Coordinator Master Educational Design and Consultancy
Coordinating activities
Coordinator Master Educational Design and Consultancy (since 2012)
Coordinator Internationalization
Coordinator of several courses (since 2003, in Dutch):
Membership Exam Committees
Member Exam committee masters FSW
Member Exam committee bachelors FSW (also representing Alpo)
Member Exam committee Liberal Arts and Sciences (2011-2012)
Membership of Educational Advice Committees
Bachelor and Master Educational Sciences (2006-2007)
Research Master (teacher representative Edsci)
Teaching activities (since 2002, in Dutch):
Republic of South Africa, 2006. Developer, teacher and contactperson Tailor made training Netherlands Fellowship Programs Training for Team Members of Ndlovu Aids Awareness Program, Elandsdoorn, Republic of South Africa. (funded by NUFFIC).
Policy paper
Van der Schaaf, M.F. (2009). “Verschil mag er zijn? Intern rapport in opdracht van het MT Onderwijskunde en Pedagogische Wetenschappen naar een niveauvergelijking van pre-masterstudenten en bachelor studenten bij de bachelorthesis en masterthesis in de opleidingen Onderwijskunde en Pedagogische Wetenschappen’. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Educational Sciences.
Internal study into the quality of student’s portfolios in the bachelor Educational Sciences (2004).