe:Hanz Mirck's vertaling van Seamus Heaney's Dictrict and Circle. Filter, 17, 74-79.
Kosters, O. R. (2010). Richard Brown, ed. A Companion to James Joyce. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007. The European English messenger, 19, 65-69.
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R., Vervliet, J. B., & Feenstra, F. (2009). Hugo Grotius Mare Liberum 1609-2009 Original Latin Text and English Translation. Brill.
Other output
Kosters, O. R. (2009). Web publication/site, eigen beheer; gelieerd aan Dept Engels. 2008
Professional publications
Other output
Kosters, O. R. (2008). Co-coördinator workshop Intertextuality. Paper presented at The Ninth International Conference of the European Society for the Study of English, Aarhus, Denemarken.
Scholarly publications
Kosters, O. R. (1999). Ending in process. Final sections in James Joyce's prose fictions. [Doctoral thesis 2 (Research NOT UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht].