Prof. dr. Mara Yerkes

Mara Yerkes is:

  • coordinator of the master's program 'Arbeid, zorg en participatie: beleid en interventies' (AZP);
  • coordinator of the master's program 'Social Policy and Social Interventions (SPSI);
  • coordinator of the international minor 'Social Problems in Contemporary Europe: New inequalities and Risks (SPiCE);
  • coordinator of the pre-master program 'Arbeid, zorg en participatie: beleid en interventies' (pre-master AZP);
  • lecturer in the master's programs AZP and SPSI, the bachelor program of interdisciplinary social science (Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen (ASW)), and the pre-master program AZP.

 Current courses:

 Masters AZP and SPSI:

  • Course: Social Risks in Europe: protection, activation and diversity / Sociale Risico's in Europa: bescherming, activering en diversiteit 
  • Master thesis supervision

 Bachelor Interdisciplinary Social Sciences:

  • Course: 'Solidarity between young and old in work, care and welfare' / ‘Solidariteit tussen jong en oud in arbeid, zorg en welzijn 

Previous courses

  • Gender, Sexuality and Society (Univ. of Queensland)
  • Capstone Course: Current Issues and Debates in Sociology (Univ. of Queensland)
  • Welfare States II: Participation and Distribution (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Sex, Food and House Music: Social Problems in the 21st Century (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Comparative Industrial Relations (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Labour Sociology (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Sociological Theory II (University of Amsterdam)
  • Introduction to Sociological Analysis (University of Amsterdam)
Involved in the following study programme(s)