Highlighted publications
Saar, O. P. (2017). Jewish Love Magic: From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity; Vol. 6). Brill.
Saar, O. P., Bhayro, S., Levene, D., & Ford, J. N. (2018). Aramaic Magic Bowls in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin: Descriptive List and Edition of Selected Texts. (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity; Vol. 7). Brill.
Rutgers, L. V., & Saar, O. P. (Eds.) (2023). Letters in the Dust: The Epigraphy and Archaeology of Medieval Jewish Cemeteries. (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion; Vol. 23). Peeters.
Scholarly publications
Saar, O.-P., & Peled, I. (2024). Spells for Separation and the Dog-Pig Symbolism from Mesopotamia to the Cairo Geniza: Submitted to journal. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Saar, O.-P., & van Eijnatten, J. (2024). Computing Angel Names in Jewish Magic. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Saar, O.-P. (Accepted/In press). Men, Women and Children? Some Gender Aspects in Mesopotamian Incantation Bowls. In A. Warren, & J. S. Mokhtarian (Eds.), The Aramaic Incantation Bowls in Their Late Antique Jewish Contexts (Brown Judaic Studies). Brown University.
Scholarly publications
Saar, O.-P. (2023). Sensorial Aspects of Jewish Funerary Culture in Late Antiquity. Paper presented at European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS) 12th Congress, Frankfurt, Germany.
Saar, O.-P., & van Eijnatten, J. (2023).
Computing Angel Names in Jewish Magic. Paper presented at ADHO Digital Humanities Conference 2023, Graz, Austria.
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8148465 Saar, O. P. (2023). Cruel and Unusual: Atypical Demise in Jewish Funerary Inscriptions. In O.-P. Saar, & L. Rutgers (Eds.), Letters in the Dust: The Epigraphy and Archaeology of Medieval Jewish Cemeteries (pp. 65-96). (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion; Vol. 23). Peeters.
Rutgers, L. V., & Saar, O. P. (Eds.) (2023). Letters in the Dust: The Epigraphy and Archaeology of Medieval Jewish Cemeteries. (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion; Vol. 23). Peeters.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Saar, O. P. (2021).
Book Review: Attilio Mastrocinque, Joseph E. Sanzo, and Marianna Scapini (eds.), Ancient Magic: Then and Now (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 74), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020. 451 pages, 53 b/w illustrations. ISBN 978-3-515-12796-7 (Print), ISB.
Scripta Classica Israelica,
40, 213-215.
https://scriptaclassica.org/index.php/sci/article/view/5877https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/416141/Saar_Review_of_Mastrocinque_Sanzo_and_Scapini_Ancient_Magic_Then_and_Now.pdf?sequence=1 2020
Scholarly publications
Saar, O. P. (2020).
PEACE: Portal of Epigraphy, Archaeology, Conservation and Education on Jewish Funerary Culture. Web publication/site, Utrecht University.
https://peace.sites.uu.nl/ Saar, O. P. (2020).
Calendars: Jewish Traditions and Practices in the Medieval World. In M. Heiduk, K. Herbers, & H.-C. Lehner (Eds.),
Prognostication in the Medieval World: A Handbook (pp. 633-635). (De Gruyter Reference). De Gruyter.
https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110499773-035 Saar, O. P. (2020).
Divination and Prognostication in the Cairo Genizah. In M. Heiduk, K. Herbers, & H.-C. Lehner (Eds.),
Prognostication in the Medieval World: A Handbook (pp. 746-751). (De Gruyter Reference). De Gruyter.
https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110499773-047 2019
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Saar, O. P. (2019). Fire Symbolism in Late-Antique and Medieval Jewish Love Magic. Groniek, 220, 311-321.
Scholarly publications
Saar, O. P., Bhayro, S., Levene, D., & Ford, J. N. (2018). Aramaic Magic Bowls in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin: Descriptive List and Edition of Selected Texts. (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity; Vol. 7). Brill.
Saar, O. P. (2018). Mesopotamian Double-Jar Burials and Incantation Bowls. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 138(4), 863-873.
Scholarly publications
Saar, O. P. (2017). Jewish Love Magic: From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity; Vol. 6). Brill.
Scholarly publications
Saar, O. P. (2016).
Review of Antonio E. Felle and Anita Rocco (eds.), Off the Beaten Track: Epigraphy at the Borders, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.12.30. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (2016.12.30).
http://www.bmcreview.org/2016/12/20161230.html 2015
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Popularising publications
Saar, O. P. (2010). Magic in the Cairo Genizah. In F. Vukosavovic (Ed.), Angels and Demons: Jewish Magic through the Ages (pp. 146). Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem.
Saar, O. P. (2010). Jewish Magic in Eretz-Israel during Late Antiquity and the Byzantine Period. In F. Vukosavovic (Ed.), Angels and Demons: Jewish Magic through the Ages (pp. 16-21). Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem.
Scholarly publications