Dr. Noortje van Amsterdam

Assistant Professor
Sport Matters
Organisation Science
+31 30 253 7459

Published papers

International peer-reviewed journals:

  • Sonnad, G. & N. van Amsterdam (2023). Exploring Fat Embodiment In Urban Space Through ‘Fermented’ Poetic Inquiry. Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture, 8(5). https://www.mediapolisjournal.com/2023/11/exploring-fat-embodiment/
  • Elidrissi, Y. R., & van Amsterdam, N. (2023). Writing through the body: a matter of attention, humility and touch. In Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies (pp. 240-254). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • van Amsterdam, N. et al. (2023). Feeling clumsy and curious. A collective reflection on experimenting with poetry as an unconventional method. Gender, Work & Organization.
  • van Amsterdam, N., Kjær, K. M., & van Eck, D. (2022). Becoming With Barad: A Material-Discursive-Affective Conversation. In Affect in Organization and Management (pp. 76-91). Routledge.
  • Mandalaki, E., van Amsterdam, N., Prasad, A., & Fotaki, M. (2022) Caring about the unequal effects of the pandemic: What feminist theory, art, and activism can teach us. Gender, Work & Organization.
  • van Amsterdam, N., van Eck, D., & Meldgaard Kjær, K. (2022). On (not) fitting in. Fat embodiment, affect and organizational materials as differentiating agents. Organization Studies, 01708406221074162.
  • van Eck, D., van Amsterdam, N., & van den Brink, M. (2021). Unsanitized writing practices: Attending to affect and embodiment throughout the research process. Gender, Work & Organization, 28(3), 1098-1114.
  • Mandalaki, E., van Amsterdam, N., & Daou, E. (2021). The meshwork of teaching against the grain: embodiment, affect and art in management education. Culture and Organization, 1-18.
  • van Eck, D. & van Amsterdam (2020). Affective engagement with airport security work: Wor(l)ding material agencies through poetry. Organizational Aesthetics.
  • Plotnikof, M. et al. (2020). Catching a glimpse: Corona-life and its micro-politics in academia. Gender, Work and Organization.
  • Schrijnder, S., van Amsterdam, N., & McLachlan, F. (2020). ‘These chicks go just as hard as us!’(Un) doing gender in a Dutch CrossFit gym. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 1012690220913524.
  • Kjær, K. M., & van Amsterdam, N. (2020). Pieced together. Writing invisible (dis) abilities in academia. In The Routledge International Handbook of Organizational Autoethnography (pp. 298-312). Routledge.
  • van Amsterdam, N. (2020). On silence and speaking out about sexual violence: An exploration through poetry. In Writing Differently. Emerald Publishing Limited.van Amsterdam, N., & van Eck, D. (2019). In the flesh: a poetic inquiry into how fat female employees manage weight-related stigma. Culture and Organization, 1-17.
  • van Amsterdam, N., & van Eck, D. (2018). “I have to go the extra mile”. How fat female employees manage their stigmatized identity at work. Scandinavian Journal of Management, (September), 0–1. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SCAMAN.2018.10.002
  • Sterkenburg, J. van, Peeters, R. & Amsterdam, N. van (2017). Everyday racism and constructions of racial/ethnic difference in and through football talk. European Journal of Cultural Studies.
  • Amsterdam, N. van, Claringbould, I., & Knoppers, A. (2017). Bodies Matter: Professional Bodies and Embodiment in Institutional Sport Contexts. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 41(4). http://doi.org/10.1177/0193723517708904
  • Amsterdam, N. van & A. Knoppers (2017). Healthy habits are no fun. How Dutch youth negotiate discourses about food, fit, fat, and fun. Health, http://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177/1363459316688517
  • Amsterdam, N. van. (2015). Othering the ‘leaky body’. An autoethnographic story about expressing breast milk in the workplace. Culture and Organization, 21 (3): 269-287.
  • Amsterdam, N. van (2013). Big fat inequalities, thin privilege. An intersectional perspective on 'body size'. European Journal of Women's Studies 20(2): 155-169.
  • Amsterdam, N. van, A. Knoppers, & M. Jongmans (2013). "It's actually very normal that I'm different". How physically disabled youth discursively construct and position their body/self. Sport, Education and Society, 13(3): 259–276
  • Amsterdam, N. van, A. Knoppers, I. Claringbould & M. Jongmans (2012). “It’s just the way it is…” or not? How physical education teachers categorize and normalize differences. Gender and Education, 24 (7): 783-798.
  • Amsterdam, N. van, A. Knoppers, I. Claringbould & M. Jongmans (2012). A picture is worth a thousand words. Constructing (non-)athletic bodies. Journal of Youth Studies, 15(3): 293-309.


  • N. van Amsterdam (2015). Gooien als een meisje en andere stereotype ideeën over sekseverschillen in de gymles. LO1, p. 7-9.
  • Aalten, A., N. van Amsterdam & M. van der Linden (2008). Het verhaal van pijn: wat het lichaam ons vertelt en waarom wij (niet) luisteren. Pijnbeleving bij dansers. Rotterdam: Codarts.
  • Aalten, A., & N. van Amsterdam (2007). Pain and injuries in dance. An annotated report. Rotterdam: Codarts.


Invited papers:

  • Amsterdam N. van (2014). Healthy habits are no fun. How Dutch youth negotiate conflicting discourses about food, fit, fat and fun. Paper presented at a colloqium meeting of Maasticht University, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, 26 November 2014.
  • Amsterdam, N. van (2014). Fastidious Fatness. An intersectional approach to weight stigmatization. Paper presented at the Annual Weight Stigma Conference, Canterbury, UU, 24 June 2014.
  • Amsterdam, N. van (2012). “It’s actually very normal that I’m different”. Discursive constructions and performative strategies of Dutch disabled youth regarding their body/self. Paper presented at the Research Associates Meeting. Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia University, Montreal, 16 November 2012.


Presented papers:

  • Eck, D. van & N. van Amsterdam (2018). Shame, fear and courage: Addressing emotions through poetic inquiry in organization studies. Paper presented at the Art of Management and Organization Conference, Brighton, 30 Aug – 2 Sept 2018
  • Amsterdam, N. van & D. van Eck (2017). Sins of the Flesh. Stigma Strategies of Fat Employees. Paper presented at the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, Rome, 10-13 July, 2017.
  • Knoppers, A. & N. van Amsterdam (2016). To identify or not to identify: that’s the ethical question. Paper presented at the NASSM International Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2-4 June 2016.
  • Amsterdam, N. van (2016). The use of crying over spilled milk. An autoethnographic story about a lactating body in the workplace. Paper presented at the IUAES International Conference, Dubrovnik, 4-9 May 2016.
  • Amsterdam, N. van (2014). Spilling the milk. An autoethnographic story about a lactating body in the workplace. Paper presented at the LOVA International Conference ‘Ethnographies of Gender and the Body’, Amsterdam, 8-11 July 2014.
  • Amsterdam, N. van, I Claringbould, J. Halfman & J. Vermeulen (2014). Performing the Playground. Performative work presented at the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, Utrecht, 7-10 July, 2014.
  • Knoppers, A. & N. van Amsterdam (2014). Bringing the Body into Sport Management Research. Paper presented at the Annual North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Pittsburgh, US, 27 – 31 May 2014.
  • Claringbould, I., N. van Amsterdam, J. Vermeulen & J. Halfman (2014). Challenging Landscapes in Sport and Science. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Association of Sport Sociology, Utrecht, 7-10 May 2014.
  • Knoppers, A., N. van Amsterdam & D. van der Hoogt (2013). Youth negotiating health and sociability: Competing discourses about food, fat, fit and fun. Paper presented at the annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport , Quebec, Canada, 6-9 November 2013.
  • Knoppers, A. & N. van Amsterdam (2013). Challenging the norm? Physical impairment, active aging and sporting bodies. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain, 26-29 June 2013.
  • Amsterdam, N. van (2013). The leaky body un/covered. An autoethnographic account of pumping breast milk at work. Paper presented at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 16-18 May 2013.
  • Amsterdam, N. van (2012). Can ‘body size’ be considered an axis of signification? Similarities, differences and intersections with other axes. Paper presented at the NOG PhD research day. University of Nijmegen, 9 March 2012.
  • Knoppers, A. & N. van Amsterdam (2011). Challenging hierarchies of ability? Active aging and disability in sport. Paper presented at the 2011 conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Minnesota, 2-5 November 2011.
  • Amsterdam, N. Van (2012). Discursively constructing (non)athletic bodies: A participatory photography project with youth. Paper presented at the Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, San Diego, 3 -6 November 2010.
  • Amsterdam, N. Van (2012). Het oog wil ook wat: Beelden en betekenissen die jongeren toekennen een (niet) atletisch/sportief lichaam, Paper presented at the De Dag van het Sportonderzoek, Amsterdam, 7 October 2012.
  • Amsterdam, N. Van (2012). Physical education teachers’ discursive constructions of the body: Given and Project. Paper presented at the Copenhagen International Summer School 2009, Institut for Idræt/ Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 18 August 2009.




Scholarly publications

van Amsterdam, N., van Eck, D., Kjær, K. M., Leclair, M., Theunissen, A., Tremblay, M., Thomson, A., Lafaire, A. P., Brown, A., Quental, C., De Coster, M., & Pullen, A. (2023). Feeling clumsy and curious. A collective reflection on experimenting with poetry as an unconventional method. Gender, Work and Organization, 30(4), 1429-1449. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12964
Sonnad, G., & van Amsterdam, N. (2023). Exploring fat embodiment in urban space through ‘fermented’ poetic inquiry. Mediapolis, 8(4). https://www.mediapolisjournal.com/2023/11/exploring-fat-embodiment/
van Amsterdam, N., Kjaer, K., & van Eck, D. (2023). On (Not) Fitting In: Fat embodiment, affect and organizational materials as differentiating agents. Organization Studies, 44(4), 593-612. https://doi.org/10.1177/01708406221074162
Rahmouni Elidrissi, Y., & van Amsterdam, N. (Accepted/In press). Writing though the body: a matter of attention, humility, and touch. In Handbook of Feminist Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies Edward Elgar Publishing.


Scholarly publications

van Amsterdam, N., van Eck, D., & Kjaer, K. (2022). Feeling clumsy and curious. A collective reflection on using poetry as an unconventional method (at a conventional conference). Gender, Work and Organization.
Mandalaki, E., van Amsterdam, N., Prasad, A., & Fotaki, M. (2022). Caring about the unequal effects of the pandemic: What feminist theory, art, and activism can teach us. Gender, Work and Organization, 29(4), 1224-1235.
van Amsterdam, N., Kjaer, K., & van Eck, D. (2022). Becoming With Barad: A Material-Discursive-Affective Conversation. In After in Organization and Management (pp. 76-91). Routledge.
Mandalaki, E., van Amsterdam, N., & Daou, E. (2022). The meshwork of teaching against the grain: embodiment, affect and art in management education. Culture and Organization, 28(3-4), 245-262. https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2021.2007916

Professional publications

van Amsterdam, N., van Eck, D., & Kjaer, K. (2022). Nadelen voor zwaarlijvige medewerkers. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken.


Scholarly publications

van Eck, D., van Amsterdam, N., & van den Brink, M. (2021). Unsanitized writing practices: Attending to affect and embodiment throughout the research process. Gender, Work and Organization, 28(3), 1098-1114. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12651
van Eck, D., & van Amsterdam, N. (2021). Affective engagement with airport security work: Wor(l)ding material agencies through poetry. Organizational Aesthetics, 10(1), 37-41. https://oa.journals.publicknowledgeproject.org/index.php/oa/article/view/213


Scholarly publications

Mandalaki, E., van Amsterdam, N., Prasad, A., & Fotaki, M. (2020). Caring about the unequal effects of the pandemic: What feminism, art, and activism can teach us.
Kjær, K. M., & Amsterdam, N. V. (2020). Pieced together. Writing invisible (dis)abilities in academia. In A. F. Herrmann (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Organizational Autoethnography (1 ed., pp. 298-312). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429056987-24
van Amsterdam, N. (2020). On silence and speaking out about sexual violence: An exploration through poetry. In A. Pullen, J. Helin, & N. Harding (Eds.), Writing Differently (Vol. 4, pp. 185-192). (Dialogues in Critical Management Studies). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/s2046-607220200000004011
Plotnikof, M., Bramming, P., Branicki, L., Christiansen, L. H., Henley, K., Kivinen, N., de Lima, J. P. R., Kostera, M., Mandalaki, E., O'Shea, S., Özkazanç-Pan, B., Pullen, A., Stewart, J., Ybema, S., & van Amsterdam, N. (2020). Catching a glimpse: Corona-life and its micro-politics in academia. Gender, Work and Organization, 27(5), 804-826. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12481
Schrijnder, S., van Amsterdam, N., & McLachlan, F. (2020). ‘These chicks go just as hard as us!’ (Un)doing gender in a Dutch CrossFit gym. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56(3), 382-398. https://doi.org/10.1177/1012690220913524
Bouquet, M. R., van Amsterdam, N., Besamusca, E. N., Barancova, A., & Valbusa, E. (2020). 'Diversity in Education. Lessons from the ‘Making Journeys: Building Blocks for Diversity’. https://makingjourneys.com/report.php


Scholarly publications

van Sterkenburg, J., Peeters, R., & van Amsterdam, N. (2019). Everyday racism and constructions of racial/ethnic difference in and through football talk. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 22(2), 195-212. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367549418823057
Van Amsterdam, N., Meldgaard Kjær, K., & Van Eck, D. (2019). What if I Don’t Fit? How Fat Employees Become the Organizational Other through Clothing and Seating. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2019(1), 12322. https://doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2019.12322abstract
van Amsterdam, N., & van Eck, D. (2019). In the Flesh: A Poetic Inquiry into how Fat Female Employees Manage Weight Related Stigma. Culture and Organization, 25(4), 300-316. https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2019.1598999, https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2019.1598999
van Amsterdam, N., & van Eck, D. (2019). “I have to go the extra mile”. How fat female employees manage their stigmatized identity at work. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 35(1), 46-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scaman.2018.10.002

Professional publications

van Amsterdam, N., Wijntuin, P., Aalten, A., & Dikkers, J. (2019). 'Dit is gewoon wat bij een werkende vrouw hoort!': Werkende vrouwen in de overgang. Hogeschool Utrecht. https://surfsharekit.nl/publiek/hu/52d08da3-9fb1-45b8-9202-bffbd736cfc4

Popularising publications

van Amsterdam, N. (Author), & van Eck, D. (Author). (2019). Poetry at Work - www.poetryatwork.me. Web publication/site


Scholarly publications

van Amsterdam, N., & van Eck, D. (2018). Shame, fear and courage: Addressing emotions through poetic inquiry in organization studies. Paper presented at Art of Management and Organization, Brighto, United Kingdom.
van Amsterdam, N., & Knoppers, A. (2018). Healthy habits are no fun: How Dutch youth negotiate discourses about food, fit, fat, and fun. Health, 22(2), 128-146. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363459316688517

Professional publications

Vermeulen, J., & van Amsterdam, N. (2018). Lastige jongens. Sport & Strategie, 12(5), 17-19.


Scholarly publications

van Amsterdam, N., & van Eck, D. (2017). Sins of the Flesh. Stigma Strategies of Fat Employees.. Paper presented at Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, Rome.
van Amsterdam, N., Claringbould, I. E. C., & Knoppers, A. E. (2017). Bodies Matter: Professional Bodies and Embodiment in Institutional Sport Contexts. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 41(4), 335-353. https://doi.org/10.1177/0193723517708904


Scholarly publications

van Amsterdam, N., Knoppers, A., & Jongmans, M. (2015). ‘It’s actually very normal that I'm different’. How physically disabled youth discursively construct and position their body/self. Sport, Education and Society, 20(2), 152-170. https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2012.749784
van Amsterdam, N. (2015). Othering the 'leaky body'. An autoethnographic story about expressing breast milk in the workplace. Culture and Organization, 21(3), 269-287 . https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2014.887081

Professional publications

van Amsterdam, N. (2015). Gooien als een meisje en andere stereotype ideeën over sekseverschillen in de gymles. Lichamelijke Opvoeding, 2015(1), 7-9.

Other output

van Amsterdam, N. (Producer). (2015). Hoe hoort een sportief lichaam eruit te zien?. Digital or Visual Products https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlaoEWp0P6A


Scholarly publications

Knoppers, A., & van Amsterdam, N. (2014). Bringing the body into sport management research. In 2014 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (NASSM 2014) (pp. 415-416). North American Society for Sport Management.
van Amsterdam, N. (2014). AbNormAll Bodies. Gender, dis/ability and health in sport, physical education and beyond. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Utrecht University]. Utrecht University.

Other output

van Amsterdam, N., Claringbould, I., Halfman, J., & Vermeulen, J. (2014). Performing the Playground. Paper presented at The 31st Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, Warsaw.
van Amsterdam, N. (2014). Fastidious Fatness. An intersectional approach to weight stigmatization. Paper presented at Annual Weight Stigma Conference, Canterbury, United Kingdom.
van Amsterdam, N. (2014). Spilling the milk: An autoethnographic story about a lactating body in the workplace. Paper presented at LOVA Conference, Amsterdam.
Claringbould, I., van Amsterdam, N., Vermeulen, J., & Halfman, J. (2014). Challenging Landscapes in Sport and Science. Paper presented at EASS, European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Cordoba.


Scholarly publications

van Amsterdam, N. (2013). Big fat inequalities, thin privelege. An intersectional perspective on 'body size'. European Journal of Women's Studies, 20(2), 155-169.

Other output

van Amsterdam, N. (2013). The leaky body un/covered. An autoethnographic account of pumping breast milk at work. Paper.. Paper presented at The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry., University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.
Knoppers, A. E., & van Amsterdam, N. (2013). Physical impairment, active aging and sporting bodies. Paper.. Paper presented at Annual conference of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain.
Knoppers, A. E., van Amsterdam, N., & van der Hoogt, D. (2013). Youth negotiating health and sociability: Competing discourses about food, fat, fit and fun. Paper. Paper presented at Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Quebec, Canada..


Scholarly publications

van Amsterdam, N., Knoppers, A. E., Claringbould, I. E. C., & Jongmans, M. J. (2012). It's just the way it is…" or not?" How physical education teachers categorize and normalize differences. Gender and Education, 24(7), 783-798.

Other output

van Amsterdam, N. (2012). Big fat inequalities. An intersectional perspective on 'body size'. Paper.. Paper presented at NOG PhD research day., Nijmegen.
van Amsterdam, N. (2012). Body size in an intersectional perspective. Similarities, differences and intersections with other axes. Paper.. Paper presented at USBO onderzoeksdag., Utrecht.


Scholarly publications

van Amsterdam, N., Knoppers, A. E., Claringbould, I. E. C., & Jongmans, M. J. (2011). A picture is worth a thousand words. Constructing (non-)atheletic bodies. Journal of Youth Studies, (www.tandfonline.com/doi/agbs/10.1080/13676261.2011.643233), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2011.643233

Other output

Knoppers, A. E., & van Amsterdam, N. (2011). Challenging Hierarchies of Ability? Active aging and disability in sport. Paper. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Minnesota.