Luka van der Plas MSc

Drift 10
Drift 10
3512 BS Utrecht

Luka van der Plas MSc

ICT Developer
Humanities IT

Luka van der Plas (they/them) is a developer at the Centre for Digital Humanities' Research Software Lab, developing custom software for research in the humanities. They obtained a bachelor degree in Linguistics and a master degree in Artificial Intelligence at Utrecht University.


- I-analyzer: tool for exploring corpora (large collections of texts). I-analyzer is designed to provide an accessible interface to search and visualise text data, and to be usable for many different datasets. (I-analyzer, I-analyzer in the CDH portfolio)

- Leesbaarheidsinstrument Nederlandse Taal (LiNT): a tool to provide feedback on the difficulty of Dutch texts. The feedback relies on extracting lexical and syntactic features of the text, and relating these to empirical research into reading comprehension. ( LiNT in the CDH portfolio)

- Broad Well-being Indicator (BWI): an interface to present data about broad well-being in the Netherlands. The project emphasises the many dimensions that make up human well-being, while also presenting a singular index for comparison. (project website BWI (Dutch))

- European Dimensions of Popuplar Print Culture (EDPOP): an interface to search through multiple bibliographical catalogues, and collect and annotate entries. This interface is used to research popular print culture in Early Modern Europe. (project website EDPOP)