Dr. Martijn Kuller

Assistant Professor
Environmental Sciences



Scholarly publications

Lacroix, S., Kuller, M., Gougeon, G., Petrucci, J., Lemieux-Chalifour, F., Rioux, A., Dagenais, D., & Bichai, F. (2024). Can we stop reinventing the wheel in blue-green infrastructure planning? Using value-focused thinking to enable transferability of a multicriteria planning support system. Landscape and Urban Planning, 252, Article 105188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105188
Marino, R., Kuller, M., Zurita, B., Carrasco, L., Gosciniak, P., Kustosik, K., & Riveros, A. (2024). Assessment of public space potential for climate change adaptation in three Colombian cities: nature-based solutions and urban design guidelines. Water Practice and Technology, 19(5), 1696-1709. https://doi.org/10.2166/wpt.2024.089


Scholarly publications

Bousquet, M., Kuller, M., Lacroix, S., & Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2023). A critical review of MCDA practices in planning of urban green spaces and NBS. Blue-Green Systems, 5(2), 200-219. https://doi.org/10.2166/bgs.2023.132
Gougeon, G., Bouattour, O., Formankova, E., St-Laurent, J., Doucet, S., Dorner, S., Lacroix, S., Kuller, M., Dagenais, D., & Bichai, F. (2023). Impact of bioretention cells in cities with a cold climate: modeling snow management based on a case study. Blue-Green Systems, 5(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.2166/bgs.2023.032
Roldán-Valcarce, A., Jato-Espino, D., Manchado, C., Bach, P. M., & Kuller, M. (2023). Vulnerability to urban flooding assessed based on spatial demographic, socio-economic and infrastructure inequalities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 95, Article 103894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103894
Kuller, M., Beutler, P., & Lienert, J. (2023). Preference change in stakeholder group-decision processes in the public sector: Extent, causes and implications. European Journal of Operational Research, 308(3), 1268-1285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.12.001


Scholarly publications

Kuller, M., Farrelly, M., Marthanty, D. R., Deletic, A., & Bach, P. M. (2022). Planning support systems for strategic implementation of nature-based solutions in the global south: Current role and future potential in Indonesia. Cities, 126, Article 103693. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103693
Prodanovic, V., Jamali, B., Kuller, M., Wang, Y., Bach, P. M., Coleman, R. A., Metzeling, L., McCarthy, D. T., Shi, B., & Deletic, A. (2022). Calibration and sensitivity analysis of a novel water flow and pollution model for future city planning: Future Urban Stormwater Simulation (FUSS). Water Science and Technology, 85(4), 961-969. https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2022.046
Lienert, J., Andersson, J. C. M., Hofmann, D., Pinto, F. S., & Kuller, M. (2022). The role of multi-criteria decision analysis in a transdisciplinary process: co-developing a flood forecasting system in western Africa. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26(11), 2899-2922. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-26-2899-2022


Scholarly publications

Kuller, M., Reid, D. J., & Prodanovic, V. (2021). Are we planning blue-green infrastructure opportunistically or strategically? Insights from Sydney, Australia. Blue-Green Systems, 3(1), 267-280. https://doi.org/10.2166/bgs.2021.023
Webber, J. L., & Kuller, M. (2021). Enhancing the Visibility of SuDS in Strategic Planning Using Preliminary Regional Opportunity Screening. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(11), Article 726. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10110726
Kuller, M., Schoenholzer, K., & Lienert, J. (2021). Creating effective flood warnings: A framework from a critical review. Journal of Hydrology, 602, Article 126708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126708


Scholarly publications

Bach, P. M., Kuller, M., McCarthy, D. T., & Deletic, A. (2020). A spatial planning-support system for generating decentralised urban stormwater management schemes. Science of the Total Environment, 726, Article 138282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138282


Scholarly publications

Deletic, A., Zhang, K., Jamali, B., Charette-Castonguay, A., Kuller, M., Prodanovic, V., Bach, P. M., & Mannina, G. (Ed.) (2019). Modelling to Support the Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Systems. In G. Mannina (Ed.), New Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling: UDM 2018 (pp. 10-19). (Green Energy and Technology). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99867-1_2
Kuller, M., Bach, P. M., Roberts, S., Browne, D., & Deletic, A. (2019). A planning-support tool for spatial suitability assessment of green urban stormwater infrastructure. Science of the Total Environment, 686, 856-868. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.051


Scholarly publications

Kuller, M., Farrelly, M., Deletic, A., & Bach, P. M. (2018). Building effective Planning Support Systems for green urban water infrastructure—Practitioners’ perceptions. Environmental Science & Policy, 89, 153-162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2018.06.011
Kuller, M., Bach, P. M., Ramirez-Lovering, D., & Deletic, A. (2018). What drives the location choice for water sensitive infrastructure in Melbourne, Australia? Landscape and Urban Planning, 175, 92-101. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2018.03.018


Scholarly publications

Kuller, M., Dolman, N. J., Vreeburg, J. H. G., & Spiller, M. (2017). Scenario analysis of rainwater harvesting and use on a large-scale assessment of runoff, storage and economic performance for the case study Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Urban Water Journal, 14(3), 237-246. https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062X.2015.1086007
Kuller, M., Bach, P. M., Ramirez-Lovering, D., & Deletic, A. (2017). Framing water sensitive urban design as part of the urban form: A critical review of tools for best planning practice. Environmental Modelling and Software, 96, 265-282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.07.003
Barron, N. J., Kuller, M., Yasmin, T., Castonguay, A. C., Copa, V., Duncan-Horner, E., Gimelli, F. M., Jamali, B., Nielsen, J. S., Ng, K., Novalia, W., Shen, P. F., Conn, R. J., Brown, R. R., & Deletic, A. (2017). Towards water sensitive cities in Asia: an interdisciplinary journey. Water Science and Technology, 76(5), 1150-1157. https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2017.287