Dr. Melissa Vink

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H1.40
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Melissa Vink

Assistant Professor
Social, Health and Organisational Psychology

Melissa Vink is assistant professor at the department Social, Health and Organizational Psychology. Her scientific work focuses on the chances and opportunities of diversity and inclusion in today's society. By investigating both the organizational and home context, she tries to gain a better understanding of why it is often so difficult to create equal opportunities. Specifically, she investigates how organizations can implement policies that are successful in helping all employees to feel that they belong and can be themselves at work. She also examines what factors contribute to or challenge social safety within organizations. Furthermore, she investigates the influence of dynamics in romantic relationships on the work- and life choices that men and women make. Hereby, she compares the experiences of non-traditional couples (i.e., couples in which women have relatively higher status than their male partner) with the experiences of traditional couples. Her research has a multidisciplinary approach as she combines both psychological and sociological perspectives and methods. She actively pursues and values collaboration with societal partners to best align her scientific work with the challenges in society.