Scholarly publications
Slavco, E., Vos, M. D.
, Hostens, M., Top, J.
, & Fischer, E. A. J. (2022).
Infection Transmission Ontology: Standardization of Infection Transmission Data. In
2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) (pp. 65-73). [9973670] IEEE. Zare, M., Atashi, H.
, & Hostens, M. (2022).
Genome-Wide Association Study for Lactation Performance in the Early and Peak Stages of Lactation in Holstein Dairy Cows.
12(12), [1541]., P. R., Scheurwater, J., Nielen, M., van den Broek, J., & Hostens, M. M. (2022).
Heat stress in a temperate climate leads to adapted sensor-based behavioral patterns of dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science,
105(8), 6909-6922. Kemel, C., Salamone, M., Van Loo, H., Latour, C., Vandeputte, S., Callens, J.
, Hostens, M., & Opsomer, G. (2022).
Unaffected semen quality parameters in Neospora caninum seropositive Belgian Blue bulls.
191, 10-15., Y.
, Hostens, M., Nielen, M., Ehrlich, J.
, & Steeneveld, W. (2022).
Herd level economic comparison between the shape of the lactation curve and 305 d milk production.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
9, 1-11. [997962]., M., Adriaens, I., Vervaet, A., Opsomer, G., Atashi, H., Fievez, V., Aernouts, B.
, & Hostens, M. (2022).
Prediction of first test day milk yield using historical records in dairy cows.
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience,
16(11), [100658]., P. R., Kuiper, S. E. M., Nielen, M., Hulsen, J. H. J. L., Stassen, E. N.
, & Hostens, M. M. (2022).
Sensor based time budgets in commercial Dutch dairy herds vary over lactation cycles and within 24 hours.
PLoS One,
17(2), 1-19. [e0264392]. 2021
Scholarly publications
Liseune, A., Salamone, M., Van den Poel, D., van Ranst, B.
, & Hostens, M. (2021).
Predicting the milk yield curve of dairy cows in the subsequent lactation period using deep learning.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,
180, [105904]., H., Asaadi, A.
, & Hostens, M. (2021).
Association between age at first calving and lactation performance, lactation curve, calving interval, calf birth weight, and dystocia in Holstein dairy cows.
PLoS One,
16(1), [e0244825]. GplusE consortium (2021).
Relationships between metabolic profiles and gene expression in liver and leukocytes of dairy cows in early lactation.
Journal of Dairy Science,
104(3), 3596-3616., D., Łukasik, K., Bacławska, A., Skarżyński, D. J.
, Hostens, M., & Barański, W. (2021).
Prediction of calving to conception interval length using algorithmic analysis of endometrial mrna expression in bovine.
11(1), 1-15. [236]. Consortium (2021).
Estimation of genetic parameters for predicted nitrogen use efficiency and losses in early lactation of Holstein cows.
Journal of Dairy Science,
104(4), 4413-4423., D. C., Cheng, Z., Salavati, M., Buggiotti, L., Tang, L., Ferris, C.
, Hostens, M., Crowe, M. A., McLoughlin, N., Fahey, A., Matthews, E., Santoro, A., Byrne, C., Rudd, P., O'Flaherty, R., Hallinan, S., Fouladi, A., Pollott, G., Werling, D., ... Takeda, H. (2021).
Corrigendum to “Relationships between metabolic profiles and gene expression in liver and leukocytes of dairy cows in early lactation” (J. Dairy Sci. 104:3596–3616) (Journal of Dairy Science (2021) 104(3) (3596–3616), (S0022030221000321), (10.3168/jds.2020-19165)).
Journal of Dairy Science,
104(5), 6327. Consortium Group (2021).
Validation of Dairy Cow Bodyweight Prediction Using Traits Easily Recorded by Dairy Herd Improvement Organizations and Its Potential Improvement Using Feature Selection Algorithms.
11(5), [1288]. Genotype plus Environment Consortium (2021).
Comparison of the transcriptome in circulating leukocytes in early lactation between primiparous and multiparous cows provides evidence for age-related changes.
BMC Genomics,
22(1), [693]., A., den Poel, D. V.
, Hut, P. R., van Eerdenburg, F. J. C. M., & Hostens, M. (2021).
Leveraging sequential information from multivariate behavioral sensor data to predict the moment of calving in dairy cattle using deep learning.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,
191, [106566]., A., Faverjon, C.
, Hostens, M., Stegeman, A., & Cameron, A. (2021).
Systematic review of the status of veterinary epidemiological research in two species regarding the FAIR guiding principles.
BMC Veterinary Research,
17(1), 1-14. [270]., J., Hostens, M., Nielen, M., Heesterbeek, H., Schot, A., van Hoeij, R.
, & Aardema, H. (2021).
Pressure measurement in the reticulum to detect different behaviors of healthy cows.
PLoS One,
16(7), 1-13. [e0254410]. Hut, P. R., Hostens, M. M., Beijaard, M. J.
, van Eerdenburg, F. J. C. M., Hulsen, J. H. J. L.
, Hooijer, G. A., Stassen, E. N.
, & Nielen, M. (2021).
Associations between body condition score, locomotion score, and sensor-based time budgets of dairy cattle during the dry period and early lactation.
Journal of Dairy Science,
104(4), 4746-4763. 2020
Scholarly publications
GplusE Consortium (2020).
Expert-based development of a generic HACCP-based risk management system to prevent critical negative energy balance in dairy herds.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
175, [104849]. Consortium (2020).
Only few benefits from propylene glycol drench in early lactation for cows identified as physiologically imbalanced based on milk spectra analyses.
Journal of Dairy Science,
103(2), 1831-1842. GplusE consortium (2020).
Genome-wide association for milk production and lactation curve parameters in Holstein dairy cows.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
137(3), 292-304. Pascottini, O., Probo, M., LeBlanc, S. J., Opsomer, G.
, & Hostens, M. (2020).
Assessment of associations between transition diseases and reproductive performance of dairy cows using survival analysis and decision tree algorithms.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
176, [104908]. Consortium (2020).
Potential of milk mid-infrared spectra to predict nitrogen use efficiency of individual dairy cows in early lactation.
Journal of Dairy Science,
103(5), 4435-4445., M. A.
, Hostens, M., Salavati, M., Grelet, C., Sorensen, M. T., Wathes, D. C., Ferris, C. P., Marchitelli, C., Signorelli, F., Napolitano, F., Becker, F., Larsen, T., Matthews, E., Carter, F., Vanlierde, A., Opsomer, G., Gengler, N., Dehareng, F., Crowe, M. A., ... Foldager, L. (2020).
Between- And within-herd variation in blood and milk biomarkers in Holstein cows in early lactation.
14(5), 1067-1075. GplusE consortium (2020).
Genome-wide association for metabolic clusters in early-lactation Holstein dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science,
103(7), 6392-6406., H., Salavati, M., Koster, J. D., Crowe, M. A., Opsomer, G.
, & Hostens, M. (2020).
A genome-wide association study for calving interval in holstein dairy cows using weighted single-step genomic BLUP approach.
10(3), [500]., A., Salamone, M., Van den Poel, D., Van Ranst, B.
, & Hostens, M. (2020).
Leveraging latent representations for milk yield prediction and interpolation using deep learning.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,
175, [105600].ño, N.
, Hostens, M., Mullaart, E., Broekhuijse, M., Lonergan, P., & Van Soom, A. (2020).
High temperature-humidity index compromises sperm quality and fertility of Holstein bulls in temperate climates.
Journal of Dairy Science,
103(10), 9502-9514.
Scholarly publications
GplusE Consortium (2019).
Potential of milk mid-IR spectra to predict metabolic status of cows through blood components and an innovative clustering approach.
13(3), 649-658. (2019).
Prediction of metabolic clusters in early-lactation dairy cows using models based on milk biomarkers.
Journal of Dairy Science,
102(3), 2631-2644. (2019).
Corrigendum to “Prediction of metabolic clusters in early-lactation dairy cows using models based on milk biomarkers” (Journal of Dairy Science (2019) 102(3) (2631–2644), (S0022030219300864), (10.3168/jds.2018-15533)).
Journal of Dairy Science,
102(4), 3778., A., Kafi, M., Atashi, H., Azari, M.
, & Hostens, M. (2019).
Frozen-thawed ampullary cell monolayer improves bovine embryo in vitro development and quality.
27(5), 337-346., A., Van Den Poel, D., & Hostens, M. (2019). Predicting the next life event of cows by applying deep learning on sequential and pictorial data. In B. O'Brien, D. Hennessy, & L. Shalloo (Eds.), Precision Livestock Farming 2019 - Papers Presented at the 9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2019 (pp. 353-358). (Precision Livestock Farming 2019 - Papers Presented at the 9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2019). Organising Committee of the 9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPLF), Teagasc, Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre.
Scholarly publications
Probo, M., Pascottini, O. B., LeBlanc, S., Opsomer, G.
, & Hostens, M. (2018).
Association between metabolic diseases and the culling risk of high-yielding dairy cows in a transition management facility using survival and decision tree analysis.
Journal of Dairy Science,
101(10), 9419-9429. Pascottini, O.
, Hostens, M., & Opsomer, G. (2018).
Cytological endometritis diagnosed at artificial insemination in repeat breeder dairy cows.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals,
53(2), 559-561., E., De Koster, J., Van Poucke, M.
, Hostens, M., Van den Broeck, W., Peelman, L., Contreras, G. A., & Opsomer, G. (2018).
Influence of adipocyte size and adipose depot on the number of adipose tissue macrophages and the expression of adipokines in dairy cows at the end of pregnancy.
Journal of Dairy Science,
101(7), 6542-6555., K., Opsomer, G., Waegeman, W., Moerman, S., De Koster, J., Van Eetvelde, M., Van Ranst, B.
, & Hostens, M. (2018).
Interpretation and visualisation of data from dairy herds.
In Practice,
40(5), 195-203.
Scholarly publications
Bogado Pascottini, O.
, Hostens, M., Sys, P., Vercauteren, P., & Opsomer, G. (2017).
Cytological endometritis at artificial insemination in dairy cows: Prevalence and effect on pregnancy outcome.
Journal of Dairy Science,
100(1), 588-597. Koster, J., Urh, C.
, Hostens, M., Van den Broeck, W., Sauerwein, H., & Opsomer, G. (2017).
Relationship between serum adiponectin concentration, body condition score, and peripheral tissue insulin response of dairy cows during the dry period.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology,
59, 100-104., O. B.
, Hostens, M., Sys, P., Vercauteren, P., & Opsomer, G. (2017).
Risk factors associated with cytological endometritis diagnosed at artificial insemination in dairy cows.
92, 1-5. Koster, J., Van Eetvelde, M., Hermans, K., Van den Broeck, W.
, Hostens, M., & Opsomer, G. (2017).
Short communication: Limitations of glucose tolerance tests in the assessment of peripheral tissue insulin sensitivity during pregnancy and lactation in dairy heifers.
Journal of Dairy Science,
100(3), 2381-2387., K., Waegeman, W., Opsomer, G., Van Ranst, B., De Koster, J., Van Eetvelde, M.
, & Hostens, M. (2017).
Novel approaches to assess the quality of fertility data stored in dairy herd management software.
Journal of Dairy Science,
100(5), 4078-4089., E., Meyer, E., Demeyere, K., Van Eetvelde, M.
, Hostens, M., & Opsomer, G. (2017).
Flow cytometric assessment of myeloperoxidase in bovine blood neutrophils and monocytes.
Journal of Dairy Science,
100(9), 7638-7647., C., Van Zijll Langhout, M.
, Hostens, M., Otto, M., Govaere, J., Durrant, B., & Van Soom, A. (2017).
Reproductive performance parameters in a large population of game-ranched white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum).
PLoS One,
12(12), [0187751].
Scholarly publications
de Koster, J., Van den Broeck, W., Hulpio, L., Claeys, E., Van Eetvelde, M.
, Hermans, K., Hostens, M., Fievez, V., & Opsomer, G. (2016).
Influence of adipocyte size and adipose depot on the in vitro lipolytic activity and insulin sensitivity of adipose tissue in dairy cows at the end of the dry period.
Journal of Dairy Science,
99(3), 2319-2328. Eetvelde, M., Kamal, M. M.
, Hostens, M., Vandaele, L., Fiems, L. O., & Opsomer, G. (2016).
Evidence for placental compensation in cattle.
10(8), 1342-1350., P., Bogado Pascottini, O., Ducheyne, K.
, Hostens, M., & Daels, P. (2016).
Holding equine oocytes in a commercial embryo-holding medium: New perspective on holding temperature and maturation time.
86(5), 1361-1368. Pascottini, O.
, Hostens, M., Dini, P., Vandepitte, J., Ducatelle, R., & Opsomer, G. (2016).
Comparison between cytology and histopathology to evaluate subclinical endometritis in dairy cows.
86(6), 1550-1556. Koster, J.
, Hostens, M., Hermans, K., Van den Broeck, W., & Opsomer, G. (2016).
Validation of different measures of insulin sensitivity of glucose metabolism in dairy cows using the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp test as the gold standard.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology,
57, 117-126., B.
, Hostens, M., Hajrulai-Musliu, Z., Uzunov, R., Adamov, N., Davkov, F., Velev, R., Opsomer, G., & Dovenski, T. (2016).
Comparison of pufa profiles in the blood and in follicular fluid and its association with follicular dynamics after pgf2αinduced luteolysis in dairy cows.
Macedonian Veterinary Review,
39(2), 175-183., O. B.
, Hostens, M., Dini, P., Van Eetvelde, M., Vercauteren, P., & Opsomer, G. (2016).
Prevalence of cytological endometritis and effect on pregnancy outcomes at the time of insemination in nulliparous dairy heifers.
Journal of Dairy Science,
99(11), 9051-9056. Pascottini, O.
, Hostens, M., Dini, P., Vandepitte, J., Ducatelle, R., & Opsomer, G. (2016).
Distribution of inflammation and association between active and chronic alterations within the endometrium of dairy cows.
Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene,
51(5), 751-757.
Scholarly publications
Meganck, V., Goddeeris, B. M., De Campeneere, S.
, Hostens, M., Van Eetvelde, M., Piepers, S., Cox, E., & Opsomer, G. (2015).
Effect of β-hydroxybutyric acid, parity, and body condition score on phenotype and proliferative capacity of colostral mononuclear leukocytes of high-yielding dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science,
98(10), 6782-6791. [73814]., O. B., Dini, P.
, Hostens, M., Ducatelle, R., & Opsomer, G. (2015).
A novel cytologic sampling technique to diagnose subclinical endometritis and comparison of staining methods for endometrial cytology samples in dairy cows.
84(8), 1438-1446., M., Hermans, K., De Koster, J., Van Eetvelde, M., De Preester, E., Bogaert, H., Van Ranst, B., Moerman, S., Vandepitte, J., & Opsomer, G. (2015). Bovi-Analytics: A platform to educate veterinary students Big Data in dairy cows: An initiative to create the veterinary stethoscope version 3.0? In M. Guarino, & D. Berckmans (Eds.), Precision Livestock Farming 2015 - Papers Presented at the 7th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2015 (pp. 736-739). (Precision Livestock Farming 2015 - Papers Presented at the 7th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2015). Organising Committee of the 9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPLF), Teagasc, Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre.
Scholarly publications
Hostens, M., Caluwaerts, T., Van Ranst, B., & Opsomer, G. (2009). The Effect of Age at First Calving on Subsequent Production in Dairy Cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44, 85-86.
Caluwaerts, T., Hostens, M., Van Ranst, B., & Opsomer, G. (2009). The Relationship between the Increasing Ratio of Milk Yield in the First Part of Lactation and the Moment of First Recorded Heat in Dairy Cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44, 98-98.