

Scholarly publications

Beijen, E. P. W., van Maanen, M. H., Marian, I. M., Klusener, J. X., van Roosmalen, E., Herman, K. C., Koster, M. C., & Ohm, R. A. (2024). Transcriptomics reveals the regulation of the immune system of the mushroom-forming fungus Schizophyllum commune during interaction with four competitors. Microbiological Research, 289, Article 127929.


Scholarly publications

Hauptfeld, E., Pelkmans, J., Huisman, T. T., Anocic, A., Snoek, B. L., von Meijenfeldt, F. A. B., Gerritse, J., van Leeuwen, J., Leurink, G., van Lit, A., van Uffelen, R., Koster, M. C., & Dutilh, B. E. (2022). A metagenomic portrait of the microbial community responsible for two decades of bioremediation of poly-contaminated groundwater. Water Research, 221, 1-10. Article 118767.
Braat, N., Koster, M. C., & Wösten, H. A. B. (2022). Beneficial interactions between bacteria and edible mushrooms. Fungal Biology Reviews, 39, 60-72.


Scholarly publications

Haagsman, M. E., Koster, M. C., Boonstra, J., & Scager, K. (2021). Be Prepared! How Pre-lab Modules Affect Students’ Understanding of Gene Mapping. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 30(4), 461–470. Article 30.


Scholarly publications

Haagsman, M. E., Scager, K., Boonstra, J., & Koster, M. C. (2020). Pop-up Questions Within Educational Videos: Effects on Students’ Learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 29(6), 713-724.


Scholarly publications

Adams, H., Horrevoets, W. M., Adema, S. M., Carr, H. E. V., van Woerden, R. E., Koster, M., & Tommassen, J. (2014). Inhibition of biofilm formation by Camelid single-domain antibodies against the flagellum of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Biotechnology, 186, 66-73.
Adams, H., Horrevoets, W. M., Adema, S. M., Carr, H. E. V., van Woerden, R. E., Koster, M., & Tommassen, J. (2014). Reprint of "Inhibition of biofilm formation by Camelid single-domain antibodies against the flagellum of Pseudomonas aeruginosa". Journal of Biotechnology, 191, 131-138.


Scholarly publications

Putker, F. M., Tommassen-van Boxtel, H. A. M., Stork, M., Rodriguez-Herva, J. J., Koster, M. C., & Tommassen, J. P. M. (2013). The type II secretion system (Xcp) of Pseudomonas putida is active and involved in the secretion of phosphatases. Environmental Microbiology, 15, 2658-2671.


Other output

Putker, F. M., Tommassen-van Boxtel, H. A. M., Stork, M., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Koster, M. C. (2010). Role of type II secretion and the Tat pathway of Pseudomonas putida in phosphate acquisition. Poster session presented at ALW Platform Molecular Genetics, Lunteren.
Putker, F. M., Tommassen-van Boxtel, H. A. M., Stork, M., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Koster, M. C. (2010). Role of type II secretion and the Tat pathway of Pseudomonas putida in phosphate acquisition. Poster session presented at Joint meeting CW study groups Protein Research, Nucleic Acids, and Lipids & Biomembranes, Veldhoven.


Scholarly publications

Senf, F., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Koster, M. C. (2008). Polar secretion of proteins via the type II secretion system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbiology, 154, 3025-3032.


Scholarly publications

Arts, J. G., de Groot, A., Ball, G., Durand, E., El Khattabi, M., Filloux, A., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Koster, M. C. (2007). Interaction domains in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa type II secretory apparatus component XcpS. Microbiology, 153, 1582-1592.
Arts, J. G., Filloux, A., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Koster, M. C. (2007). Export of the pseudopilin XcpT of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa type II secretion system via the SRP/Sec pathway. Journal of Bacteriology, 189, 2069-2076.
Bitter, W., van Boxtel, R., Groeneweg, M., Sánchez Carballo, P., Zähringer, U., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Koster, M. C. (2007). Species-specific functioning of the Pseudomonas XcpQ secretin: role for the C-terminal homology domain and LPS. Journal of Bacteriology, 189, 2967-2975.
Boekema, B. K. H. L., Beselin, A., Breuer, M., Hauer, B., Koster, M. C., Rosenau, F., Jaeger, K.-E., & Tommassen, J. P. M. (2007). Hexadecane and Tween 80 stimulate lipase production in Burkholderia glumae by different mechanisms. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 73(12), 3838-3844.


Scholarly publications

Burghout, P. J., Beckers, F. H. R., de Wit, E., Tommassen-van Boxtel, H. A. M., Cornelis, G. R., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Koster, M. C. (2004). Role of the pilot protein YscW in the biogenesis of the YscC secretin in Yersinia enterocolitica. Journal of Bacteriology, 186, 5366-5375.
Burghout, P. J., Tommassen-van Boxtel, H. A. M., van Gelder, P., Ringler, P., Muller, S. A., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Koster, M. C. (2004). Structure and electrophysiological properties of the YscC secretin from the type III secretion system of Yersinia enterocolitica. Journal of Bacteriology, 186, 4645-4654.


Scholarly publications

Adams, H., Teertstra, W. R., Koster, M. C., & Tommassen, J. P. M. (2002). PspE (phage-shock protein E) of Escherichia coli is a rhodanese. FEBS Letters, 518, 173-176.


Scholarly publications

Braun, P., Ockhuysen, C., Eppens, E. F., Koster, M. C., Bitter, W., & Tommassen, J. P. M. (2001). Maturation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase. Formation of disulfide bonds. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, 26030-26035.
de Groot, A., Koster, M. C., Gérard-Vincent, M., Gerritse, G., Lazdunski, A., Tommassen, J. P. M., & Filloux, A. (2001). Exchange of Xcp (Gsp) secretion machineries between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas alcaligenes: Species specificity unrelated to substrate recognition. Journal of Bacteriology, 183, 959-967.


Scholarly publications

Koster, M. C., Bitter, W., & Tommassen, J. P. M. (2000). Protein secretion mechanisms in gram-negative bacteria. International Journal of Medical Microbiology, 290, 325-331.


Scholarly publications

Brok, R., van Gelder, P., Winterhalter, M., Ziese, U., Koster, A. J., de Cock, J. J. P. A., Koster, M. C., & Tommassen, J. P. M. (1999). The C-terminal domain of the Pseudomonas secretin XcpQ forms oligomeric rings with pore activity. Journal of Molecular Biology, 294, 1169-1179.
Harms, N., Oudhuis, W. C., Eppens, E. F., Valent, Q. A., Koster, M. C., Luirink, J., & Oudega, B. (1999). Epitope tagging analysis of the outer membrane folding of the molecular usher FaeD involved in K88 fimbriae biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1, 319-325.


Scholarly publications

Venturi, V., Weisbeek, P., & Koster, M. (1995). Gene regulation of siderophore‐mediated iron acquisition in Pseudomonas: not only the Fur repressor. Molecular Microbiology, 17(4), 603-610.
Raaijmakers, J. M., Van der Sluis, I., Koster, M., Bakker, P. A. H. M., Weisbeek, P. J., & Schippers, B. (1995). Utilization of heterologous siderophores and rhizosphere competence of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 41(2), 126-135.
Ovaa, W., Bitter, W., Weisbeek, P., & Koster, M. (1995). Multiple outer membrane receptors for uptake of ferric pseudobactins in Pseudomonas putida WCS358. Mgg Molecular & General Genetics, 248(6), 735-743.


Scholarly publications

Bitter, W., van Leeuwen, I. S., de Boer, J., Zomer, H. W. M., Koster, M. C., Weisbeek, P. J., & Tommassen, J. (1994). Localization of functional domains in the Escherichia coli coprogen receptor FhuE and the Pseudomonas putida ferric-pseudobactin 358 receptor PupA. Mgg Molecular & General Genetics, 245(6), 694-703.
Koster, M., Van Klompenburg, W., Bitter, W., Leong, J., & Weisbeek, P. (1994). Role for the outer membrane ferric siderophore receptor PupB in signal transduction across the bacterial cell envelope. EMBO Journal, 13(12), 2805-2813.


Scholarly publications

Koster, M., van de Vossenberg, J., Leong, J., & Weisbeek, P. J. (1993). Identification and characterization of the pupB gene encoding an inducible ferric‐pseudobactin receptor of Pseudomonas putida WCS358. Molecular Microbiology, 8(3), 591-601.


Scholarly publications

Morris, J., O'Sullivan, D. J., Koster, M., Leong, J., Weisbeek, P. J., & O'Gara, F. (1992). Characterization of Fluorescent Siderophore-Mediated Iron Uptake in Pseudomonas sp. Strain M114: Evidence for the Existence of an Additional Ferric Siderophore Receptor. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 58(2), 630-635.


Scholarly publications

Leong, J., Bitter, W., Koster, M., Venturi, V., & Weisbeek, P. J. (1991). Molecular analysis of iron transport in plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas putida WCS358. Biology of Metals, 4(1), 36-40.


Scholarly publications

Tommassen, J., Koster, M., & Overduin, P. (1987). Molecular analysis of the promoter region of the Escherichia coli K-12 phoE gene. Identification of an element, upstream from the promoter, required for efficient expression of phoE protein. Journal of Molecular Biology, 198(4), 633-641.