Dr. Noortje van Amsterdam

Assistant Professor
Sport Matters
Organisation Science
+31 30 253 7459

Noortje van Amsterdam (1980) studied Cultural Anthropology and Social Psychology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). After obtaining her masters degree, she worked for four years as a junior teacher of Cultural Anthropology at the UvA. During this time, she was also employed as a senior researcher for Codarts, university for the performing arts in Rotterdam. Here, she studied health issues among students of modern dance, focusing for instance on the construction of social meanings on the body, pain, eating habits and injuries. In April 2014 Noortje defended her dissertation 'AbNormAll Bodies. Gender, dis/ability and health in sport, physical education, and beyond'. Since then, she has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Utrecht University School of Governance (USG).