Highlighted publications

Saar, O. P. (2017). Jewish Love Magic: From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity; Vol. 6). Brill.
Saar, O. P., Bhayro, S., Levene, D., & Ford, J. N. (2018). Aramaic Magic Bowls in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin: Descriptive List and Edition of Selected Texts. (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity; Vol. 7). Brill.
Rutgers, L. V., & Saar, O. P. (Eds.) (2023). Letters in the Dust: The Epigraphy and Archaeology of Medieval Jewish Cemeteries. (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion; Vol. 23). Peeters.



Scholarly publications

Saar, O.-P., & Peled, I. (2024). Spells for Separation and the Dog-Pig Symbolism from Mesopotamia to the Cairo Geniza: Submitted to journal. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Saar, O.-P., & van Eijnatten, J. (2024). Computing Angel Names in Jewish Magic. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Saar, O.-P. (2024). Gender and the Mesopotamian Incantation Bowls. Aramaic Studies, 22(2), 176-199. https://doi.org/10.1163/17455227-bja10055
Saar, O.-P. (Accepted/In press). Men, Women and Children? Some Gender Aspects in Mesopotamian Incantation Bowls. In A. Warren, & J. S. Mokhtarian (Eds.), The Aramaic Incantation Bowls in Their Late Antique Jewish Contexts (Brown Judaic Studies). Brown University.
Saar, O. P. (2024). Cursing Beyond the Grave: Imprecations and Jewish Funerary Culture in Antiquity. Entangled Religions, 13(6), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.46586/er.13.2024.11576


Scholarly publications

Saar, O.-P. (2023). Sensorial Aspects of Jewish Funerary Culture in Late Antiquity. Paper presented at European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS) 12th Congress, Frankfurt, Germany.
Saar, O.-P., & van Eijnatten, J. (2023). Computing Angel Names in Jewish Magic. Paper presented at ADHO Digital Humanities Conference 2023, Graz, Austria. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8148465
van Eijnatten, J., & Saar, O.-P. (2023). Mining Angels in Jewish and Coptic Magic Texts. Paper presented at DH Benelux 2023, Brussels, Belgium. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7949674
Saar, O. P. (2023). Cruel and Unusual: Atypical Demise in Jewish Funerary Inscriptions. In O.-P. Saar, & L. Rutgers (Eds.), Letters in the Dust: The Epigraphy and Archaeology of Medieval Jewish Cemeteries (pp. 65-96). (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion; Vol. 23). Peeters.
Rutgers, L. V., & Saar, O. P. (Eds.) (2023). Letters in the Dust: The Epigraphy and Archaeology of Medieval Jewish Cemeteries. (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion; Vol. 23). Peeters.


Scholarly publications

Saar, O.-P., Cherkashina, A., & Cherkashin, D. (2022). Syriac Spells for a Mill and Their Historical Context. Scrinium, 18, 49-84. https://doi.org/10.1163/18177565-bja10062
Saar, O. P. (2022). Jewish Magical Practices. In O. Leaman (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Jewish Ritual and Practice Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003032823-43


Scholarly publications

Saar, O.-P. (2021). The PEACE Portal - Revisiting the Sea of Stone. 1-21. Paper presented at DH Benelux 2021, Netherlands. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4889489
Saar, O. P. (2021). PEACE: The Portal of Jewish Funerary Culture. 1-2. Paper presented at #DHJewish: Jewish Studies in the Digital Age, Luxembourg. https://doi.org/10.26226/morressier.5fd8d8c83d762219be34f4fb
Saar, O. P. (2021). Review of Michael Blömer and Rubina Raja, Funerary Portraiture in Greater Roman Syria. Bryn Mawr Classical Review. https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2021/2021.03.09/
Saar, O. P. (2021). Book Review: Attilio Mastrocinque, Joseph E. Sanzo, and Marianna Scapini (eds.), Ancient Magic: Then and Now (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 74), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020. 451 pages, 53 b/w illustrations. ISBN 978-3-515-12796-7 (Print), ISB. Scripta Classica Israelica, 40, 213-215. https://scriptaclassica.org/index.php/sci/article/view/5877


Scholarly publications

Saar, O. P. (2020). PEACE: Portal of Epigraphy, Archaeology, Conservation and Education on Jewish Funerary Culture. Web publication/site, Utrecht University. https://peace.sites.uu.nl/
Saar, O. P. (2020). Calendars: Jewish Traditions and Practices in the Medieval World. In M. Heiduk, K. Herbers, & H.-C. Lehner (Eds.), Prognostication in the Medieval World: A Handbook (pp. 633-635). (De Gruyter Reference). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110499773-035
Saar, O. P. (2020). Review of Christopher A. Faraone, The Transformation of Greek Amulets in Roman Imperial Times. Ancient West & East, 19, 381-383. https://doi.org/10.2143/AWE.19.0.3288569
Saar, O. P. (2020). Divination and Prognostication in the Cairo Genizah. In M. Heiduk, K. Herbers, & H.-C. Lehner (Eds.), Prognostication in the Medieval World: A Handbook (pp. 746-751). (De Gruyter Reference). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110499773-047


Scholarly publications

Saar, O. P. (2019). Review of Karen B. Stern, Writing on the Wall: Graffiti and the Forgotten Jews of Antiquity. Sehepunkte, 19(2). http://www.sehepunkte.de/2019/02/32183.html

Professional publications

Saar, O. P. (2019). Fire Symbolism in Late-Antique and Medieval Jewish Love Magic. Groniek, 220, 311-321.


Scholarly publications

Saar, O. P., Bhayro, S., Levene, D., & Ford, J. N. (2018). Aramaic Magic Bowls in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin: Descriptive List and Edition of Selected Texts. (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity; Vol. 7). Brill.
Saar, O. P. (2018). Mesopotamian Double-Jar Burials and Incantation Bowls. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 138(4), 863-873.


Scholarly publications

Saar, O. P. (2017). Jewish Love Magic: From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity; Vol. 6). Brill.


Scholarly publications

Saar, O. P. (2016). Review of Antonio E. Felle and Anita Rocco (eds.), Off the Beaten Track: Epigraphy at the Borders, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.12.30. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (2016.12.30). http://www.bmcreview.org/2016/12/20161230.html


Scholarly publications

Saar, O. P. (2015). Incantations, Judaism. In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception De Gruyter. http://www.degruyter.com/view/EBR/MainLemma_14338
Saar, O. P. (2015). Review of Shaul Shaked et al., Aramaic Bowl Spells vol. 1. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 110(4-5), 324-326. https://doi.org/10.1515/olzg-2015-0132
Saar, O. P., & Bohak, G. (2015). Genizah Magical Texts Prepared for or against Named Individuals. Revue des études Juives, 174(1), 77-110. http://poj.peeters-leuven.be/content.php?url=article&id=3082879&journal_code=REJ
Saar, O.-P. (2015). A Study in Conceptual Parallels: Graeco-Roman Binding Spells and Babylonian Incantation Bowls. Aramaic Studies, 13(1), 24-53. http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/17455227-01301004


Scholarly publications

Saar, O. P. (2014). Review of Michael D. Swartz, The Signifying Creator: Nontextual Sources of Meaning in Ancient Judaism. Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period, 45(1), 140-141. http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/15700631-12340049?showFullText=pdf
Saar, O. P. (2014). A Genizah Magical Fragment and Its European Parallels. The journal of Jewish studies, 65(2), 1-26. http://www.jjs-online.net/archives/article/3182


Scholarly publications

Saar, O. P. (2013). Review of Grazia Maria Masselli, Riflessi di magia: virtù e virtuosismi della parola in Roma antica. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2013.05.29. http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2013/2013-05-29.html
Saar, O. P. (2013). וישרוף לבו עליה: מוטיב השריפה במגיית האהבה מגניזת קהיר (May His Heart Burn after Her: The Motif of Fire in Love Spells from the Cairo Genizah). Pe'amim, 133-134, 209-239. https://www.academia.edu/3645347/The_Motif_of_Fire_in_Love_Spells_from_the_Cairo_Genizah_in_Hebrew_
Saar, O. P. (2013). An Incantation Bowl for Sowing Discord. Journal of Semitic Studies, 58(2), 241-256. http://jss.oxfordjournals.org/content/58/2/241.full.pdf+html


Popularising publications

Saar, O. P. (2010). Some Observations on Jewish Love Magic: The Importance of Cultural Specificity. Societas Magica Newsletter, 24(2), 1-4. http://www.societasmagica.org/userfiles/files/Newsletters/docs/SMN_Fall_2010_Issue_24.pdf
Saar, O. P. (2010). Magic in the Cairo Genizah. In F. Vukosavovic (Ed.), Angels and Demons: Jewish Magic through the Ages (pp. 146). Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem.
Saar, O. P. (2010). Jewish Magic in Eretz-Israel during Late Antiquity and the Byzantine Period. In F. Vukosavovic (Ed.), Angels and Demons: Jewish Magic through the Ages (pp. 16-21). Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem.


Scholarly publications

Fischer, M., & Saar, O. P. (2007). A Magical Mirror Plaque from Yavneh Yam. Israel Exploration Journal, 57(1), 83-86. https://www.jstor.org/stable/27927157