

Pseudopilin-induced channel formation by a conserved inner membrane component of the type II secretion system of Pseudomonas aeruginosaKoster, M. (Invited speaker)
7 Feb 2008
, Nederlands Platform voor Eiwitsecretie en Macromolecuul-transport in Prokaryoten (Groningen)


Exploiting the Xcp machinery of Pseudomonas for the production of biocatalysts and peptidesKoster, M. (Invited speaker)
24 Mar 2006
, 6th EU NANOFOLDEX meeting


The YscC secretin of the Yersinia enterocolitica type III secretion system: structure, function and biogenesisKoster, M. (Invited speaker)
6 Nov 2003
, 3rd EU MEMBMACS meeting


The XcpQ secretin of Pseudomonas aeruginosaKoster, M. (Invited speaker)
17 May 2002
, EU meeting "Membrane machineries for protein and solute transport through the bacterial cell envelope"