Dr. Miel Hostens

Martinus G. de Bruingebouw
Yalelaan 7
3584 CL Utrecht

Dr. Miel Hostens

Assistant Professor
Farm Animal Health

Current ideas

  1. At the Tolakker Research Farm of the Utrecht University, multiple precision livestock technologies are currently implemented such as camera observations, cow accelerometers, genetic information, milk meter information. Integrating and using that data to make better decisions is essential to create a more sustainible dairy industry. Several predicition model that make use of integrated PLF data need to be developed.
  2. Unsupervised machine learning of milk biomarkers to identify nutrient efficient dairy cows.
  3. A study to explore the current need for veterinarians in the Netherlands. How many veterinarians do we need to serve all dairy farms now and in the future. What do dairy farmers expect from the Dutch veterinarian
  4. How can message inversation influence veterinary students. A pilot study.
  5. How do EU versus USA dairy rations differ. A literature study. 
  6. Manure scoring with different rations
  7. ...
  8. Bring-your-own-subject




Master in Veterinary Medicine

  • Piet Ameel, 2008. The use of glucogenic precursors in high yielding dairy cows around parturition.
  • Karen Van Der Sypt , 2008. Feeding the dairy cow around parturition.
  • Olivier Buysse, 2009. Comparison of the Dutch VEM/DVE and American NRC model to formulate rations for high yielding dairy cows.
  • Stefanie Crul, 2009. Retentio secundinarum in dairy cows.
  • Kathelijne Deberdt, 2009. Immunity drop in high yielding dairy cows around calving.
  • Dirk Vanbelle, 2009. Comparison of the Dutch DVE/OEB and French PDIE and PDIN protein model to formulate rations for high yielding dairy cows
  • Elise Vandekerckhove , 2009. Tools to assist oestrus detection in dairy cows.
  • Kathelijne Deberdt, 2010. The effect of fatty acid supplementation on the neutrophil quality in high yielding dairy cows.
  • Ilse Declerck, 2010. Risk factors for hypocalcaemia and hypocalcaemia as risk factor.
  • Ayold De Jong, 2010. Left abomasal displacement in a Holstein Friesian cow.
  • Anneleen De Visscher, 2010. Factors affecting the conception rate in a transition management facility.
  • Kristof Hermans, 2010. The metabolic profile as a management tool to monitor the transition period in high yielding dairy cows.
  • Boukeline Kappelhoff, 2010. Analysis of a problem herd in cattle.
  • Lena Maes, 2010. Practical sedation of cows on distance.
  • Jentina Seinen, 2010. The caesarean section in cows : an alternative method to open the uterus.
  • Filip Truyens, 2010. Visualization of milk production as a function of dry matter intake.
  • Dirk Vanbelle, 2010. Factors influencing the milk fatty acid composition in the omega-3 & CLA project of FrieslandCampina in Flanders.
  • Leander Van Overschelde, 2010. Anionic salts in the dry period in high yielding dairy cows as a prevention strategy for hypocalcaemia.
  • Maarten Verstraeten, 2010. The influence of body condition scoring on production and reproduction in high yielding dairy cows.
  • Sofie Didden, 2011. Metabolic disease in the transition period in dairy cows.
  • Joris Somers, 2011. Fertility indicators in high yielding dairy cows.
  • Caroline Richard, 2011. Serum BHB profile around parturition in dairy cows.
  • Jasmine Cap, 2012. Visualization of the body condition score in high yielding dairy cows with 3D analysis.
  • Thomas Depoortere, 2012. BVD infection and its effect on reproduction in a dairy herd.
  • Steven Mens, 2012. The selenium status in Flemish dairy herds.
  • Judith de Jong, 2012. Prediction methods for dry matter intake in early lactating dairy cows.
  • Audrey Bruijns, 2012. The association between the total serum protein content and morbidity/ mortality in dairy calves.
  • Stephan van der Raaf, 2012. Oestrus induction with PGF2α in Dutch and Flemish dairy cows.
  • Sarah Fockedey, 2012. The effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on fertility in high yielding dairy cows.
  • Hanna Tay, 2012. The effect of fat in the ration of high yielding dairy cows on embryo quality.
  • Lieven De Vos, 2013. Dry-off management in high yielding dairy cows.
  • Mathieu Meerschman, 2013. Modern herd health management using Dairy Data Warehouse.
  • Zyncke Lipkens, 2013. Incidence of (sub)clinical ketonaemia in dairy cows.
  • Thomas Hectors, 2013. Risk factor analysis for periparturient disease in dairy cows.
  • Anouk Beulen, 2013. Pathogenesis and risk factor analysis of retained placenta in cows.
  • Stephanie Logghe, 2013. Pyometra in cows and its effect on subsequent fertility.
  • Aart van Bennekom, 2013. A retrospective analysis of selenium supplementation in dairy cows: The effect on the incidence of retained placenta.
  • Priscilla Valk, 2013. The incidence of downer cows.
  • Jeroen Vandenbroucke, 2013. The effect of the negative energy balance on ovarian activity in dairy cows.
  • Stefanie Packet, 2013. The long lasting effects of hypocalcaemia in dairy cows.
  • Anthony De Schryver, 2013. Cystic ovarian follicles in dairy cows.
  • Harm van den Meijdenberg, 2013. The cost of production disease in dairy cows.
  • Rianne Bastiaansen, 2013. Torsio uteri in cows.
  • Niels Schouteden,2014. Schaalvergroting en intensivering van de melkveehouderij.
  • Stefanie Packet, 2014. Evaluatie van de fertiliteit van bindstal naar stal met melkrobot.
  • Priscilla Valk, 2014. Het effect van de transitieperiode op de productie- en reproductieresultaten bij hoogproductief melkvee.
  • Fien Lanno, 2014. Milk fatty acids as early biomarkers of reproduction problems in dairy cattle.
  • Stef Frencken, 2014. Factoren die de drinkwateropname bepalen bij hoogproductief melkvee.
  • Anouk Beulen, 2014. Voorkomen van retentio secundinarum bij rundvee.
  • Jeroen Vandenbroucke, 2014. Effect van de negatieve energiebalans gemeten via dagelijkse gewichtsbepaling op het tochtig worden van hoogproductieve
  • melkkoeien.
  • Delfien Van Vooren, 2014. Dagelijkse tijdsbesteding van hoogproductief melkvee: Wat doen koeien gedurende 24u?
  • Thomas Hectors, 2014. De mogelijkheden om reeds in de droogstand koeien met een verhoogd risico op ziekte na het afkalven te detecteren.
  • Zyncke Lipkens, 2014. Prevalentie van (sub)klinische ketonemie bij hoogproductieve melkkoeien: een steekproef op enkele Vlaamse melkveebedrijven.
  • Dagmar Bruyland, 2015. Survey staldesign anno 2014.
  • Maya Meesters, 2015. Keizersnede onder kliniekomstandigheden: het dalen van de temperatuur voor de partus en de invloed van de maanstand op het
  • tijdstip van kalven.
  • Isabelle Hoschet, 2015. Animal behavior in relation to footbath designs and footbath management in modern dairy herds in Flanders.
  • Stef Frenken, 2015. Onderzoek naar de invloed van dier- en managementfactoren op de drinkwateropname op een hoogproductief melkveebedrijf.
  • Marieke Vanhecke, 2015. Fertility results on dairy farms with or without pedometers.
  • Raf Bolckmans, 2016. Maïsmanagement op hoogproductieve melkveebedrijven en de invloed op productieparameters.
  • Tuur Swolfs, 2016. Invloeden van het staldesign op de economische prestaties van een melkveebedrijf.
  • Ralph Eussen, 2016. Total and partial mixed rations in dairy cattle: Really mixed enough? A survey.

Master in Bioscience Engineering

  • Joost-Pim Balis, 2008. Influence of a milk fat depression in early lactation on the fatty acid composition of follicular fluid and embryo quality.
  • Katrijn De Vriendt, 2008. Induction of a milk fat depression through trans – 10, cis – 12 CLA supplementation in dairy cows and its effect on indicators of the
  • negative energy balance.
  • Bea Theeuwes, 2008. Induction of a milk fat depression through DHA supplementation in dairy cows and its effect on indicators of the negative energy
  • balance.
  • Bianca De Geest, 2009. Omega-3 & CLA fatty acids in body fat of dairy cows.
  • Jef Van Ranst, 2009. The origin of non-esterified fatty acids in serum of dairy cows in negative energy balance.
  • Vicky Devooght, 2010. Multilevel analysis of factors influencing the milk lactose content in high yielding dairy cows.
  • Bram Heindryckx, 2010. Multilevel analysis of factors influencing the milk lactose content in high yielding dairy cows.
  • Bert Van de Steene, 2010. Multilevel analysis of factors influencing the milk lactose content in high yielding dairy cows.

Bachelor in applied Internet, Communication and Technology

  • Tom Thomas, 2009. Development of the BOVICOM program
  • Kevin Noppe, 2010. Databasemigration and optimalisation Bovicom, development of BoviVacc.
  • Christophe Dufroumont , 2010. Databasemigration and optimalisation Bovicom, development of BoviVacc.
  • Cottem Cédric, 2011. Bovicom: refractoring and optimalisation.
  • Vranken Stijn, 2011. Bovicom: refractoring and optimalisation.
  • Jasper De Rocker, 2014. Watermetingen: van verbruik tot visualisatie.

Master in applied Internet, Communication and Technology

  • Mathias Van De Pol, 2015. BactoSense, automated collection and analysis of mastitis samples for dairy farms.
  • Robrecht Sinnaeve, 2016. Quicker to the market with dockerized architecture.
  • Mathias Van Malderen, 2016. Applied micro-service oriented architecture.
  • Stefan Verhelst, 2016. User experience monitoring in the MmmooOgle app.