Livia Reguș MSc

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer G1.15
3584 CS Utrecht

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives; some rely on AI to achieve goals, and personalized algorithms influence human goal-setting in real-world contexts. This evolution marks a tectonic shift from traditional human-centric goal pursuit to a hybrid model involving both human and machine agency. While AI holds promise for enhancing efficiency, focus, and effectiveness, questions arise around our sense of autonomy, personal achievement, and human psychology.

In my project, I explore how outsourcing key components underlying human goal-oriented behavior - such as goal-setting, action pursuit, and feedback perception - affects individuals' outcome valuation, autonomy, and motivation. My objective is to develop a comprehensive psychological model that explains the effects of AI-assisted goal-pursuit, offering insights into its broader implications for human behavior and cognition, and guiding future AI-human collaboration.