Prof. dr. M.A. (Marianna) Tryfonidou

Prof. dr. H. Jakobgebouw
Yalelaan 108
Kamer 1.076
3584 CM Utrecht

Prof. dr. M.A. (Marianna) Tryfonidou

Surgery of Companion Animals
+31 30 253 4558

Current information on Marianna Tryfonidou's research group can be found at:


‘It's fantastic to have an impact on the health of both dogs and human patients with back pain’

Marianna Tryfonidou is currently doing research on osteoarthritis and back pain caused by degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Osteoarthritis and back pain are major problems in both humans and dogs. She is currently developing two innovative treatments for dogs, which doctors will eventually also be able to use to treat human patients with joint or back pain.

Innovative drug release for pain relief

One of the possible treatments that Tryfonidou is working on, focuses on patients, both dogs and people, with initial pain complaints due to osteoarthritis or intervertebral disc-related back pain. With an extensive team of experts and in close collaboration with the Utrecht University Medical Center, Tryfonidou is working on an innovative treatment. In this treatment, the drug is administered directly at the source of the pain in small spheres produced from biomaterials, synthetic of natural materials that are used for medical applications. This packaging ensures that the drug remains in the disc and is gradually released over a long period.

Cell therapy for advanced back pain

Tryfonidou is in parallel working on advanced treatment strategies of the future. In the event the intervertebral disc is highly worn, an advanced stem cell therapy may provide a solution. For this purpose, Tryfonidou has brought together a group of experts from around the world. This iPSpine consortium received 15 million euros from the European Union. The idea is to insert advanced stem cells into the worn intervertebral disc. These stem cells will then resolve back pain and rejuvenate the intervertebral disc.

Regenerative Orthopedics
Inaugural lecture date