
- WODC research: Evaluatie wijkrechtspraakinitiatieven - Proces en Effectevaluatie (in cooperation with Leiden University) (Dec 2024 - Dec 2026)

- Mediation in the Netherlands (ongoing)

- Community Justice in Rotterdam (ongoing)



ZonMW research: online hearings in the Netherlands (2024) 

(togethet with Marijke ter Voert, Marieke Dubelaar, Karen Geertsema, Franz Neumann en Sigrid van Wingerden) in cooperation with Universiteit Leiden, Radboud Universiteit and UU, ZonMW financed. Output: Research Report (2024)

Planevaluatie Wijkrechtspraak (2024)

(together with Eddy Bauw Rogier Hartendorp, Rosa Koenraadt en Anke Ramakers) in cooperation with Universiteit Leiden, WODC financed. Output: Research Report (2024)

Evaluatie pilots Innovatiewet Strafvordering – Prejudiciële procedure en Mediation in Strafzaken (2024) 

(together with Francois Kristen, Marieke Dubelaar, Johannes Bijlsma, Remy Gaarthuis, Mikhel Timmerman en Bastiaen Huijnen) in coperation with Radboud University, WODC financed. Output: Research Report (2024)

PBM sequel research: business mediation in the Netherlands - opportunities and threats (2024)

(together with Eva Schutte, Manon Schonewille and Olga Korneeva), externally financed. Output: reserach report (2024) and presentation Mediation Congres 2023)

Covid-19 program: the impact of the corona crisis on the judiciary and the position of vulnerable litigants (2022)

(together with Marijke ter Voert, Eddy Bauw, Miranda Boone, a.o.) in cooperation with Universiteit Leiden, Radboud Universiteit and UU, ZonMW financed. Output: Research Report (2022), articles in Justitiële Verkenningen (2021) and Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht (2022)

Neurotechnology: opportunities and challenges in criminal law (2022)

(together with Gerben Meynen, Nick Ramsey, Johannes Bijlsma, Simon Geukes, Mathijs Raemaekers, Dave van Toor and Mariska Vansteensel) WODC financed. Output: Research Report (2022) and article in Journal Neural Engineering (2024)

Research on justice of peace in the Netherlands (2019)

(together with Eddy Bauw, Stefaan Voet, Emanuel van Dongen en Jim van Mourik), WODC financed. Output: Research Report (2019), article in TCR

Business mediation in the Netherlands, opportunities and threats (2018)

(together with Eva Schutte en Marina de Kort (Vereniging ZAM) en Marion Schonewille (ACB)). Externally financed. Output: Research Report (2018), blog (2019), article in TMD (2019) and various presentations

Rule of Law Guarantees in Alternative Dispute Resolution (2016-2017)

(together with Eddy Bauw, Alex Brenninkmeijer, Wytze van der Woude, and Charlotte de Kluiver), WODC financed. Output: Research Report (2017), book (2018), and various articles (among wich one in Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB) (2019))

Methodogy Project (2017)

(together with Philip Langbroek, Kees van den Bos, Michael Milo, and Wibo van Rossum). Output: international seminar on Methodology in Legal Research (2017); Special Issue Utrecht Law Review (2017)

Evaluation of ‘Peer Review’ among Dutch mediators (2016)

SKM financed. Output: Research Report (2016), plus additional publications.

Evaluation of the so-called ZSM-werkwijze (2015-2016) (“rapid response procedure”) in Dutch criminal law

(together with Petra van Kampen, Philip Langbroek, Leonie van Lent, Marie-Jeanne Schiffelers, and Judith van Erp), WODC financed. Output: Research Report (2016), book (2016), published in the Montaigne Series, by Boom Juridisch), article in Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB) (2016), and one-day seminar (2017)

PhD Research (2008-2012)

On “The Challenge of Legal Pluralism: Local Dispute Settlement and the Indian-state Relationship in Ecuador”, defended on October 23, 2013 – Utrecht University, supervisors Prof. Michiel Baud and Prof. Patrick Eisenlohr. Output: dissertation (2013), book (2016, published by Routledge), plus additional publications

Masters research (2007-2008)

On “Legal Pluralism and Interlegality in Ecuador” – CEDLA, University of Amsterdam, supervisors Dr. Arij Ouweneel and Dr. Willem Assies. Output: thesis (2008), book (2009, published in Cuadernos del CEDLA, University of Amsterdam), plus additional publications

Bachelor research (2006)

On “The Court’s Threshold: Research on Customary Law and Official Law in San Marcos, Guatemala” – Department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University, supervisor Dr. Elisabet Rasch. Output: thesis (2006)

LLM research (1992)

On “Jurisprudentie onderzoek naar de verhoging bij navordering en het fiscale boetebeleid in de praktijk”, School of Law, Leiden University, supervisor Prof. Charles Langereis. Output: thesis (1992)

Completed Projects
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the judiciary and the position of vulnerable litigants 01.08.2020 to 21.02.2022
External funding ZonMW
External project members
  • Marielle Bruning
  • Yasmin Glasgow
Naar een nabijheidsrecht. Een onderzoek naar de inpasbaarheid van de vrederechter in België en Frankrijk in het Nederlandse rechtsbestel 01.10.2018 to 01.06.2019
External funding WODC
External project members
  • Stefaan Voet
  • Jim van Mourik