Dr. Natalie Davis

Environmental Sciences

I am a postdoctoral researcher on the NWO-funded project “Transitie naar een Duurzaam Voedselsysteem (NWA)” (Transition to a Sustainable Food System), which aims to create an acceleration agenda to transition to a sustainable food system in the Netherlands. In this role, I use agent-based modeling to understand the actors in the Dutch food system and their interactions with each other and the environment. More broadly, I am interested in equity and agency in sustainability transitions, system resilience and re-organization, and using modeling to understand complex social-ecological systems.  


Areas of interest:

  • Sustainability transitions
  • Equity and justice
  • Social and informational networks
  • System re-organization and restructuring
  • Complexity
  • Social-ecological systems
  • Quantitative methods: statistics, social-ecological and spatial network analysis, agent-based modeling