

Scholarly publications

Verhoeven, E., van Witteloostuijn, M., Oudgenoeg - Paz, O., & Blom, E. (2024). Comparing Different Methods That Measure Bilingual Children’s Language Environment: A Closer Look at Audio Recordings and Questionnaires. Languages, 9(7).
Blom, E., Yazıcı, G., Boerma, T., & van Witteloostuijn, M. (2024). A longitudinal study of Turkish-Dutch children's language mixing in single-language settings: Language status, language proficiency, cognitive control and developmental language disorder. Cognitive Development, 71, Article 101481.


Scholarly publications

Snijders, V., van Witteloostuijn, M., Oudgenoeg - Paz, O., & Blom, E. (2023). Language mixing in young multilingual children and its correlates: A systematic review.
Verhoeven, E., van Witteloostuijn, M., Oudgenoeg - Paz, O., & Blom, E. (2023). Optimizing language environment measures: combining LENA audio recordings with the Q-BEx questionnaire. OSF.
van Witteloostuijn, M., de Bree, E., & Blom, E. (2023). Parental language mixing and its association with language outcomes of children with (a suspicion of) Developmental Language Disorder. OSF.
Haggiyannes, A., van Witteloostuijn, M., Blom, E., & de Bree, E. (2023). The influence of parental input and parent-child interactions on language outcomes in children with (a suspicion of) Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): A Systematic Review. PROSPERO: International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews.
Blom, E., Fikkert, P., Scheper, A., van Witteloostuijn, M., & van Alphen, P. (2023). The Language Environment at Home of Children With (a Suspicion of) a Developmental LanguagDisorder and Relations With Standardized Language Measures. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(8), 2821-2830.


Scholarly publications

de Bree, E., Lammertink, I., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Rispens, J. (2022). Word-level spelling of children with dyslexia and developmental language disorder. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 27, 24-52.
Boerma, T., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Blom, E. (2022). Nonverbal Switching Ability of Monolingual and Bilingual Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. Languages, 7(2), 1-20. Article 108.


Scholarly publications

Van Witteloostuijn, M., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., & Rispens, J. (2021). Grammatical performance in children with dyslexia: The contributions of individual differences in phonological memory and statistical learning. Applied Psycholinguistics, 42(3), 791-821.
van Witteloostuijn, M., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., & Rispens, J. (2021). The contribution of individual differences in statistical learning to reading and spelling performance in children with and without dyslexia. Dyslexia, 27(2), 168-186.


Scholarly publications

Vadinova, V., Buivolova, O., Dragoy, O., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Bos, L. S. (2020). Implicit-statistical learning in aphasia and its relation to lesion location. Neuropsychologia, 147, Article 107591.


Scholarly publications

Van Witteloostuijn, M., & Schaeffer, J. (2019). The mass-count distinction in Dutch-speaking children with specific language impairment. Glossa, 4(1), Article 52.
van Witteloostuijn, M., Lammertink, I., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., & Rispens, J. (2019). Assessing Visual Statistical Learning in Early-School-Aged Children: The Usefulness of an Online Reaction Time Measure. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 2051.
van Witteloostuijn, M., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., & Rispens, J. (2019). Statistical learning abilities of children with dyslexia across three experimental paradigms. PLoS One, 14(8), Article e0220041.
Lammertink, I. M. M. E., Van Witteloostuijn, M. E. R. E. L., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., & Rispens, J. (2019). Auditory statistical learning in children: Novel insights from an online measure. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40(2), 279-302.


Scholarly publications

Schaeffer, J., Van Witteloostuijn, M., & Creemers, A. (2018). Article choice, theory of mind, and memory in children with high-functioning autism and children with specific language impairment. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(1), 89-115.


Scholarly publications

van Witteloostuijn, M., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., & Rispens, J. (2017). Visual artificial grammar learning in dyslexia: A meta-analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 70, 126-137.
Blom, W. B. T., van Dijk, C., Vasic, N., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Avrutin, S. (2017). Textese and use of texting by children with typical language development and Specific Language Impairment. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 42-51.


Scholarly publications

van Dijk, C. N., van Witteloostuijn, M., Vasic, N., Avrutin, S., & Blom, E. (2016). The Influence of Texting Language on Grammar and Executive Functions in Primary School Children. PLoS One, 11(3), Article e0152409.

Professional publications

Blom, W. B. T., Avrutin, S., van Dijk, C. N., Vasic, N., & van Witteloostuijn, M. T. G. (2016). Is er een verband tussen het gebruik van texting-taal en taalontwikkeling bij kinderen tussen de 10 en 13 jaar? Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 17(2), 3-12.


Scholarly publications

Schaeffer, J., Van Witteloostuijn, M., & De Haan, D. (2014). Article choice in children with High Functioning Autism (HFA) and in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Linguistics in the Netherlands, 31(31), 107-128.