Dr. Mario Fumerton

International and Political History
Assistant Professor
+31 30 253 6544

Mario Fumerton's research interest focuses on militias and civilian self-defense groups, and his key publications include:

* "Más allá de la contrainsurgencia: milicias campesinas de Ayacucho en la conformación de un orden social en tiempos de guerra.”  En P. Del Pino y R.A. Sulca, editores. Una revolución precaria. Sendero Luminoso y la guerra en el Perú, 1980-1992.  Lima: IEP. (2023).

* “The YPJ of northeast Syria and the socialisation of restraint toward civilians: Jin, Jiyan, Azadi”  (W. van Wilgenburg, and Z.A.N. Hamawandi, co-authors). In P.L. Johnson and W. Wittels, eds.  Violence Against Civilians:  Civic Vice, Civic Virtue, pp.145-179.  London: Routledge. (2023) ISBN 978-1-003-22391-7 (ebk)

* “From the PYD-YPG to the SDF: the Consolidation of Power in Kurdish-Controlled Northeast Syria” (W. van Wilgenburg, co-author) in Studies of Conflict & Terrorism (2022).  DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2021.2013758;

* “Beyond Counterinsurgency: Peasant Militias and Wartime Social Order in Peru’s Civil War” in the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (2018).  DOI: http://doi.org/10.18352/erlacs.10374;

* Kurdistan’s Political Armies: the Challenge of Unifying the Kurdish Peshmerga Forces.  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.  16 December 2015. (http://carnegieendowment.org/2015/12/16/kurdistan-s-political-armies-challenge-of-unifying-peshmerga-forces-pub-61917);

* “Insurgency and Terrorism:  Is There A Difference?” (I. Duyvesteyn, co-author)  In C. Holmqvist-Jonsäter and C. Coker, eds. The Character of War in the 21st Century. Routledge: New York & London. (2010).



Scholarly publications

Fumerton, M., & van Wilgenburg, W. (2022). From the PYD-YPG to the SDF: the Consolidation of Power in Kurdish-Controlled Northeast Syria. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2021.2013758


Scholarly publications

Fumerton, M. A. (2018). Beyond Counterinsurgency: Peasant Militias and Wartime Social Order in Peru's Civil War. European review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 105, 61-86. https://doi.org/10.18352/erlacs.10374


Other output

Fumerton, M. A. (Author). (2017). How to Harness the Power of Diversity within an International MA Classroom?. Web publication/site


Professional publications

Fumerton, M. A., Frerks, G. E., Terpstra, N. M., & Dirkx, A. L. (2015). Independent Quality Assurance Team's (IQAT) Evaluation Report of the "2014 Final Assessment of the Dutch Integrated Police Training Mission in Kunduz, Afghanistan". CPAU.

Other output

van Wilgenburg, W. (Author), & Fumerton, M. (Author). (2015). Kurdistan's Political Armies: The Challenge of Unifying Peshmerga Forces: The Challenge of Unifying Peshmerga Forces. Web publication/site, Carnegie Middle East Center. http://carnegie-mec.org/2015/12/16/kurdistan-s-political-armies-challenge-of-unifying-peshmerga-forces/in5p


Professional publications

Frerks, G. E., & Fumerton, M. A. (2013). Independent Quality Assurance Team's (IQAT) Evaluation Report of the "2013 Progress Report on the Dutch Integrated Police Training Mission in Kunduz, Afghanistan. CPAU.


Other output

Fumerton, M. A., & Castelein, K. (2012). The Endogeneity of Militias in Civil Wars: Ayacucho's "Comités de Autodefensa" and Teso's "Arrow Group" in Comparative Perspective: The Endogeneity of Militias in Civil Wars. Paper presented at Conference on Paramilitaries, Militias, and Civil Defense Forces in Civil Wars, New Haven, CT, United States.


Professional publications

Fumerton, M. A., & Quinn, J. (2011). Counterinsurgency from Below: The Afghan Local Police in Theoretical and Comparative Perspective. Counterinsurgency Assistance and Advisory Team (CAAT), HQ-ISAF.


Scholarly publications

Fumerton, M. A., & Duyvesteyn, I. G. B. M. (2010). Insurgency and terrorism: is there a difference? In C. A. C. Holmqvist-Jonsäter and Coker (Ed.), The Character of War in the 21st Century (pp. 27-41). Routledge.


Other output

Fumerton, M. A. (2009, Oct 24). Terrorism and Insurgency: Is there a Difference?. http://www.iusafs.org


Scholarly publications

van Beek, W. E. A., Pansters, W. G., & Fumerton, M. A. (2003). Preface. In W. E. A. van Beek, W. G. Pansters, & M. A. Fumerton (Eds.), Meeting Culture. Essays in honour of Arie de Ruijter (pp. 9-15). Shaker Publishing.
Pansters, W. G., van Beek, W. E. A., & Fumerton, M. A. (2003). 'Meeting culture: an introduction'. In W. E. A. van Beek, M. A. Fumerton, & W. G. Pansters (Eds.), Meeting Culture. Essays in honour of Arie de Ruijter (pp. 9-14). Shaker Publishing.
van Beek, W. E. A., Pansters, W. G., & Fumerton, M. A. (2003). Meeting Culture. Essays in honour of Arie de Ruijter. Shaker Publishing.


Scholarly publications

Fumerton, M. A. (2002). From victims to heroes: Peasant counter-rebellion and civil war in Ayacucho, Peru (1980-2000). [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Utrecht University].