February 2021 - today; University Utrecht department Geolab researching, setting up and executing the Lab Skill Instruction, for students who will work (for the first time) in the Geolab.
February 2019 - today; Universiteit Utrechtfaculty Geosciences at the department Earth sciences to do palynologic and organic geochemistry on sediment samples.
September 2015 - November 2018; Norwegian University of Life Sciences at the department Environmental Toxicology research on pesticides in food and environment.
September 2005 - September 2015; Dalton Voorburg teaching in middle school chemistry and physics.
September 2000 - September 2005; Dalton Voorburg teachers assistant at biology and physics.
July 2004 - September 2000; WUR faculty ATO department Plastics and Fibers, research on making naturally degradable plastic.