Dr. Machiko Kanetake

Johanna Hudiggebouw
Achter Sint Pieter 200
Kamer 1.09
3512 HT Utrecht

Dr. Machiko Kanetake

Associate Professor
International and European Law

This page shows my research outputs since 2014. Other publications before 2014 are listed in my CV.

Some of my key publications:

Forthcoming publications:

  • ‘Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Autonomous Weapon Systems: Feminist Perspectives on Meaningful Human Control’, in Nienke Grossman, Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Hélène Ruiz Fabri, and Josephine Dawuni (eds.), Oxford Handbook on Women and International Law (forthcoming 2025).
  • ‘Governing the Global Proliferation of Digital Surveillance Technologies: Lessons from the EU’, José van Dijck et al. (eds), Governing the Digital Society (Amsterdam University Press, forthcoming 2025).
  • 'Shigejiro Tabata: Japan’s Leading Authority in the Twentieth Century on International Law and Its History’, in M. Meguro and Y. Negishi (eds), in Histories of International Legal Theories in Japan: In Search for Universal Ideas in Particular Contexts (Manchester University Press, forthcoming).



Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2024). Giving Due Consideration: A Normative Pathway between UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Bodies and Domestic Courts (reprint). In E. van Dongen, R. Gaarthuis, D. Nikolakopoulou, M. S. Thomas, & M. Wind (Eds.), Six years of ERI Sector Plan Law Research in Utrecht: Cross-Pollination through Collaboration (1 ed., pp. 323-347). Boom.
Kanetake, M. (2024). Engagement of Domestic Courts with the Findings of United Nations Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Bodies. In A. Nollkaemper, Y. Shany, A. Tzanakopoulos, & E. Methymaki (Eds.), The Engagement of Domestic Courts with International Law: Comparative Perspectives (pp. 293-310). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/law/9780192864185.003.0015
Kanetake, M., Prévost, D., & Wouters, J. (2024). The Russia-Ukraine War and (Dis)Continuity in International Law. Netherlands International Law Review, 71(2), 227-231. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40802-024-00261-9


Scholarly publications

Trevisanut, S., Kanetake, M., & Ryngaert, C. (2023). The In/Ex-clusiveness of International Law: Some Remarks on the 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law by the Local Organizers. European Journal of International Law, 34(1), 221-224. https://doi.org/10.1093/ejil/chad015
Ionita, C. V., & Kanetake, M. (2023). International Human Rights Law in the Digital Age: Perspectives from the UN Human Rights System. In Research Handbook on Law and Technology (edited by Bartosz Brożek, Olia Kanevskaia and Przemysław Pałka) (pp. 235-253). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781803921327.00023
Kanetake, M. (2023). 'The Implementation of the Recast of the EU’s Dual Use Regulation to Support Human Rights' (Center for Democracy and Technology) unpublished consultancy report, 33pp.

Professional publications

Kanetake, M. (2023). Human Rights Issues of the Present and of the Future: The Digital Technology Front. Itss Magazine - International Team for the Study of Security Verona, 2(1).


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2022). The Hawija Airstrike: Reverberating Effects on Civilians under International Humanitarian Law. Leiden Journal of International Law, 35(4), 735-742. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0922156522000553
Stalenhoef, C., Kanetake, M., & van der Wende, M. (2022). The Implications of the EU’s Dual-Use Export Control Regulation 2021/821 for Universities and Academics. (pp. 1-33). SSRN. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4248860
Kanetake, M. (2022). The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Policies in Combatting Illicit Tobacco Trade. In T. Stanisław, & J. A. E. Vervaele (Eds.), Combatting Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products: In Search of Optimal Enforcement (pp. 507-536). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67802-9_10

Professional publications

Popularising publications

Gould, L., & Kanetake, M. (2022). Podcast Asymmetrical Haircuts: The Reverberations of Hawija. Digital or Visual Products, Podcast Asymmetrical Haircuts. https://www.asymmetricalhaircuts.com/episodes/episode-68-reverberations-of-hawija-with-lauren-gould-and-machiko-kanetake/
Kanetake, M. (2022). Security-Driven EU-Ukraine Relationships within and beyond the Eastern Neighbourhood Policy. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog. http://blog.renforce.eu/index.php/nl/2022/05/02/security-driven-eu-ukraine-relationships-within-and-beyond-the-eastern-neighbourhood-policy/


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2021). Cooperation Between Human Rights Bodies and Domestic Courts. In Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law (pp. 1-18). Oxford University Press. https://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law-mpeipro/e3710.013.3710/law-mpeipro-e3710
Kanetake, M., Bungenberg, M. (Ed.), Krajewski, M. (Ed.), Tams, C. J. (Ed.), Terhechte, J. P. (Ed.), & Ziegler, A. R. (Ed.) (2021). Dual-Use Export Control: Security and Human Rights Challenges to Multilateralism. In M. Bungenberg, M. Krajewski, C. J. Tams, J. P. Terhechte, & A. R. Ziegler (Eds.), European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2020 (1 ed., pp. 265-290). (European Yearbook of International Economic Law; Vol. 11). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/8165_2021_67
Ireland-Piper, D., & Kanetake, M. (2021). Japan and Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction. In D. Ireland-Piper (Ed.), Extraterritoriality in East Asia: Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction in China, Japan, and South Korea (pp. 78-107). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788976664.00009
Kanetake, M. (2021). Giving Due Consideration: A Normative Pathway between UN Human Rights Treaty-Monitoring Bodies and Domestic Courts. In N. Krisch (Ed.), Entangled Legalities Beyond the State (pp. 133-161). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108914642.009
Fromageau, E., Kanetake, M., Wittich, S., & Gattini, A. (2021). Domestic Contestations against International Courts and Tribunals: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 12(2), 173-177. https://doi.org/10.1093/jnlids/idab016
Kanetake, M. (2021). Transnational radiological standards in domestic contexts 1. In A. Arcuri, & F. Coman-Kund (Eds.), Technocracy and the Law: Accountability, Governance and Expertise (1 ed., pp. 174-195). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003174769-8
Kanetake, M. (2021). Controlling the Export of Digital and Emerging Technologies: Security and Human Rights Perspective. Security and Human Rights, 31(1-4), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1163/18750230-31010005

Popularising publications

Gould, L., & Kanetake, M. (2021). Podcast Travelling Concepts on Air: Surveillance. Digital or Visual Products, Podcast: Travelling Concepts on Air. https://www.uu.nl/en/research/contesting-governance/projects/podcast-travelling-concepts-on-air/season-2/episode-2-surveillance

Other output

Kanetake, M., Belder, L., & van Es, K. (2021). Reflection on the GDS webinar by Sandra Wachter: ‘The (im)possibility of algorithmic fairness’. Web publication/site, GDS Blog. https://www.uu.nl/en/opinion/reflection-on-the-gds-webinar-by-sandra-wachter-the-impossibility-of-algorithmic-fairness


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2020). Converging Dual-Use Export Control with Human Rights Norms: The EU's Responses to Digital Surveillance Exports. In E. Fahey (Ed.), Framing Convergence with the Global Legal Order: The EU and the World (pp. 65-82). (Modern Studies in European Law). Hart Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781509934409.ch-003
Kanetake, M., Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Zwijsen, S. (2020). State Responsibility for Arms Transfers: The Law of State Responsibility and the Arms Trade Treaty. Ars Aequi, 2020(2), 151-160. Article AA20200151. https://arsaequi-nl.proxy.library.uu.nl/product/state-responsibility-for-arms-transfers/


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2019). Implementation of Sanctions: Japan. In M. Asada (Ed.), Economic Sanctions in International Law and Practice (1 ed., pp. 136-154). (Routledge advances in international relations and global politics). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429052989-8
Kanetake, M., (2019). María de los Ángeles González Carreño v. Ministry of Justice, 7 p., (American Journal of International Law; Vol. 113, No. 3). https://doi.org/10.1017/ajil.2019.31
Kanetake, M. (2019). The EU’s Dual-Use Export Control and Human Rights Risks: The Case of Cyber Surveillance Technology. Europe and the World: A law review, 3(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.14324/111.444.ewlj.2019.14
Kanetake, M. (2019). The EU's Export Control of Cyber Surveillance Technology: Human Rights Approaches. Business and Human Rights Journal, 4(1), 155-162. https://doi.org/10.1017/bhj.2018.18

Professional publications

Jaremba, U., Kanetake, M., & Koning, I. (2019). Editorial. Special Issue. Economic and non-economic values and objectives in the EU’s international trade: Normative tensions, actors and processes. Europe and the World: A law review, 3(1).


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2018). Soft Law. In A. Nollkaemper, A. Reinisch, R. Janik, & F. Simlinger (Eds.), International Law in Domestic Courts: A Casebook (pp. 311-348). Oxford University Press.
Kanetake, M. (2018). Balancing Innovation, Development, and Security: Dual-Use Concepts in Export Control Laws. In N. Craik, C. S. G. Jefferies, S. L. Seck, & T. Stephens (Eds.), Global Environmental Change and Innovation in International Law (pp. 180-200). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108526081.011
Kanetake, M. (2018). Blind Spots in International Law. Leiden Journal of International Law, 31(2), 209-218. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0922156518000109
Kanetake, M. (2018). The UN Security Council and Domestic Actors: Distance in International Law. Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-UN-Security-Council-and-Domestic-Actors-Distance-in-international/Kanetake/p/book/9781138858589
Kanetake, M. (2018). UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Bodies Before Domestic Courts. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 67(1), 201-232. https://doi.org/10.1017/S002058931700046X

Professional publications

Kanetake, M. (2018). United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002) on the decision to set up an enhanced inspection regime to ensure Iraq’s compliance of its disarmament obligations, 8th November 2002 (UN Doc S/RES/1441 (2002)), OXIO 252. In J. d'Aspremont, C. Brölmann, & I. Scobbie (Eds.), Oxford International Organizations Oxford University Press. http://opil.ouplaw.com/abstract/10.1093/law-oxio/e252.013.1/law-oxio-e252

Other output

Kanetake, M., & de Vries, S. A. (2018). EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement: Data Protection in the Era of Digital Trade and Economy. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog. http://blog.renforce.eu/index.php/en/2018/12/18/eu-japan-economic-partnership-agreement-data-protection-in-the-era-of-digital-trade-and-economy/
Kanetake, M. (2018). Legal Status of Robots: The RENFORCE/UGlobe Seminar and Why I Decided to Sign the Open Letter. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog. http://blog.renforce.eu/index.php/en/2018/06/12/legal-status-of-robots-the-renforce-uglobe-seminar-and-why-i-decided-to-sign-the-open-letter-2/
Kanetake, M., & Belder, L. P. C. (2018). Cambridge Analytica and Facebook Fallout: The Renforce/UGlobe Seminar. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog. http://blog.renforce.eu/index.php/en/2018/04/19/cambridge-analytica-and-facebook-fallout-the-renforceuglobe-seminar-2/


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2017). Symposium Introduction. Transnational Standards in the Domestic Legal Order: Authority and Legitimacy. Transnational Legal Theory, 8(2), 177-180. https://doi.org/10.1080/20414005.2017.1365568
Kanetake, M. (2017). Chinese and Japanese Perspectives on UN Sanctions. In L. van den Herik (Ed.), Research Handbook on UN Sanctions and International Law (pp. 445-465). (Research Handbooks in International Law ). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kanetake, M. (2017). The Dual Vulnerability of Transnational, Science-Based Standards in the National Legal Order. Transnational Legal Theory, 7(4), 470-498. https://doi.org/10.1080/20414005.2016.1276321

Professional publications

Kanetake, M. (2017). Regulation No. 2006/12 on the Establishment of the Human Rights Advisory Panel, 23rd March 2006 (UN Doc UNMIK/REG/2006/12), OXIO 202. In J. D. Aspremont, C. Brölmann, & I. Scobbie (Eds.), Oxford International Organizations Oxford University Press. http://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law-oxio/e202.013.1/law-oxio-e202?rskey=DdDuPn&result=3&prd=OXIO
Kanetake, M. (2017). United Nations Security Council 1267 on Measures Against the Taliban, 15th October 1999 (UN Doc S/RES/1267 (1999)), OXIO 33. In Oxford International Organizations Oxford University Press.
Kanetake, M. (2017). Secretary-General’s Bulletin on Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, 9th October 2003 (ST/SGB/2003/13), OXIO 85. In Oxford International Organizations Oxford University Press.

Other output

Kanetake, M. (2017). Circumventing the EU’s Export Control on Cyber Surveillance. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog. http://blog.renforce.eu/index.php/en/2017/04/24/circumventing-the-eus-export-control-on-cyber-surveillance/
Kanetake, M., & Taylor, M. S. C. (2017). A Right to be Forgotten Case before the Japanese Supreme Court. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog. http://blog.renforce.eu/index.php/en/2017/02/07/a-right-to-be-forgotten-case-before-the-japanese-supreme-court/


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2016). Subsidiarity in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security. Law and Contemporary Problems, 79(2), 165-187. http://ssrn.com/abstract=2800809
Kanetake, M. (2016). The International Rule of Law in the Cycle of Contestations and Deference. In M. Kanetake, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference (pp. 445-460). Hart Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781474202879.ch-017
Kanetake, M. (2016). Subsidiarity in the Practice of International Courts. In M. Kanetake, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference (pp. 269-288). Hart Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781474202879.ch-011
Kanetake, M. (2016). The Interfaces Between the National and International Rule of Law: A Framework Paper. In M. Kanetake, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference (pp. 11-41). Hart Publishing. http://ssrn.com/abstract=2480965

Professional publications

Kanetake, M., & Nollkaemper, A. (Eds.) (2016). The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference. Hart Publishing. http://www.hartpub.co.uk/BookDetails.aspx?ISBN=9781849466677

Other output

Kanetake, M. (2016). Export Control of Dogs to Israel: Dual-Use Items under EU Law. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog. http://blog.renforce.eu/index.php/en/2016/02/25/export-control-of-dogs-to-israel-dual-use-items-under-eu-law-2/


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M. (2015). Catching Up with Society – What, How, and Why: The Case of the Regulatory Development for the UN Security Council’s Targeted Sanctions. In S. Hamamoto, H. Sakai, & A. Shibata (Eds.), “L’être situé”, Effectiveness and Purposes of International Law: Essays in Honour of Professor Ryuichi Ida (pp. 255-283). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004294288_013

Professional publications

Kanetake, M. (2015). Book Review: Global Perspectives on Subsidiarity: Michelle Evans and Augusto Zimmermann , eds. Global Perspectives on Subsidiarity . Springer , 2014 . Pp. 223 . $129 . ISBN 9789401788090. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 13(4), 1085-1088. https://doi.org/10.1093/icon/mov064


Scholarly publications

Kanetake, M., & Nollkaemper, A. (2014). The Application of Informal International Instruments Before Domestic Courts. The George Washington International Law Review, 46(4), 765-807. http://ssrn.com/abstract=2324752

Other output

Kanetake, M. (2014). Jones v UK: A Judicial Contestation of the Committee against Torture. Web publication/site, IntLawGrrls. http://ilg2.org/2014/01/20/jones-v-uk-a-judicial-contestation-of-the-committee-against-torture/
Kanetake, M. (2014). Transnational Science-Based Standards on Radiation: A Japanese Experience. Web publication/site, Völkerrechtsblog. http://voelkerrechtsblog.com/2014/10/22/transnational-science-based-standards-on-radiation-a-japanese-experience/


Other output

Kanetake, M. (2013). Interfaces between International and National Legal Orders. Web publication/site, IntLawGrrls. http://ilg2.org/2013/03/23/interfaces-between-international-and-national-legal-orders/


Other output

Kanetake, M. (2012). Law/Politics Discord, Internal/External Divide: The Zero Tolerance Policy & UN Peacekeeping. Web publication/site, IntLawGrrls. http://www.intlawgrrls.com/2012/01/lawpolitics-discord-internalexternal.html
Kanetake, M. (2012). Constitutionalism-pluralism: Re-reading “Architecture of European Human Rights Law”. Web publication/site, IntLawGrrls. http://www.intlawgrrls.com/2012/03/constitutionalism-pluralism-re-reading.html
Kanetake, M. (2012). Read On! On the Right of States to Exclude Migrants. Web publication/site, IntLawGrrls. http://www.intlawgrrls.com/2012/05/read-on-on-right-of-states-to-exclude.html
Kanetake, M. (2012). Interfaces: International & National Legal Orders. Web publication/site, IntLawGrrls. http://www.intlawgrrls.com/2012/05/interfaces-international-national-legal.html
Kanetake, M. (2012). Japanese Diet OKs Intellectual Property Treaty. Web publication/site, IntLawGrrls. http://www.intlawgrrls.com/2012/09/japanese-diet-oks-intellectual-property.html

List of research outputs since 2014. (Other publications before 2014 are listed in the CV.)