

Scholarly publications

Vermeire, Z., de Haan, M. J., Sefton Green, J., & Akkerman, S. (2024). Platformised Affinity Spaces: Learning communities on YouTube, Twitch and TikTok. Frontline Learning Research.
Vermeire, Z., de Haan, M. J., Sefton-Green, J., & Akkerman, S. F. (2024). The desire to learn: the alienation and reimagining of pedagogy on YouTube, Twitch and TikTok. Critical Studies in Education.
de Groot, T., An, P., de Haan, M. J., van der Hof , S., van der Stigchel, S., & Leurs, K. (2024). De ouderapp in de kinderopvang: Overwegingen vanuit verschillende disciplines. Pedagogiek, 44(1), 54-67.
de Haan, M. J. (2024). The Limits and Potential of Dialogue to Counter Polarization in Educative Settings. In O. Erstad, B. Eriksen Hagtvet, & J. V. Wertsch (Eds.), Education and Dialogue in Polarized Societies: Dialogic Perspectives in Times of Change (pp. 75-95). Oxford University Press.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M. J., & Bekir, S. (2023). Education for peace and hope: review of interventions to counter polarization. Abstract from EARLI Conference20th Biennial, Thessaloniki, Greece.
de Groot, T., de Haan, M. J., & van Dijken, M. (2023). Learning in and about a filtered universe: young people’s awareness and control of algorithms in social media. Learning, Media and Technology, 48(4), 701-713.
Haan, M. D. (2023). The ’every day’ of polarisation in schools; understanding polarisation as (not)dialogue. Pedagogy, Culture & Society. Advance online publication.

Professional publications

de Groot, T., & de Haan, M. J. (2023). Een gefilterd universum. Didactief, 45.


Scholarly publications

Damsa, C., Sefton-Green, J., Erstad, O., Hillman, T., Richter, C., Kerssens, N., Silseth, K., Rasmussen, I., de Haan, M., Esterhazy, R., Ceratto-Pargman, T., Makitalo, Å., Bergviken-Rensfeldt, A., Pangrazio, L., Araos, A., Duffy, G., Raffel, L. A., Reichelt, N., de Groot, T., ... Kiesewetter, S. (2022). Platformization in and of education: Exploring a new research agenda. In J. Oshima, T. Mochizuki, & Y. Hayashi (Eds.), International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices - General Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences, ISLS 2022 (pp. 121-124). (Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS; Vol. 2022-June). International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).
Ünlüsoy, A., Leander, K. M., & de Haan, M. (2022). Rethinking sociocultural notions of learning in the digital era: Understanding the affordances of networked platforms. E-Learning and Digital Media, 19(1), 78-92.
Kerssens, N., & de Haan, M. (2022). The tipping point in the platformisation of Dutch public education? How to approach platformisation from a values-based perspective. In L. Pangrazio, & J. Sefton-Green (Eds.), Learning to Live with Datafication : Educational Case Studies and Initiatives from Across the World (pp. 119-134). Routledge.


Scholarly publications

Kommers, S., & de Haan, M. (2021). ‘Going global’: comparing access to global learning experiences in the online social networks of Turkish-Dutch, Moroccan-Dutch, and native-Dutch youth. Intercultural Education, 32(2), 194-211.


Scholarly publications

van Dijk, A., de Haan, M. J., & de Winter, M. (2020). Voicing versus silencing: education for peace in contexts of violence. International Journal of Educational Research, 102, Article 101581.
de Haan, M. J., Koeman, A. E. C., & de Winter, M. (2020). Reshaping parental ethnotheories of Dutch-Moroccan immigrant parents in the Netherlands: Networking in multiple worlds. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2020(170), 171-193.
van Beurden, S. L., & de Haan, M. J. (2020). ‘I Want Good Children, Also for this Country’: How Dutch Minority Muslim Parents’ Experience and Negotiate Parenting, Parenthood and Citizenship. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 41(5), 574-590.
Ünlüsoy, A., & de Haan, M. J. (2020). Expanding the notion of global learning: Turkish-Dutch teens’ networked configurations for learning. Frontline Learning Research, 8(2), 109-130.
van Dijk, A., de Haan, M., & de Winter, M. (2020). Armoured with morality: Parental perspectives on moral education in the violent context of Brazilian slums. Journal of Moral Education, 49(4), 436-453 .


Scholarly publications

Zheng, L., de Haan, M. J., & Koops, W. (2019). Overseas Chinese Educational Strategies and Its Policy Implications. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 15(2), 171–201. Article 15.
Zheng, L., de Haan, M., & Koops, W. (2019). Learning to be a mother: Comparing two groups of Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 28(2), 220-241.
van Beurden, S. L., & de Haan, M. J. (2019). How do Moroccan-Dutch parents (re)construct their parenting practices? Post-migration parenthood as a social site for learning and identity. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 21, 1-9.
van Beurden, S. L., de Haan, M. J., & Jongmans, M. J. (2019). How Moroccan‐Dutch parents learn in communities of practice: Evaluating a bottom‐up parenting programme. Child and Family Social Work, 24(2), 283-291.
Zheng, L., de Haan, M. J., & Koops, W. (2019). Parental Ethno theories of two groups of Chinese immigrants: a perspective from migration. Migration and Development, 8(2), 207-226.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M. (2018). Can we de-pedagogicise society? Between "native" learning and pedagogy in complex societies. In J. Sefton-Green, & O. Erstad (Eds.), Learning Beyond the School: International Perspectives on the Schooled Society (first edition ed., pp. 28-44). (Routledge Research in Education). Taylor & Francis.
van Schaik, S. D. M., Leseman, P. P. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2018). Using a Group-Centered Approach to Observe Interactions in Early Childhood Education. Child Development, 89(3), 897-913.


Scholarly publications

Van Esch, R., & De Haan, M. (2017). Implementing Parenting Programmes Across Cultural Contexts: A Perspective on the Deficit Narrative. European Journal of Development Research, 29(5), 983-998.
de Haan, M. J. (2017). Opvoednetwerken van migranten: Een blauwdruk voor de pedagogische omgeving van de 21ste eeuw? Pedagogiek, 37(2), 103-117.

Professional publications

van Beurden, S. L., & de Haan, M. J. (2017). Effectief werken in de jeugdsector: Shabab van nu. ZONMW / Universiteit Utrecht.

Popularising publications

van Beurden, S. L., de Haan, M. J., Salhi, A., & Koutet, A. (2017). Opvoeders van Shabab van nu: Boekje. Utrecht University.
van Beurden, S. L., de Haan, M. J., Salhi, A., & Koutet, A. (2017). Opvoeders van shabab van nu.
van Beurden, S. L., de Haan, M. J., Salhi, A., & Koutet, M. A. (2017). Opvoeders van Shabab van Nu. Utrecht University.


Scholarly publications

van Esch, R. P., & de Haan, M. J. (2016). Learning Under the Tree: Evaluating Skillful Parenting Program in West Kenya ICS Full Evaluation Report. Utrecht University.
Leurs, K. H. A., de Haan, M. J., & Leander, K. (2016). Affective belongings across geographies: locating YouTube viewing practices of Moroccan-Dutch youth. In B. Aslinger, & G. R. Halegoua (Eds.), Locating Emerging Media (pp. 207-226). Routledge.


Scholarly publications

Prinsen, F., Haan, M. D., Leander, K. M., & Leander, K. (2015). Networked Identity: How Immigrant Youth Employ Online Identity Resources. Young, 23(1), 19-38.
Leander, K., & de Haan, M. J. (2015). Media and Migration. Learning in a globalized World. Taylor & Francis.
de Haan, M. J., Hofland, A., & Bucx, F. (2015). Steun van sociale netwerken. In F. Bucx, & S. de Roos (Eds.), Opvoeden in niet-westerse migrantengezinnen: Een terugblik en verkenning (pp. 56-70). (SCP-publicatie ; Vol. 2015, No. 22). SCP.
Bucx, F., van den Broek, A. E. M., Kleijnen, E., Abbassi, H., & de Haan, M. J. (2015). De opvoedingspraktijk: doelen, beleving en strategieën van ouders. In F. bucx, & S. de Roos (Eds.), Opvoeden in niet-westerse migrantengezinnen: Een terugblik en verkenning (pp. 39-55). (scp-publicatie; Vol. 2015, No. 22). SCP.
Lecluijze, S. E., de Haan, M. J., & Ünlüsoy, A. (2015). What Online Networks Offer: Online Network Compositions and Online Learning Experiences of Three Ethnic Groups. International Journal of Higher Education, 4(3), 68-81.
van Kruistum, C., Leseman, P., & de Haan, M. (2015). Jongeren en hun gebruik van oude en nieuwe media. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 54, 159-170.

Professional publications

Leseman, P. P. M., van Schaik, S. D. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2015). Positieve selectie effecten. Beleid Bestuur Management & Pedagogiek in de kinderopvang, 15(3), 30-34.


Scholarly publications

van Schaik, S. D. M., Leseman, P. P. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2014). Cultural diversity in early child care and education: Diverse perceptions of quality. Unpublished. In EARLI SIG 21 Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings
Ünlüsoy, A., de Haan, M., & Leander, K. (2014). Learning through network interaction: The potential of ego-networks. In M. de Laat, T. Ryberg, V. Hodgson, & D. McConnell (Eds.), The Design, Experience and Practice of Networked Learning (pp. 225-241). Springer.
van Kruistum, C., Leseman, P. P., & de Haan, M. (2014). Youth media lifestyles. Human Communication Research, 40(4), 508-529.
de Haan, M., Leander, K., Ünlüsoy, A., & Prinsen, F. (2014). Challenging ideals of connected learning: the networked configurations for learning of migrant youth in the Netherlands. Learning, Media and Technology, 39(4), 507-535.
Leander, K., & de Haan, M. (2014). Editorial Media and Migration: Learning in a Globalized World. Learning, Media and Technology, 39(4), 405-408.
Elbers, E., & de Haan, M. (2014). Parent-teacher conferences in Dutch culturally diverse schools: Participation and conflict in institutional context. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 3(4), 252-262.

Professional publications

van Schaik, S. D. M., de Haan, M. J., & Leseman, P. P. M. (2014). Het stimuleren van groepsprocessen als nieuw element van kwaliteit: Van aandacht voor de juf naar aandacht voor elkaar. Beleid Bestuur Management & Pedagogiek in de kinderopvang, 14(6), 32-36.

Other output

Zheng, L., de Haan, M., & Koops, W. (2014). Why do the parenting practices of immigrants from the same culture differ? A comparative study of two types of Chinese immigrant parents in the Netherlands. Abstract from ISCAR, Sydney, Australia.


Scholarly publications

van Schaik, S. D. M., Leseman, P. P. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2013). Applying cross-cultural findings to child care: the importance of group processes for children of diverse cultural backgrounds. Unpublished. In SRCD Biennial Conference
van Schaik, S. D. M., Leseman, P. P. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2013). Culturally-specific aspects of quality in childcare settings: Learning through collaborative play. Unpublished. In EARLI Biennial Conference
de Haan, M. J., de Winter, M., Koeman, M., Hofland, A., & Verseveld, M. D. A. (2013). Opvoeden als netwerken in de multi-etnische wijk. Universiteit Utrecht.
Biro, L. J. A., Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2013). Key Words and the Analysis of Exploratory Talk. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28(4), 1397-1415.
Ünlüsoy, A., de Haan, M. J., Leander, K., & Völker, B. G. M. (2013). Learning potential in youth’s online networks: A multilevel approach. Computers & Education, 69, 522-533.
de Haan, M. J., & Wissink, I. B. (2013). The interactive attribution of school success in multi-ethnic schools. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28(2), 297-313.
Wissink, I. B., & de Haan, M. J. (2013). Teachers’ and parental attribution for school performance of ethnic majority and minority children. International Journal of Higher Education, 2(4), 65-76.

Professional publications

Verseveld, M. D. A., & de Haan, M. J. (2013). Het veranderend opvoedkapitaal van migranten opvoeders. Pedagogiek in Praktijk, 74, 30-33.
Steensel, R., van Gelderen, A., van Kruistum, C. J., de Milliano, I., Trapman, M., Oostdam, R., Leseman, P. P. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2013). Hoe moeilijk is goed lezen en schrijven voor vmbo’ers? Inzichten uit onderzoek. In Het vmbo dichterbij. Bewegen tussen theorie en praktijk (pp. 111-135). SWP.

Other output

Verseveld, M. D. A., de Haan, M. J., Kesselring, M. C., & de Winter, M. (2013). Migrantenouders willen samen opvoeden in de wijk. Web publication/site, Jeugdkennis.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M., Elbers, E., & Wissink, I. (2012). Parent-teacher conversations in multiethnic schools: the dialogic nature of explaning students' academic achievement. In M. B. Ligorio, & M. César (Eds.), Interplays between dialogical learning and dialogical self (pp. 253-290). (Advances in cultural psychology: constructing human development). Information Age.
de Haan, M. J., Elbers, E. P. J. M., & Wissink, I. B. (2012). Parent-teacher conversations in multiethnic schools: The dialogic nature of culturally diverse pedagogies. In M. B. Ligorio, & M. César (Eds.), Interplays between dialogical learning and dialogical self (pp. 253-290). (Advances in Cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development). Information Age Publishers.
de Haan, M. J., & de Haan, M. (2012). The reconstruction of parenting after migration: A perspective from cultural translation. Human Development, 54(6), 349-367.
de Haan, M. J. (2012). Learning and Education in Migration Settings. In N. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 1776-1779). Springer.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M. J. (2011). Immigrant Learning. In K. Symms Gallagher, R. K. Goodyear, D. J. Brewer, & R. Rueda (Eds.), Urban education: a model for leadership and policy (pp. 328-341). Routledge.
Hirzalla, F., de Haan, M. J., & Ünlüsoy, A. (2011). Wired Up. New media use among youth in migration: A survey-based account. Technical research report. Utrecht University.
de Haan, M. J., & Leander, K. (2011). The construction of ethnic boundaries in classroom interaction through social space'. Culture & Psychology, 17(3), 319-338.

Other output

de Haan, M. J., Elbers, E. P. J. M., & Wissink, I. B. (2011). Parent-teacher conferences: the dialogic nature of culturally diverse pedagogies. Paper presented at Paper presented at 14th conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Exeter, UK.


Scholarly publications

Ünlüsoy, A., de Haan, M. J., Leseman, P. P. M., & van Kruistum, C. J. (2010). Gender differences in adolescents’ out-of-school literacy practices: A multifaceted approach. Computers & Education, 55(2), 742-751.
de Haan, M. J., Keizer, R., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2010). Ethnicity and student identity in schools: An analysis of official and unofficial talk in multiethnic classrooms. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 25(2), 176-191.
Ünlüsoy, A., de Haan, M. J., & Leander, K. (2010). Netwerken van jongeren als nieuwe leeromgeving. Pedagogiek, 30(1), 43-57.

Professional publications

Wissink, I. B., & de Haan, M. (2010). Onderzoek school advies gesprek: autochrone en allochtone scholen. Universiteit Utrecht.

Other output

de Haan, M. J., & Paradise, R. (2010). Learning through responsibility. A study of Mazahua Learning Practices. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the California Presidential Workshop Intend Participation, Ajiji, Guadelajara, Mexico.
Ponzanesi, S., Leurs, K. H. A., de Haan, M. J., Ünlüsoy, A., & Leander, K. (2010). The diasporic networks of migrant youth: learning and identity. Paper presented at Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, USA.
Ünlüsoy, A., de Haan, M. J., & Leander, K. (2010). Youth Networks as New Learning Ecologies. Presentation for Moving Through Cultures of Learning. Paper presented at Paper presented at the EARLI SIG Meeting ‘Moving Through Cultures of Learning’, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
de Haan, M. J. (2010). The reconstruction of parenting after migration. Paper presented at Paper presented for the Conference ‘Children, families and the migration experience’, Londen, England.
de Haan, M. J., Wissink, I. B., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2010). Parent-teacher conversations and the dialogical nature of culturally diverse pedagogies. Paper presented at EARLI SIG Meeting Moving through cultures of learning, Utrecht.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2009). From research to practice. What the study of multiethnic classrooms has to offer. In M. César, & K. Kumpulainen (Eds.), Social interactions in multicultural settings (pp. 171-202). Sense Publishers.
de Haan, M. J. (2009). Culturele reproductie in een wereld in beweging. Utrecht University.
van Kruistum, C. J., Leseman, P. P. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2009). Features of at-risk teens' new literacy practices. In A. Backus, M. Keijzer, I. Vedder, & B. Weltens (Eds.), Artikelen van de Zesde Anéla-conferentie (pp. 339-347). Eburon.
Paradise, R., & de Haan, M. J. (2009). Responsibility and reciprocity: Social organization of mazahua learning practices. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 4, 187-204.

Professional publications

de Haan, M. J. (2009). Dynamics in teaching and learning and societal change. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 16, 285-288.

Other output

Paradise, R., & de Haan, M. J. (2009). Responsabilidad y Reciprocidad: Organización social del aprendizaje Mazahua. Paper presented at Paper presented at the California Presidential Workshop Intend Participation San Pedro, Solala, Guatemala.
van Kruistum, C. J., van Rooijen, M., Leseman, P. P. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2009). Adolescents’ leisure time reading: Why the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. Paper presented at Paper presented at EARLI Conference 2009, Amsterdam.
Biro, L. J. A., Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2009). Hoe meet je de kwaliteit van samenwerking tussen leerlingen? De validiteit van analyseinstrumenten voor argumentatieve gesprekken.. Paper presented at Paper gepresenteerd op de ISED researchdag, Leiden.
van Kruistum, C. J., Leseman, P. P. M., de Haan, M. J., & Steensel, R. (2009). The out of school literacy practices of at risk adolescents in multilingual contexts and their educational relevance. Paper presented at Paper presented at the meeting of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., de Haan, M. J., Oerlemans, K., & Wissink, I. B. (2009). Parent-teacher conversations in Dutch culturally diverse schools. Participation, cultural frames and politeness strategies.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam.
van Kruistum, C. J., Leseman, P. P. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2009). Elegy of the written word or an ode to new media?. Paper presented at Paper presented at Anéla Conference 2009, Kerkrade.
Ünlüsoy, A., de Haan, M. J., & Leander, K. (2009, Nov 1). Interfaces among New Media, learning and socialization and the migrant condition.
Ponzanesi, S., de Haan, M. J., Leander, K., Leurs, K. H. A., & Ünlüsoy, A. (2009). At Home in the Web. The diasporic networks of migrant youth: Learning and identity construction online. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Scholarly publications

Wissink, I. B., & de Haan, M. (2008). Ethnic differences in parents' and teacher's attribution of early adolescents' school performance.
Wissink, I. B., Dekovic, M., Yagmur, S., Stams, G. J. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2008). Ethnic identity, externalizing problem behaviour and the mediating role of self-esteem among Dutch, Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 31, 223-240.
de Haan, M. J. (2008). Opvoeding, migratie & cultuur. In W. Koops, B. Levering, M. Pieper, & M. de Winter (Eds.), Opvoeding als spiegel van de beschaving: Een moderne antropologie van de opvoeding (pp. 75-90). SWP.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2008). Gesprekken over woordbetekenissen tijdens rekenlessen in multi-etnische klassen. Pedagogische Studiën, 85(5), 342-358.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2008). Diversity in the construction of modes of collaboration in multiethnic classrooms. Continuity and discontinuity of cultural scripts. In B. van Oers, W. Wardekker, E. Elbers, & R. van Veer (Eds.), The transformation of learning. Advances in cultural-historical activity theory (pp. 219-241). Cambridge University Press.

Professional publications

Douma, L., & de Haan, M. J. (2008). Allochtone ouders over school: Gebrek aan betrokkenheid of cultuurverschillen? Didactief, 10, 9-11.

Other output

de Haan, M. J. (2008). Mazahua learning, schooling and the teacher register. Paper presented at Pre-conference on Intend Participation, ISCAR, San Diego.
de Haan, M. J., Leander, K., Ponzanesi, S., Slootman, M. W., ter Laan, N., & Leurs, K. H. A. (2008). Toward a comparative and interdisciplinary model for researching media uses among migrant youth.
de Haan, M. J. (2008). The reconstruction of parenting after migration.
de Haan, M. J., & Wissink, I. B. (2008). Parents’ attribution of the child’s school success in different ethnic groups.
Wissink, I. B., & de Haan, M. J. (2008). Ethnic differences in parents’ and teacher’s attribution of early adolescents’ school performance. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the XIth conference of European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA), Torino, Italy.
de Haan, M. J. (2008). De reconstructie van opvoeding in de migratiesetting. Paper presented at Symposium ‘Kinderen tussen biologie en cultuurgeschiedenis’, Utrecht.
de Haan, M. J. (2008). Ethnography and the use of culture in the study of immigrant education. Studying diversity across contexts. Paper presented at Invited Symposium Ethnography, Discourse and Chat. ISCAR, San Diego.
Paradise, R., & de Haan, M. J. (2008). The organization of participation in mazahua learning practices: Expert/novice role-switching. Paper presented at Preconference on Intend Participation, ISCAR, San Diego.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M., & Wissink, I. B. (2007). The role of institutions in the reconstruction of educational and child-raising practices after migration.
de Haan, M. J., & Pels, T. (2007). Onderwijs in de toekomst: een pleidooi voor omscholing. In Alternatieven voor de school (pp. 51-72). Onderwijsraad.
de Haan, M. J. (2007). De discursieve constructie van 'school'. In J. C. Bos (Ed.), Discourseanalyse. Communicatie op de werkvloer (pp. 139-156). Coutinho.
Pels, T., & de Haan, M. J. (2007). Socialization practices of Moroccan families after migration: A Reconstruction in an 'acculturative arena'. Young, 15(1), 71-89.

Professional publications

de Haan, M. J. (2007). Book review 'Weaving generations together. Evolving creativity in the Maya of Chiapas'. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 14, 241-245.

Other output

Biro, L. J. A., Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2007). Teaching reasoning skills in multi-ethnic classrooms. Paper presented at 12th EARLI conference, Budapest, Hongarije.
de Haan, M. J., & Wissink, I. B. (2007). The role of institutions in the reconstruction of educational and child-raising practives after migration. Paper presented at Symposium: the transformation of traditional edicational practices: historical and migration perspectives, AERA, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
de Haan, M. J., Harting, M., & Paradise, R. M. (2007). Mazahue learning, schooling and the teacher register.
de Haan, M. J., & Keizer, R. (2007). Collaborative learning and ethnic relationships in dutch classrooms: ontask and off task conversations, improving learning in small groups. Paper presented at Conference paper presented at University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., de Haan, M. J., & Keizer, R. (2007, Aug 28). 'On task' and 'off task' conversations of students in ducth multi-ethnic classrooms, 12th conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instructions (EARLI).
de Haan, M. J., & Wissink, I. B. (2007, Apr 1). Reconstructing Educational Practice After Migration.
Keizer, R., de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2007). Gesprekken tussen leerlingen in multi-etnische klassen: verschillen tussen on taks en off task gesprekken. Paper presented at Voorjaarsstudiedag 2007 van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toegepaste Taalwetenschap (Anéla), Utrecht, Nederland.


Scholarly publications

van Dijken, D., Greefhorst, S., Kraemer, T., Rijnbende, J., & de Haan, M. J. (2006). Een alternatief traject voor inburgering: een evaluatie van THEMIS. Universiteit Utrecht.
de Haan, M. J. (2006). De discursieve constructie van 'school'. In J.C. Bos (Ed.), Communicatie op de werkvloer Universiteit Utrecht.

Other output

de Haan, M. J. (2006). Mazahua learning and social change. Poster session presented at Poster for the Presidential Workshop Intend Participation, Mexico, D.F..
de Haan, M. J., & Paradise, R. M. (2006). The organization of participation in Mazahua learning practices: Expert/novice role switching. Poster session presented at Poster for the Presidential Workshop Intend Participation, Mexico, D.F..


Scholarly publications

Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2005). The construction of word meaning in a multicultural classroom. Mediational tools in peer collaboration during mathematics lessons. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 20(1), 45-59.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2005). Reshaping diversity in a local classroom: Communication and identity issues in multicultural schools in the Netherlands. Language & Communication, 25, 315-333.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2005). Collaboration patterns in a multi-ethnic classroom in the Netherlands. Differences in the reconstruction of institutional norms and ethnicity. In W. Herrlitz, & R. Maier (Eds.), Dialogues in and around multicultural schools (pp. 265-282). Niemeyer Verlag.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2005). Peer tutoring in a multi-ethnic classroom in the Netherlands: A Multi-perspective analysis of diversity. Comparative Education Review, 49(3), 365-388.
de Haan, M. J. (2005). The authoring of school: Between the official and unofficial discourse. Culture & Psychology, 11(3), 267-285.

Other output

Leander, K., & de Haan, M. J. (2005). The construction of ethnic boundaries in classroom interaction through social space. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 1st conference of International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), Seville, Spain.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2005). Learning and instruction in multicultural classrooms. Experiences from primary classrooms in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia, Cyprus.
de Haan, M. J. (2005). Partnerships for learning in migration settings. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 1st conference of International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), Seville, Spain.
de Haan, M. J. (2005). Dialogue in migrants constructs of 'education': Exploring a dialogical view on culture. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2005). Transactivity in peer collaboration in a multi-ethnic primary school. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia, Cyprus.
de Haan, M. J. (2005). Images of 'learning as cultural practice'. Examples of Intent participation. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Presidential Workshop on Intent Participation, Santa Cruz, Spain.
de Haan, M. J. (2005). Comments on "Cultural and linguistic diversity in the educational system". Paper presented at Paper presented at the 1st conference of International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), Seville, Spain.
de Haan, M. J. (2005). In between learning traditions. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 1st conference of International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), Seville, Spain.


Scholarly publications

Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2004). The construction of word meaning in a multicultural classroom. Talk and collaboration during mathematics lessons. In M. Mariotti (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education Pisa University Press.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2004). Dialogic learning in the multi-ethnic classroom. Cultural resources and modes of collaboration. In J. van der Linden, & P. Renshaw (Eds.), Dialogical Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Instruction (pp. 17-43). Kluwer.
Terluin, B., Van Rhenen, W., Schaufeli, WB., & De Haan, M. (2004). The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ): measuring distress and other mental health problems in a working population. Work and Stress, 18(3), 187-207.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2004). Minority status and culture: local constructions of diversity in a classroom in the Netherlands. Intercultural Education, 15(4), 441-453.

Other output

de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2004). Local reproductions of a school regime on how to share knowledge. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Linguistic Ethnography Colloquium of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, London, Engeland.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2004). De constructie van woordbetekenissen in multiculturele klassen. Web publication/site, .
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2004). The construction of word meaning in a multicultural classroom. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Symposium Lernen im Dialog, Utrecht.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2004). Language, communication and identity issues in multicultural schools in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Contactforum Multilingualism and immigration: linguistic competence and literacies, Brussels, België.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2004). De constructie van woordbetekenissen in multiculturele klassen. Paper presented at Paper voor de Onderwijs Research Dagen, Utrecht.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2004). Ethnic identities in institutional dialogues. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Conference Multiculturalisation: an international perspective on the ideology of multiculturalism and the practice of multiculturalisation, Utrecht.


Scholarly publications

Maier, R. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2003). Les dynamiques milticulturelles dans les écoles néerlandaises. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 144, 39-47.
Pels, T., & de Haan, M. J. (2003). Continuity and change in Moroccan socialization. A review of the literature on Moroccan socialization in Morocco and among Moroccan families in the Netherlands. Universiteit Utrecht en Verwey Jonker Instituut.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2003). Samenwerking in de multiculturele klas. Culturele normen en samenwerkingspatronen. Pedagogische Studiën, 79(6), 449-465.

Professional publications

Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2003). The construction of word meaning in a multicultural classroom. Talk and collaboration during mathematics lessons. In G. de Abreu, & N. Gorgorio (Eds.), Proceedings of the third Conference on Educational Research in Mathematics Education (CERME3)
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2003). Leren door samenwerking in een multiculturele klas. Zone : tijdschrift voor ontwikkelingsgericht onderwijs, 2(2), 7-11.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2003). Samenwerkend leren. Zone : tijdschrift voor ontwikkelingsgericht onderwijs, 2(2), 4-6.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2003). Interculturele communicatie op de basisschool. Gesprekken over woordbetekenissen in de rekenles. Moer, 2, 54-62.

Other output

de Haan, M. J. (2003). Shifts in context: The official and the unofficial. Session 45.067: Rethinking contexts: old questions and new answers?. Paper presented at Paper presented for AERA, Chicago.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2003). The institution of schooling and teaching-learning practices in a native American village. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Padova, Italy.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2003). Samenwerkend leren in de multi-etnische klas. Paper presented at Onderijs Research Dagen, Kerkrade.
de Haan, M. J., & Paradise, R. M. (2003). Participation structure in Mazahua learning practices: expert-novice interactions. Paper presented at CAE session: Questioning "communities of practice": foregrounding processes of participation., Chicago.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M. J. (2002). Distributed cognition and the shared knowledge model of the Mazahua: a cultural approach. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 13(1), 31-50.
de Haan, M. J. (2002). Learning Activity: Its Tradition and Potential. Review of Learning Activity and Development. Contemporary Psychology, 47(6).

Other output

Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2002). Modes of collaboration in a multiethnic classroom. Paper presented at The fifth congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory, Amsterdam.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2002). Diversity in the construction of modes of collaboration in multi-ethnic classrooms. Continuity and interruption of cultural scripts. Paper presented at The fifth congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory, Amsterdam.
de Haan, M. J., & Elbers, E. P. J. M. (2002). Modes of collaboration in a multicultural classroom. Paper presented at Workshop on Dialogues in and around multicultural schools, Utrecht.
Elbers, E. P. J. M., & de Haan, M. J. (2002). Interculturele communicatie op de basisschool. Paper presented at Conferentie Etmaal van de communicatiewetenschap, Utrecht.
de Haan, M. J. (2002). Comments of Mariëtte de Haan on the basic questions formulated in the Seminar 'Qualitative Classroom Research. What in the world happens in classrooms'. Paper presented at Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avazados, Mexico Oaxtepec.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M. J. (1999). Learning as cultural practice. How children learn in a Mexican Mazahua Community. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen]. Thela.


Scholarly publications

Hol, G. G. J. M., de Haan, M. J., & Kok, W. A. M. (1995). De effectiviteit van methodes voor aanvankelijk leesonderwijs. ISOR afd. Onderwijsonderzoek.
de Haan, M. J. (1995). Controle in opvoeding: een cultureel verschijnsel? In B. Boon, J. Demmers, P. van Leeuwen, & B. Snels (Eds.), Alles onder controle. Essays van de wetenschappelijke generatie X. (pp. ??-??). ISOR.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, M. J. (1994). La practica educativa en la escuela unidocente en Costa Rica. (Serie de publicaciones ed.) UNESCO/SIMED.

Dutch publications

Haan, M. J. de (2017) Opvoednetwerken van migranten - Een blauwdruk voor de pedagogische omgeving van de 21ste eeuw? Pedagogiek, 37, 103-117.

Kruistum, C., Leseman, P., & Haan, M. J. de (2014). Jongeren en hun gebruik van oude en nieuwe media. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 54, 159-170.

Ünlüsoy, A., Haan, M. J. de, & Leander, K. (2010). Netwerken van jongeren als nieuwe leeromgeving. Pedagogiek, 30(1), 43-57.

Elbers, E., & Haan, M. J., de. (2008). Gesprekken over woordbetekenissen tijdens rekenlessen in multi-etnische klassen. Pedagogische Studiën, 85(5), 342-358.

Elbers, E., & Haan, M. J. de (2003). Samenwerking in de multiculturele klas: Culturele normen en samenwerkingspatronen. Pedagogische Studiën, 79(6), 449-465.