Dr. Mario Fumerton

International and Political History
Assistant Professor
+31 30 253 6544

Mario A. Fumerton holds a BA (McGill), MPhil. (Oxon), and PhD (Utrecht) in Social and Cultural Anthropology and is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Conflict Studies in the Department of History, at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.  He has done fieldwork and archival research in Peru, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iraqi-Kurdistan, and Iraq, and his research interest focuses on militias, civilian self-defense groups, non-state socio-political orders in the midst and aftermath of armed conflict, (re)building peaceful coexistence after violent political conflict.

His publications include:

M.A. Fumerton.  (2023) “6. Más allá de la contrainsurgencia: milicias campesinas de Ayacucho en la conformación de un orden social en tiempos de guerra.”  En P. Del Pino y R.A. Sulca, editores. Una revolución precaria. Sendero Luminoso y la guerra en el Perú, 1980-1992.  Lima: IEP.

M.A. Fumerton, W. van Wilgenburg, and Z.A.N. Hamawandi. (2023) “The YPJ of northeast Syria and the socialisation of restraint toward civilians: Jin, Jiyan, Azadi.”  In P.L. Johnson and W. Wittels, eds.  Violence Against Civilians:  Civic Vice, Civic Virtue, pp.145-179.  London: Routledge.  ISBN 978-1-003-22391-7 (ebk).

W. van Wilgenburg & M. Fumerton. (2022) “From the PYD-YPG to the SDF: the Consolidation of Power in Kurdish-Controlled Northeast Syria.”  Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.  (January) DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2021.2013758. To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2021.2013758

M.A.Fumerton. (2018) “Beyond Counterinsurgency: Peasant Militias and Wartime Social Order in Peru’s Civil War.” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 105: 61-86.  DOI: http://doi.org/10.18352/erlacs.10374

I. Duyvesteyn & M.A. Fumerton. (2010) "Insurgency and Terrorism:  Is There A Difference?"  In C. Holmqvist-Jonsäter and C. Coker, eds. The Character of War in the 21st Century. London & New York: Routledge. 2010.

Since 2012, he has additionally served as a consultant, trainer, and advisor/evaluator for projects in Afghanistan and Iraqi-Kurdistan, supported by various Dutch ministries and non-governmental organisations.