Dr. Maaike Schoorlemmer

Research Coordinator
Research Coordination
+31 30 253 6183



Lid jury Anela dissertatieprijs (Event)Schoorlemmer, M. L. (Member)
, Lid jury Anela dissertatieprijs


Internal argument licensing in nominalisationSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
21 Apr 2007
, Grammar and processing of verbal arguments (Leipzig, Germany)
I International Conference: Linguistics in EuropeSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
14 Mar 2007
wetenschappelijke commissie (Event)Schoorlemmer, M. L. (Member)
, wetenschappelijke commissie


Contrasting argument and non-argument mixed categoriesSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
31 May 2006
, Workshop on the occasion of Krzysztof Migdalski's promotion


Partitives and Dutch adjective-noun mixed categoriesSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
10 Nov 2005
, Wroclaw Linguistics colloquium seminar
Mixed categoriesSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
8 Nov 2005
, Wroclaw Linguistics colloquium seminar


Dutch Subjective Partitives as Mixed CategoriesSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
10 Aug 2002
, 17th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW 17)
The Utrecht Linguistic DatabaseSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
15 Mar 2002
, Workshop Computational Tools for Linguistic Data
The Utrecht Linguistic DatabaseSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
15 Feb 2002
, LTF Workshop
Adjectives and Adverbs in Dutch Nominalised InfinitivesSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
26 Jan 2002
, TIN dag (Utrecht)


Congress: The Role of Agreement in Argument StructureSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Organiser)
31 Aug 20011 Sept 2001


Structure Building and Mixed CategoriesSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
4 Nov 1998
, Sprachwissenschaftliches Kolloquium (Universitaet Leipzig)
Syntactic Unaccusativity in RussianSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
24 May 1998
, Workshop on Unaccusativity
Quantfication in Russian verbal affixationSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
8 May 1998
, Workshop Quantificatie en Aspect
There is no such thing as a passive nominalSchoorlemmer, M. L. (Invited speaker)
7 May 1998
, De Jonge Onderzoekers/Utrecht Colloquium (Utrecht)