Prof. dr. Rinie Geenen

Emeritus Professor
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology

Supervised PhD theses

Koppert, T. Y. (2023). Putting up with a pandemic. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Makarawung, D. J. S. (2023). Person factors in bariatric surgery: Weight reduction and beyond. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Van de Griendt, E-J. (2020). Challenges in the treatment of difficult childhood asthma. Amsterdam: PhD thesis University of Amsterdam.

Kalisvaart, H. (2019). Body relatedness in somatic symptom disorder. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Egberts, M.R. (2019). Family scars after pediatric burns. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Estévez-López, F. (2018) Fibromyalgia: Adapted, positive, and fit people. Breaking stereotypes! Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Selten, E.M.H. (2017). Beliefs underlying treatment choices in osteoarthritis. Nijmegen: PhD thesis Radboud University.

Verkleij, M. (2016). Children with problematic severe asthma: A biopsychosocial perspective. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University

Overman, C.L. (2015). Fatigue and functioning in rheumatic diseases: a biopsychological perspective. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Blom, D. (2014). For bitter or worse. Embitterment in rheumatic diseases. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Van Leeuwen, N. (2014). The burden of Sjögren’s syndrome. Dryness and fatigue. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Aarts, F.K. (2014). Psychological attachment in obesity. The significance for bariatric surgery. Amsterdam: PhD thesis University of Amsterdam.

Hartkamp, A. (2014). The significance of dehydroepiandrosterone for fatigue in primary Sjögren’s syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

López-Chicheri García, I. (2012). Variables psicológicas relevantes en fibromialgia [Psychological adjustment in fibromyalgia: Assessment of psychosocial subgroups]. Granada: PhD thesis Universidad de Granada.

Kool, M.B. (2012). Understanding lack of understanding. Invalidation in rheumatic diseases. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Zijlstra, H. (2011). Cognitive and emotional processes that promote and obstruct a successful outcome after bariatric surgery for morbid obesity. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Vriezekolk, J.E. (2011). Targeting distress in rheumatic diseases. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Wouters, E.J.M. (2010). Suffering from obesity. Psychosocial aspects of assessment, treatment, and aetiology. Tilburg: PhD thesis Tilburg University.

Visser - van Balen, H. (2007). Growing up with short stature. Psychosocial consequences of hormone treatment. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Larsen, J.K. (2004). Psychological predictors of outcome after gastric banding for morbid obesity. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Van Middendorp, H. (2004). Emotion regulation in rheumatoid arthritis. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University.

Dekkers, C. (2000). Psychophysiological responsiveness in recently diagnosed patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Utrecht: PhD thesis Utrecht University