Drs. ing. M.J. (Marcel) Rossewij

Leonard S. Ornsteinlaboratorium
Princetonplein 1
Kamer 254
3584 CC Utrecht

Drs. ing. M.J. (Marcel) Rossewij

ICT Developer
Gravitational and Subatomic Physics (GRASP)
+31 30 253 3098

Senior electrical engineer:

Develop and realize multidisciplinary (electronics, software, physics, heat and mechanics) technical projects like telescope instrumentation and instrumentation for particle physics (Cern) experiments.

Technical competences/experience:

Design of analog/digital circuits for fast (GHz)/low noise (nV/Sqrt(Hz)) measurement and control applications. This includes multiple layer PCB/ flex-rigid design fulfilling desired EMC and SI (signal integrity) specifications, verified (if needed) by IBIS/spice simulations tools.

FPGA design. VHDL design entry, modelsim simulation and implementation for Xilinx, Altera and Actel/Microsemi devices.

Embedded software design (C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, Assembler) for DSPs, micro-controllers (Arduino) and X86/ARM CPUs (Rapsberry Pi).

Example project: FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card) developed for the CERN Alice ITS upgrade. The SEU/Radhard FMC contains GBTx and SCA chip.

Readout Unit. This board including (test-) sofware/firmware was developed at UU. Over 300 boards were produced (and tested) in supervision and are currently installed at the Cern Alice ITS and MFT detector (and sPHENIX Experiment at RHIC).

Carrier PCBs for testing the ITS3 MLR1 chips designed by Nikhef: band-gap reference en VCO (Voltage controlled oscillator)