Courses I am currently involved in:

School of Law, Utrecht

Access to Law (Sociology of Law) (B3)

Grondslagen van Recht (Foundations of Law) (B1)

Afstudeerwerk rechtstheorie (Bachelor’s thesis Jurisprudence) (B3)

Perspectieven op recht (B1)

Capita selecta: Mediation (M4)


Course I have taught:

- School of Law, Utrecht

Conflict Resolution (B3)

Capita Selecta: Laagdrempelige conflictoplossing (easy accessible conflict resolution) (M4)

Algemene rechtsleer (Legal Doctrine) (B3)

Onderzoeks- en ScriptieTraject SBR (M4)


- Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht

Methoden en Technieken (B1)

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (B1)

Ethnicity and Nationalism (B1)

Globalization and Socio-cultural Complexity (B2)

Introduction to Development (B2)

Culture, Violence, Trauma, and Reconciliation (B3)

Kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden (B3)

Academic Writing (B3)

Bachelor research projects (B3)

Master research projects (M4)


- University of Groningen

Anthropology of Law (M4)


- Wageningen University

Recht, Bestuur en Beleid (B1)

Methods, Techniques, and Data Analysis for Field Research (B2)

Field Research Practical (B2)

Rural Households and Livelihood Strategies (B2)

Natural Resources Governance in a Complex World (B3)

Introduction to the sociology of knowledge and development (M4)


- Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University

Legal Systems World Wide: Law and Culture (B2)


- CEDLA, University of Amsterdam

The Challenge of Legal Pluralism, Lectura Guiada (tutorial) (M4)

Master research project (M4)

YES (Young Excellent Scholars) research internship program (M4)