Highlighted publications
Alakavuklar, O. (2024). Organizing food, faith and freedom: Imagining alternatives. Bristol University Press.
Alakavuklar, O. N., Barros, A., Jammulamadaka, N., & Peredo, A. M. (2023).
A World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Storytelling: Set 1: Corporate and Business Strategies of Business Storytelling Volume 3: Business Storytelling and Postcolonialism. World Scientific Publishing Co.
https://doi.org/10.1142/13336-vol3 Alakavuklar, O., Zanoni, P., Kramer, S., Loos, E., Loyens, K., & Rahmouni Elidrissi, Y. (2024).
‘Organising Social Impact’ Master’s Programme as ‘Critical Praxis’ to Transform the University and Society. In E. Weik, C. Land, & R. Hartz (Eds.),
The Handbook of Organizing Economic, Ecological and Societal Transformation (pp. 69-86). De Gruyter.
Scholarly publications
Alakavuklar, O. (2024). Organizing food, faith and freedom: Imagining alternatives. Bristol University Press.
Alakavuklar, O., Zanoni, P., Kramer, S., Loos, E., Loyens, K., & Rahmouni Elidrissi, Y. (2024).
‘Organising Social Impact’ Master’s Programme as ‘Critical Praxis’ to Transform the University and Society. In E. Weik, C. Land, & R. Hartz (Eds.),
The Handbook of Organizing Economic, Ecological and Societal Transformation (pp. 69-86). De Gruyter.
https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110986945-004 2023
Scholarly publications
Alakavuklar, O. N., Barros, A., Jammulamadaka, N., & Peredo, A. M. (2023).
A World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Storytelling: Set 1: Corporate and Business Strategies of Business Storytelling Volume 3: Business Storytelling and Postcolonialism. World Scientific Publishing Co.
https://doi.org/10.1142/13336-vol3 Zanoni, P., & Alakavuklar, O. (2023).
Beyond workplace democracy: Prefiguring non-capitalist social reproduction within Marx’s communist horizon.
Studi Organizizzativi,
2, 162-193.
https://doi.org/10.3280/SO2023-002008 2022
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Feola, G., Alakavuklar, O., Hassler-Forest, D., Rahmouni Elidrissi, Y., & Zanoni, P. (2021). Introducing AndersUtrecht. Web publication/site, Ontgroei.
Prasad, A., Centeno, A., Rhodes, C., Nisar, M. A., Taylor, S., Tienari, J.
, & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2021).
What are men's roles and responsibilities in the feminist project for gender egalitarianism? Gender, Work and Organization,
28(4), 1579-1599.
Scholarly publications
Crook, N.
, Alakavuklar, O. N., & Bathurst, R. (2020).
Leader, “know yourself”: bringing back self-awareness, trust and feedback with a theory O perspective.
Journal of Organizational Change Management,
34(2), 350-365.
https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-05-2020-0131Alamgir, F.
, & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2020).
Compliance Codes and Women Workers’ (Mis)representation and (Non)recognition in the Apparel Industry of Bangladesh.
Journal of Business Ethics,
165(2), 295-310.
Scholarly publications
Prichard, C.
, & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2019).
Changing the Critique: from critical management studies to activist scholarship. In
The Oxford Handbook of Management Ideas (pp. 472-491). (The Oxford Handbook of Management Ideas). Oxford University Press.
https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198794219.013.26Parker, J.
, & Alakavuklar, O. (2019).
Social Movement Unionism as Union-Civil Alliances: A Democratizing Force? The New Zealand Case.
Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations,
73(4), 784-813.
Scholarly publications
Ruth, D., Wilson, S.
, Alakavuklar, O., & Dickson, A. (2018).
Anxious academics: talking back to the audit culture through collegial, critical and creative autoethnography.
Culture and Organization,
24(2), 154-170.
Scholarly publications
Alakavuklar, O. N., Dickson, A. G., & Stablein, R. (2017).
The alienation of scholarship in modern business schools: From marxist material relations to the Lacanian subject.
Academy of Management Learning and Education,
16(3), 454-468.
https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2015.0004 2016
Scholarly publications
Yamak, S., Ergur, A., Özbilgin, M. F.
, & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2016).
Gender as Symbolic Capital and Violence: The Case of Corporate Elites in Turkey.
Gender, Work and Organization,
23(2), 125-146.
https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12115Alakavuklar, O. N., & Dickson, A. (2016).
Social movements, resistance and social change in Aotearoa/New Zealand: an intervention for dialogue, collaboration and synergy.
11(2), 83-88.
https://doi.org/10.1080/1177083X.2016.1192047 Holland, P. G.
, & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2016).
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting and seeking legitimacy of Maori communities: A case from Aotearoa New Zealand energy sector. In
CSR 2.0 and the New Era of Corporate Citizenship (pp. 123-146). IGI Global.
Scholarly publications
Cakar, U.
, & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2015).
Chaotic essence inside the organizational reality. In
Economics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Vol. 3-3, pp. 1234-1250). IGI Global.
Scholarly publications
Çakar, U.
, & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2014).
Sustainability and environmental perspectives in Turkey: A socio-cultural analysis.
Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability,
8, 117-137.
https://doi.org/10.1108/S2043-905920140000008008Çakar, U.
, & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2014).
Dystopian future view as a narrative of inherent entropy of organizations. In
Springer Proceedings in Complexity (pp. 539-543). Springer.
Scholarly publications
Alakavuklar, O. N., & Parker, M. (2011).
Responsibility and the local: The prospects for critical management in Turkey.
Critical Perspectives on International Business,
7(4), 326-342.