For a more or less up to date list of publications, visit
Kanters, Coco, Sigrid Merx, Michiel de Lange, and Nanna Verhoeff, eds. 2023. Special issue: Creative Urban Methods. Vol. 8(4), Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture.
Merx, Sigrid, Coco Kanters, Michiel de Lange, and Nanna Verhoeff. 2023. “Introduction: Creative Urban Methods: Generative and Situated Practices for Researching the City.” Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture 8 (4).
Baibarac Duignan, Corelia, Julieta Matos Castaño, Anouk Geenen, and Michiel de Lange. 2023. “Controversing Datafication Through Media Architectures.” In Situating Data: Inquiries in Algorithmic Culture, edited by Karin van Es and Nanna Verhoeff, 67-84. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Verhoeff, Nanna, Sigrid Merx, and Michiel de Lange. 2023. “Creative Urban Methods for the Datafied City.” In Situating Data: Inquiries in Algorithmic Culture, edited by Karin van Es and Nanna Verhoeff, 257–66. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press,
Hespanhol, Luke, and Michiel de Lange. 2023. “Activating Public Places.” In Media Architecture Compendium Vol. 2 – Concepts, Methods, Practice, edited by Joel Fredericks, Glenda A. Caldwell, Martin Tomitsch, M. Hank Häusler, Dave Colangelo, Martijn de Waal, Ava Fatah gen. Schieck, Marcus Foth, Luke Hespanhol, Marius Hoggenmüller and Gernot Tscherteu. Stuttgart: AVEdition.
van den Eijnden, Tamalone, Corelia Baibarac-Duignan, Michiel de Lange, and Maartje de Goede. 2022. “Materials and modes of translation: Re-imagining inclusive “zero”-waste futures.” Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 4. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2022.958423.
Baibarac-Duignan, Corelia, and Michiel de Lange. 2021. “Controversing the datafied smart city: Conceptualising a ‘making-controversial’ approach to civic engagement.” Big Data & Society 8 (2).
de Lange, Michiel, Martijn de Waal, Frank Suurenbroek, and Nanna Verhoeff 2021. Media Architecture And Its Futures Implied. Volume Magazine 59.
de Lange, Michiel, and Corelia Baibarac-Duignan. 2021. “Controversing the smart city: A research-by-design approach to citizen engagement.” In Speculative Design Methods: for Citizen Engagement in Smart City Research, edited by Emiel Rijshouwer and Liesbet van Zoonen, 37-49. Rotterdam: Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities.
de Waal, Martijn, Frank Suurenbroek, Nanna Verhoeff, and Michiel de Lange. 2021. “Media Architecture And Its Futures Implied: curatorial statement for the 2021 Media Architecture Biennale (MAB20).”
van Es, Karin and Michiel de Lange. 2020. “Data with its boots on the ground: Datawalking as research method.” European Journal of Communication.
de Waal, Martijn , Michiel de Lange, and Matthijs Bouw. 2020. “The hackable city: exploring collaborative citymaking in a network society.” In The Routledge Companion to Smart Cities, edited by Katharine S. Willis and Alessandro Aurigi, 351-366. New York: Routledge.
de Lange, Michiel, Sigrid Merx, and Nanna Verhoeff. “Urban Interfaces: Between Object, Concept, and Cultural Practice.” Introduction to Urban Interfaces: Media, Art and Performance in Public Spaces, edited by Verhoeff, Nanna, Sigrid Merx, and Michiel de Lange. Leonardo Electronic Almanac 22, no. 4 (March 15, 2019).
Verhoeff, Nanna, Sigrid Merx, and Michiel de Lange, eds. Urban Interfaces: Media, Art and Performance in Public Spaces. Leonardo Electronic Almanac 22, no. 4 (March 15, 2019).
de Lange, Michiel. 2019. “The right to the datafied city: Interfacing the urban data commons.” In The Right to the Smart City, edited by Paolo Cardullo, Cesare Di Feliciantonio and Rob Kitchin, 71-83. Bingley: Emerald.
Ashtari, Delaram, and Michiel de Lange. 2019. “Playful civic skills: a transdisciplinary approach to analyse participatory civic games.” Cities 89:70-79.
de Lange, Michiel, and Martijn de Waal, eds. 2019. The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-making in the Network Society. Singapore: Springer. [Open Access]
de Lange, Michiel. 2019. “Of Hackers and Cities: How Selfbuilders in the Buiksloterham Are Making their City.” In The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-making in the Network Society, edited by Michiel de Lange and Martijn de Waal. London: Springer.
de Waal, Martijn, and Michiel de Lange. 2019. “Introduction. The Hacker, the City and Their Institutions: From Grassroots Urbanism to Systemic Change.” In The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-making in the Network Society, edited by Michiel de Lange and Martijn de Waal, 1-22. London: Springer.
de Lange, Michiel. 2019. “The playful city: Citizens making the smart city.” In The Playful Citizen: Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture, edited by René Glas, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens and Imar O. De Vries, 349-369. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Available Open Access]
Glas, René, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens, and Imar O. De Vries. 2019. The Playful Citizen: Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Available Open Access]
Glas, René, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens, and Imar O. De Vries. 2019. “The Playful Citizen: An introduction.” In The Playful Citizen: Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture, edited by René Glas, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens and Imar O. De Vries, 9-29. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Available Open Access]
Glas, René, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens, and Imar O. De Vries. 2019. “Introduction to Part I.” In The Playful Citizen: Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture, edited by René Glas, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens and Imar O. De Vries, 33-35. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Available Open Access]
Glas, René, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens, and Imar O. De Vries. 2019. “Introduction to Part II.” In The Playful Citizen: Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture, edited by René Glas, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens and Imar O. De Vries, 159-161. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Available Open Access]
Glas, René, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens, and Imar O. De Vries. 2019. “Introduction to Part III.” In The Playful Citizen: Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture, edited by René Glas, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens and Imar O. De Vries, 275-278. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Available Open Access]
Costa, Carlos Smaniotto, Ina Šuklje Erjavec, Therese Kenna, Michiel de Lange, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Gabriela Maksymiuk, and Martijn de Waal, eds. 2019. CyberParks – The Interface Between People, Places and Technology: New Approaches and Perspectives, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [Available Open Access]
de Lange, Michiel, and Martijn de Waal. 2019. “Programming and Activating Cyberparks: An Introduction and Overview.” In CyberParks – The Interface Between People, Places and Technology: New Approaches and Perspectives, edited by Carlos Smaniotto Costa, Ina Šuklje Erjavec, Therese Kenna, Michiel de Lange, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Gabriela Maksymiuk and Martijn de Waal, 153-156. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [Available Open Access]
de Lange, Michiel, Kåre Synnes, and Gerald Leindecker. 2019. “Smart Citizens in the Hackable City: On the Datafication, Playfulness, and Making of Urban Public Spaces Through Digital Art.” In CyberParks – The Interface Between People, Places and Technology: New Approaches and Perspectives, edited by Carlos Smaniotto Costa, Ina Šuklje Erjavec, Therese Kenna, Michiel de Lange, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Gabriela Maksymiuk and Martijn de Waal, 157-166. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [Available Open Access]
de Lange, Michiel. 2018. “From real-time city to asynchronicity: Exploring the real-time smart city dashboard ” In Time for mapping: Cartographic temporalities, edited by Sybille Lammes, Chris Perkins, Alex Gekker, Sam Hind, Clancy Wilmott and Daniel Evans. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (free Open Access publication)
de Waal, Martijn, Michiel de Lange & Matthijs Bouw. 2018. The Hackable City Cahier #1. The Hackable City: a Model for Collaborative Citymaking. Amsterdam: The Hackable City.
de Waal, Martijn & Michiel de Lange (eds.). 2018. The Hackable City Cahier #2. Design Probes for the Hackable City in Amsterdam Buiksloterham. Amsterdam: The Hackable City.
de Waal, Martijn & Michiel de Lange (eds..) 2018. Cahier #3 The Hackable City International. Lessons from Athens, São Paulo and Shenzhen. Amsterdam: The Hackable City.
de Lange, Michiel. 2017. Datafying the commons: data publics and smart citizenship. DRAFT PAPER for Workshop “The Right to the Smart City: Civic Participation, Urban Commons, Co-Creation and Citizenship”, 5-6 Sept 2017, edited by Paolo Cardullo, Cesare Di Feliciantonio and Rob Kitchin. Maynooth.
de Waal, Martijn, Michiel de Lange, and Matthijs Bouw. 2017. “The Hackable City: citymaking in a platform society.” Architectural Design (4D Hyperlocal: A Cultural Toolkit for the Open-Source City).
de Lange, Michiel. 2017. Smart Cities evolved: turning citizens into creators. In Game Research Magazine Utrecht University, edited by Joost Raessens and Remco Veldkamp. Utrecht: Utrecht Center for Game Research.
de Lange, Michiel. 2017. Slimme stad, slimme stedelingen. Agora Magazine voor sociaalruimtelijke vraagstukken, themanummer De Slimme Stad. [Dutch]
Verhoeff, Nanna, Michiel de Lange and Sigrid Merx. 2017. “[urban interfaces]. Onderzoek naar media, kunst en performance in de stad. Blik: Tijdschrift voor audiovisuele cultuur 10, 2 (August): 12-15.
de Lange, Michiel. 2016. “Hacking Buiksloterham: How digital media can democratize city-making.” PDZ Nieuw Amsterdam Magazine (10).
de Lange, Michiel, and Martijn de Waal. 2016. Hacking buiksloterham: How self-builders are making their city. Paper read at MEDIATIONS: Art & Design Agency and Participation in Public Space, 21-22 November 2016, at Royal College of Art, London, UK.
de Lange, Michiel. 2016. Verhalen over de slimme stad: Hoe kunnen burgers zich identificeren met de smart city? Essay Estafette: Reflecties op de toekomst van de digitale overheid voor het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, 57-71. [Dutch]
Schouten, Ben, Gabriele Ferri, Michiel de Lange, and Karel Millenaar. 2016. Games as strong concepts for city-making. In Playable cities: The city as a digital playground, ed. Anton Nijholt. London: Springer. 23-45.
de Lange, Michiel, Martijn de Waal, Nanna Verhoeff, Marcus Foth, and Martin Brynskov. 2015. Digital Cities 9 workshop proposal “Hackable Cities: From Subversive City Making to Systemic Change“. In 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T 2015), 27-30 June 2015. Limerick, Ireland: ACM.
de Lange, Michiel. 2015. “Een echte slimme stad is een speelse stad.” Parool, 30 May 2015. [Dutch]
de Lange, Michiel. 2015. The Playful City: play and games for citizen participation in the smart city. COST TU1306 STSM report, [pdf 270 KB].
de Lange, Michiel. 2015. “The Playful City: Using Play and Games to Foster Citizen Participation.” In Social Technologies and Collective Intelligence, edited by Aelita Skaržauskiene, 426-434. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University. [pdf 780 KB].
de Lange, Michiel. 2015. Playing life in the metropolis: Mobile media and identity in Jakarta. In Playful identities: The ludification of digital media cultures, eds. Valerie Frissen, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul and Joost Raessens. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 307-320. [Open Access publication – free pdf download].
Ampatzidou, Cristina, Matthijs Bouw, Froukje van de Klundert, Michiel de Lange, and Martijn de Waal. 2015. The Hackable City: A Research Manifesto and Design Toolkit. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Creative Industries Publishing.
Frissen, Valerie, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul, and Joost Raessens. 2015. Playful identities: The ludification of digital media cultures. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Open Access publication – free pdf download].
Frissen, Valerie, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul, and Joost Raessens. 2015. Homo ludens 2.0: Play, media, and identity. In Playful identities: The ludification of digital media cultures, eds. Valerie Frissen, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul and Joost Raessens. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 9-50. [Open Access publication – free pdf download].
Frissen, Valerie, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul, and Joost Raessens. 2015. “Introduction to Part I.” In Playful identities: The ludification of digital media cultures, eds. Valerie Frissen, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul and Joost Raessens, 53-54. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Open Access publication – free pdf download].
Frissen, Valerie, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul, and Joost Raessens. 2015. “Introduction to Part II.” In Playful identities: The ludification of digital media cultures, eds. Valerie Frissen, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul and Joost Raessens, 167-168. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Open Access publication – free pdf download].
Frissen, Valerie, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul, and Joost Raessens. 2015. “Introduction to Part III.” In Playful identities: The ludification of digital media cultures, eds. Valerie Frissen, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Jos de Mul and Joost Raessens, 263-265. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Open Access publication – free pdf download].
Klichowski, Michal, Philip Bonanno, Sylwia Jaskulska, Carlos Smaniotto Costa, Michiel de Lange, and Francisco R. Klauser. 2015. “CyberParks as a new context for Smart Education: theoretical background, assumptions, and pre-service teachers’ rating.” American Journal of Educational Research (Special Issue “Schooling and the new ways of social reproduction: perspectives on policy research”).
de Waal, Martijn, Michiel de Lange, Cristina Ampatzidou, and Matthijs Bouw. 2015. A Hackable City Research Manifesto. Paper read at workshop “Hackable Cities: From Subversive City Making to Systemic Change” at C&T ’15 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies. Limerick, Ireland.
de Lange, Michiel. 2014. Playful planning: Citizens making the smart and social city. ECLECTIS report: A contribution from cultural and creative actors to citizens’ empowerment, [17.5 MB]
de Lange, Michiel. 2014. From realtime city to asynchronicity. Paper presented at the workshop Time Travelers: Temporality and Mapping, 27-18 May 2014, at University of Oxford, UK.
de Lange, Michiel, Rolf van Boxmeer, and Tessa Peters. 2014. Rezone playful interventions: Spelen voor de toekomst. Den Bosch: BAI & bART/DW. (Dutch, pdf 2 MB).
de Waal, Martijn, and Michiel de Lange. 2014. “Klik. Like! Share: Hoe digitale media de publieke ruimte veranderen.” In: The Mobile City / Publieke Ruimte – Publieke Zaak. [Dutch, pdf 20 MB].
de Lange, Michiel. 2014. DRAFT PAPER The “urban” in “urban media”. Utrecht University.
de Lange, Michiel, and Martijn de Waal. 2013. Owning the City: New Media and Citizen Engagement in Urban Design. First Monday, special issue “Waves Bits And Bricks: Media & The Production of Urban Space” 18 (10).
de Lange, Michiel. 2013. The smart city you love to hate: Exploring the role of affect in hybrid urbanism. In The Hybrid City II: Subtle rEvolutions, edited by D. Charitos, I. Theona, D. Dragona and H. Rizopoulos. 23-25 May 2013. Athens, Greece. [pdf, 250 KB]
de Lange, Michiel. 2013. From gengsi to gaul: mobile media and playful identities in Jakarta. In Understanding Contemporary Culture: New Directions in Arts & Humanities Research, edited by J. Thissen, K. Zijlmans and R. Zwijnenberg. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 101-109. [pdf, 3.6 MB].
Tuters, Marc, & Michiel de Lange. 2013. Executable Urbanisms: Messing with Ubicomp’s Singular Future. In R. Buschauer & K. S. Willis (Eds.), Locative Media: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media and Locality (pp. 49-70). Bielefeld: Transcript. [pdf 7,6 MB].
Bouw, Matthijs, Froukje van de Klundert, Michiel de Lange & Martijn de Waal. 2013. Eindhoven Hackable World City. Amsterdam [pdf 2.2 MB, Dutch].
de Lange, Michiel. 2013. Rezone the game: playing for urban transformation.
de Lange, Michiel. 2012. Stad, spel, media: spelenderwijs eigenaar worden van je stad. In: E. Holleman, R.-J. de Kort & S. Lindemann (Eds.), Balkan in de polder: naar organische gebiedsontwikkeling in Nederland? (pp. 78-82). Amsterdam: Mondriaanfonds [pdf 120 KB, Dutch].
de Lange, Michiel. 2012. Digitale media en de stad: omarm de complexiteit. Architectenweb Magazine (nummer 48, mei/juni 2012), 60-63. [pdf 5.8 MB, Dutch].
de Lange, Michiel. 2012. Eigenaarschap: stedelingen betrekken bij hun stad met digitale media. In M. Kreijveld (Ed.), Samen Slimmer. Hoe de wisdom of crowds onze samenleving verandert. (pp. 152-153). Den Haag: STT [jpg, 1MB Dutch].
de Lange, Michiel & Martijn de Waal. 2012. Ownership in the Hybrid City. Available from [pdf 12.5 MB].
de Lange, Michiel. 2012. Txt and the city. Canvas8. Available from
de Lange, Michiel & Martijn de Waal. 2012. Social Cities of Tomorrow: conference text. Available from:
de Lange, Michiel & Martijn de Waal. 2011. What Is Ownership and Why Does It Matter? Volume, #30 Privatize!, 40-43. [pdf 7.2 MB; this is the introduction to the English version of Ownership in the Hybrid City].
de Lange, Michiel & Martijn de Waal. 2011. Ownership in de Hybride Stad. Available from [pdf 9.5 MB Dutch].
de Lange, Michiel. 2011. Social cities: How to engage citizens with digital media. Engaging Cities.
de Lange, Michiel. 2010. Moving Circles: mobile media and playful identities. PhD dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam. [pdf, 3.6 MB; versions suitable for e-readers are available too on this page].
de Lange, Michiel & Martijn de Waal. 2009. How can architects relate to digital media? The Mobile City keynote at the ‘Day of the Young Architect’: outcomes and further thoughts.
de Lange, Michiel. 2009. The Mobile City project and urban gaming. Second Nature: Games, Locative & Mobile Media, 1(2), 160-169.
de Lange, Michiel. 2009. From always on to always there: Locative media as Playful Technologies. In A. de Souza e Silva & D. M. Sutko (eds.), Digital cityscapes: merging digital and urban playspaces (pp. 55-70). New York: Peter Lang.
de Lange, Michiel. 2009. “Digital Nomadism”: a critique – Draft version of a section of my dissertation, but never made it into the final version.
Conference text The Mobile City: a conference on locative media, urban culture and identity. Co-authored with Martijn de Waal for The Mobile City conference February 27-28 2008 in Rotterdam.
Conference program “The Mobile City: program for a two day conference about locative and mobile media and the city” co-authored with Martijn de Waal for The Mobile City conference February 27-28 2008 in Rotterdam (February 25 2008).
de Lange, M. (2008). Geven en Nemen: Mobiele Telefonie als Giftcultuur. In V. Frissen & J. d. Mul (Eds.), De Draagbare Lichtheid van het Bestaan: het alledaagse gezicht van de informatiesamenleving (1 ed., pp. 28-44). Kampen: Klement. [Dutch].
Booklet “NomadicMILK fieldtrip 2006” for NomadicMILK project (March 8 2007).
Paper “Playful identities and the mobile phone” for Mobile Media 2007 conference Sydney, Australia (July 1 2007).
Paper “From always-on to always-there: locative media and playful identities” for “Towards a Philosophy of Telecommunications Convergence” conference in Budapest, Hungary (August 14 2007).
Chapter “NomadicMILK” for Co-Ops book “Co-Ops, interterritoriale verkenningen in kunst en wetenschap/Exploring new territories in art and science. Work in progress” Zijlmans, K., Zwijnenberg, R.& Clevis, K.(eds) (2007), Amsterdam, De Buitenkant (August 31 2007).
Chapter “NomadicMILK” for Co-Ops book “Co-Ops, interterritoriale verkenningen in kunst en wetenschap/Exploring new territories in art and science. Work in progress” Zijlmans, K., Zwijnenberg, R. & Clevis, K. (eds) (2007), Amsterdam, De Buitenkant (August 31 2007) – in Dutch.
Web-presentation Fieldwork in Jakarta, Indonesia (October 17 2007).
Paper “Play, game, and identity: concepts to discuss with Jesper Juul” for NWO-TKC conference Noordwijk/Leiden, Netherlands (November 29 2007).
Paper proposal “Playful identities and the mobile phone” for Mobile Media 2007 conference Sydney, Australia (August 31 2006).
Poster presentation “Mobile Phone Ethnography” for Virtual Knowledge Studio Amsterdam, Netherlands (September 25 2006).
Presentation “Mobile Phone as Gift Culture” for Transito Festival Melkweg Amsterdam, Netherlands (October 27 2006) – in Dutch.
Paper presentation “Mobile Phone as Gift Culture”, International workshop ‘Playful Identities’, with Norm Friesen and Darryl Cressman (School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, September 26 2006. See
Initial proposal PhD position “Web Identity” for ‘Playful identities’ research application (May 13 2005) – in Dutch.
Follow-up proposal PhD position “Mobile Identity” for ‘Playful identities’ research (June 9 2005) – in Dutch.
Some notes on the theme of ‘play’ (June 9 2005) – in Dutch.
Progress report (December 22 2005) – in Dutch.
de Lange, Michiel. 2001. Dunia digit@l: Internet en moderniteit in indonesië 2000. Master thesis, Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. (in Dutch).