Dr. Miel Hostens

Martinus G. de Bruingebouw
Yalelaan 7
3584 CL Utrecht

Dr. Miel Hostens

Assistant Professor
Farm Animal Health

PhD Supervision

  • Promotor of Matthieu Salamone, a Ph.D. focusing on "The transition period as time window to monitor the nutritional and metabolic resilience of high productive dairy cattle - Predictive milk production modeling" (2019-ongoing).
  • Promotor of Kristof Hermans, a Ph.D. focusing on data quality in dairy cows as a follow up on the development of the DairyDataWarehouse (2013-ongoing)
  • Co-promotor of Jenne De Koster (2016), Ph.D. title: “Influence of body condition score of dairy cows at the end of pregnancy on peripheral tissue insulin response and metabolic properties of adipose tissue”
  • Co-promotor of Chen YongYan, a Ph.D. focusing on non-linear lactation curve modelling in dairy cows.
  • Co-promotor of Arno Liseune, a Ph.D. focusing on prediction of health events in dairy cows using deep learning.
  • Co-promotor of Peter Hut, a Ph.D. focusing on using sensor technology in dairy cows to predict transition disease.




GplusE (2014-2018)

GplusE: Genotype and Environment contributing to the sustainability of dairy cow production systems through the optimal integration of genomic selection and novel management protocols based on the development and exploitation of genomic data and supporting novel phenotyping approaches.

GplusE is an FP7 project funded by the European Union. It is a five-year project which began in January 2014 and was executed by 15 research and industry partners.

The GplusE project formally ended on 31st December 2018. The GplusE community is however still active in finalising, publishing and implementing the results.

Veerkracht (2019-2023)

De transitieperiode als monitoringsvenster voor de nutritionele en metabole veerkracht van hoogproductief melkvee (HBC.2017.0830)

SUMMERFAIR (2021-2023)

SUMmarizing antimicrobial transmission data to Enable data Reanalysis and prediction by FAIR data use – SUMMERFAIR (ZonMW 541003004)