Dr. Miel Hostens

Assistant Professor
Sustainable Ruminant Health
  • I am a member of the steering committee to revise the MSc in Veterinary Medicine and new post-graduate in animal health sciences at the UU.
  • In 2020, I wrote an advisory report around “De Tolakker” research farm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for the faculty board. This has supported a large investment of the UU to gradually transform the research farm into a research innovation centre for circular agriculture.
  • I became a member of the “Dairy Cattle Milk Recording Working Group” of the International Committee for Animal Recording due to my interest to apply federated learning to the globally horizontally partitioned milk recording organizations.
  • I have a quarterly section in the Dutch dairy magazine ‘Melkveebedrijf’ which enables nationwide dissemination of ongoing research results.
  • Ambassador of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine within the focus area of Applied Data Science of the UU (uu.nl/en/research/applied-data-science/about-us/ambassadors). 
  • I'm frequently performing extension services for farmers and veterinarians