The aim of Multi-STEM is to understand how multilingual strategies can promote migrant children’s STEM participation in and across formal, non-formal and informal learning settings involving different actors such as teaching professionals, other educational professionals working in, for example, science centres, and caregivers in the home environment such as parents and extended family.
Multi-STEM is a consortium that includes Utrecht University, HU University of Applied Sciences, iPabo Amsterdam, CPS onderwijsontwikkeling en advies, Expertis, Expertisecentrum Nederlands, Malmö University, Stichting Leerplanontwikkeling SLO, Platform Talent voor Technologie, NEMO, Museon, Teylers Museum, Spaarnesant, Voila, Wereldkidz, Zonova, Lund University Dept. of Clinical Sciences, Taal doet meer, It’s my child, Al-Amal, Joury, IOT, SARDES, Vereniging voor Science Centers, Lowan, NVORWO, SPRONG consortium, Wetenschapsknooppunt Universiteit Utrecht, gemeente Den Haag, Defence for Children
Within the subproject "at school", Stolte studies how teachers can be supported to establish a successful multilingual practice in their own classroom context.