

Presentation at the workshop "Eco-hydrology of semiarid environments: Confronting mathematical models with ecosystem complexity"Marc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
21 May 2013


Hortonian runoff modeling with the Representative Elementary Watershed approach: identifying and testing the closure relation with observed watershed characteristicsMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
13 Apr 2012
, Oral presentation at Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Joint Assembly (Singapore)


Revisiting the humid Roman hypothesis: Novel analyses depict oscillating patternsMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
12 May 2011
, Invited lecture at mini workshop when visiting Biospheric Theory and Modelling group at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Revisiting the humid Roman hypothesis: Novel analyses depict oscillating patternsMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
7 Feb 2011
, Conference of Darwin Centre for Geobiology
Nederlandse Hydrologen Vereniging (External organisation)Marc Bierkens (Member)
2011 → …


HydroEco 2009, 2nd International multidisciplinary conference on hydrology and ecology: ecosystems interfacing wit groundwater and surface waterMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
20 Apr 2009
Global land-ocean linkage: various pathways of water and associated nutrients to coastal zonesMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
8 Feb 2009
, IOC / NEW-USE workshop, UNESCO


1000 years of human impact on the hydrology of a managed fanMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
17 Sept 2008
, HydroPredict 2008 (Wenen)
Waterbeheer in 2088Marc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
28 Aug 2008
, Column uitgesproken op het 80-jarig jubileum van de Noord-Brabantse Waterschapsbond (Raamsdonk)


Microscale to macroscale feedbacks between vegetation and waterMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
5 Aug 2007
, ESA/SER Joint Meeting 5-10 August 2007
Climate-Vegetation feedbackMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
25 Apr 2007
, Invited lecture at Max Planck Institute Hamburg (Hamburg)


Spatio-temporal dynamics of soil, water and vegetation in groundwater dependent ecosystemsMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
, HydroEco ‘2006 – International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology, the Groundwater/Ecology connection


Methods that span the soil, water and agricultural interfaceMarc Bierkens (Invited speaker)
12 Sept 2003
, Pedometics 2003 - 5th Conference of the Provisional Commission on Pedometrics of the International Union of Soil Sciences