M.E. (Marjolein) de Jager BSc

PhD Candidate
Soft Condensed Matter


2020 -  current | PhD student (Utrecht University)

Promotor: dr. Laura Filion, Soft Condensed Matter

2018 - 2020 | Master of Science in Theoretical Physics (Utrecht University) | cum laude

Thesis: Defects & Nucleation in Colloidal Systems of “Soft” Particles, supervised by dr. Laura Filion

2014 - 2018 | Bachelor of Science in Physics (Utrecht University) | honours | cum laude

Thesis: Steady State of an Ideal Active Lattice Gas: Accumulation at Boundaries and Ratchet Potentials, supervised by prof. dr. René van Roij



2024 | Poster prize (DUCOMS 2024)

2020 | Shell graduation award for physics (Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) 

2020 | EMMEPH MSc thesis prize (Utrecht University)

2020 | Best teaching assistent of the year (Utrecht University)

2018 | Best BSc thesis presentation (Utrecht University)

2015 | Award of Encouragement for Young Talent (Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen)