Remunerated: Researcher at Altrecht Psychosomatic Medicine (tot 2023); refresher training rheumatology for Pfizer: podcast about fatigue (oktober 2022).
Attendance fee: Lecture and workshop for Sanofi Genzyme about depression (23 September 2020) and fatigue (19 November 2020); fibromyalgia committee of the Health council of the Netherlands (2022-2023); lecture on management of pain for the Pharmacy bachelor education at Utrecht University (2022-2024), lectures about coping with fatigue in Dutch hospitals (from 2020).
Ongoing unpaid volunteer work: Memberships, consultancies, lectures, workshops, webcasts, podcasts, books, interviews, columns for patient associations: FES, NHPR, NVSP, ReumaNederland, RZN, NVLE, PARE, Sjögren Europe. Writing self-help booklets about management of fatigue.