Dr. Marnix Naber

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H0.24
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Marnix Naber

Assistant Professor
Experimental Psychology


Startup of the year Neurolytics2021
Senior kwalificatie onderwijs2021
Completed research leadership course2021
NWO take-off grant fase 2 250.000 euro2020
Uitzicht Grant Rotterdamse Stichting Blindenbelangen 60.000 euro2019
NWO take-off grant fase 1 40.000 euro2019
ERC SMI Horizon 2020 valorisatie grant 50.000 euro2019
Zaaigeld - Application for buying out teaching obligations to write a ERC-StG 2019 and NWO Vidi grant proposal2018
Pupillograph perimetry to objectively assess visual defects caused by cerebral visual impairments2018
Study on the development of visual functions in children affected by brain diseases and on the application of new methods for testing their visual field2017
NCU Seed Money for writing grant applications2015