Scholarly publications
van Braak, M., Schaepkens, S., van Dolder, E., Dral, L. K., van der Horst, Z., Houben, D. B., & Mees, E. E. (2023).
What affects you? A conversation analysis of exploring emotions during reflection sessions in Dutch general practitioner training.
Frontiers in Psychology,
14, Article 1198208. Biesta, G. J. J., & van Braak, M. (2023). Beyond the Medical Model: Thinking Differently about Medical Education and Medical Education Research. In M. Veen, & A. T. Cianciolo (Eds.), Helping a Field See Itself: Envisioning a Philosophy of Medical Education (1 ed.). Routledge.
van de Pol, J., van Braak, M., Pennings, H. J. M., van Vondel, S., Steenbeek, H.
, & Akkerman, S. (2023).
Towards a conceptual framework of adaptivity in face-to-face-interaction: an interdisciplinary review of adaptivity concepts.
Annals of the International Communication Association,
47(1), 1-19. Professional publications
Schaepkens, S., van Braak, M., de la Croix, A., Veen, M., & Heeren, L. (2023). Een boek zonder antwoorden over reflectiegesprekken.
Popularising publications
Stommel, W., Koole, T., Charldorp, T. C., Jol, G., van Braak, M., Veen, M., Lamerichs, J. M. W. J., Huiskes, M., van der Scheer, I., van Burgsteden, L., Breukelman, M., Gosen, M., & van Veen, R. (2023). Hoe werkt dagelijkse communicatie? Gesprekken onder de microscoop. (1 ed.) Sterck & De Vreese.
Scholarly publications
Veen, M., & van Braak, M. (2022). Attention as the core of education: Collaborative learning from experiences in GP vocational training in the Netherlands. In Education in Europe
van Braak, M., Huiskes, M., & Veen, M. (2022). When and how teachers intervene in group discussions on experiences from practice in postgraduate medical education: an interactional analysis. Advances in Health Sciences Education.
van Braak, M., & Huiskes, M. (2022). ‘Doing being an expert’: A conversation analysis of expertise enactments in experience discussions in medical education. Linguistics and Education, 69.
van Braak, M., & Verwer, S. (2022). Subjectification in Health Professions Education: Why we should look beyond the idea of professional identity formation. In Applied Philosophy for Health Professions Education
van Braak, M., Veen, M., Muris, J. W., van den Berg, P., & Giroldi, E. (2022).
A professional knowledge base for collaborative reflection education: a qualitative description of teacher goals and strategies.
Perspectives on Medical Education,
11(1), 53-59. 2021
Scholarly publications
van Braak, M. (2021).
Joint construction of educational value: Learning from Experiences in General Practitioner training. [Doctoral thesis 3 (Research UU / Graduation NOT UU), Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. van Braak, M., Giroldi, E., Huiskes, M., Diemers, A., Veen, M., & van den Berg, P. (2021).
A participant perspective on collaborative reflection: video-stimulated interviews show what residents value and why.
Advances in Health Sciences Education,
26(1), 865-879. van Braak, M., Huiskes, M., Schaepkens, S., & Veen, M. (2021).
Shall we all unmute? A Conversation Analysis of participation in online reflection sessions for general practitioners in training.
6(2), 1-18. Article 72. van Braak, M., van de Pol, J. E., Poorthuis, A. M. G., & Mainhard, M. T. (2021).
A micro-perspective on students’ behavioral engagement in the context of teachers’ instructional support during seatwork: Sources of variability and the role of teacher adaptive support.
Contemporary Educational Psychology,
64, 1-14. Article 101928. 2020
Scholarly publications
Biesta, G. J. J., & van Braak, M. (2020). Beyond the medical model: Thinking differently about medical education and medical education research. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 32(4), 449-456.
Professional publications
van Braak, M., Visser, M., van der Winden, D., Holtrop, M., Statius Muller, I., Bont, J., & van Dijk, N. (2020). Spiegelen in groepen motiveert tot gedragsverandering. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 63(5), 24-27.
Scholarly publications
Duitsman, M. E., van Braak, M., Stommel, W., ten Kate-Booij, M., de Graaf, J., Fluit, L. C. R. M. G., & Jaarsma, D. (2019). Using conversation analysis to explore feedback on resident performance. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 24(3), 577-594.
van Braak, M., Visser, M., Holtrop, M., Statius Muller, I., Bont, J., & van Dijk, N. (2019). What motivates general practitioners to change practice behaviour? A qualitative study of audit and feedback group sessions in Dutch general practice. BMJ Open, 9(5), e025286.
Charldorp, T. C., van Braak, M., & Akkermans, A. (2019).
Internationalizing the communication curriculum: face-to-face communication. In P. Turner, S. Bardhan, T. Quigley Holden, & E. M. Mutua (Eds.),
Internationalizing the communication curriculum in an age of globalization: why, what and how. (pp. 267-277). (Routledge Research in Communication Studies). Routledge. 2018
Scholarly publications
van Braak, M., de Groot, E., Veen, M., Welink, L. S., & Giroldi, E. (2018). Eliciting tacit knowledge: The potential of a reflective approach to video-stimulated interviewing. Perspectives on Medical Education, 7(6), 386-393.
Willemsen, A., Gosen, M., van Braak, M., Koole, T., & de Glopper, K. (2018). Teachers' open invitations in whole-class discussions. Linguistics and Education, 45, 40-49.