Dr. Laura Almagor

Assistant Professor
Political History



Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2024). Almagor L. Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949 By Jeffrey Herf. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. 450. Cloth $39.99. ISBN: 978-1316517963. Central European History, 57(3), 444-445. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0008938924000451
Almagor, L. (2024). ‘No Virtue in Consistent Lying’ Israel Zangwill, Zionism and Race. European Judaism, 57(2), 50-67. https://doi.org/10.3167/ej.2024.570205
Almagor, L. (2024). Jewish Territorialism and ‘Other Zions'. In C. Shindler (Ed.), Routledge Handbook on Zionism (pp. 225-236). Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003312352-23

Popularising publications

Wagemakers, J., Almagor, L., Cristiano, F., Malcontent, P., & Paravantes, S. (2024). Het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict uitgelegd: Dit ging aan de Gaza-oorlog vooraf. Web publication/site, Universiteit Utrecht. http://www.uu.nl/achtergrond/het-israelisch-palestijns-conflict-uitgelegd-dit-ging-aan-de-gaza-oorlog-vooraf


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2023). Review of Bond, Martyn, Hitler's Cosmopolitan Bastard. Web publication/site, H-Biography.

Popularising publications

Almagor, L. (2023). The movement that imagined a Jewish homeland without the State of Israel. Web publication/site, New Lines. https://newlinesmag.com/essays/the-movement-that-imagined-a-jewish-homeland-without-the-state-of-israel/


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2022). Scholar, Refugee Worker, Jew: Koppel S. Pinson (1904-1961). In L. Almagor, H. A. Ikonomou, & G. Simonsen (Eds.), Global Biographies: Lived history as method (pp. 185-203). Manchester University Press.
Almagor, L. (2022). Beyond Zion: the Jewish Territorialist Movement. (The Littman library of Jewish civilization). The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv2kcwnvp
Almagor, L., Ikonomou, H. A., & Simonsen, G. (Eds.) (2022). Global biographies: lived history as method. Manchester University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv2nnv54p


Popularising publications

Almagor, L. (2021). A sunny day on Freedom Square, Budapest. Web publication/site https://historymatters.sites.sheffield.ac.uk/blog-archive/2021/a-sunny-day-on-freedom-square-budapest


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2019). Israel Zangwill on nationality and “The League of Damnations”. In H. A. Ikonomou, & K. Gram-Skjoldrager (Eds.), The League of Nations: Perspectives from the Present (pp. 90-101). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Almagor, L. (2019). Tropical territorialism: Displaced persons, colonialism, and the freeland league in suriname (1946-1948). In New Perspectives on Jewish Cultural History: Boundaries, Experiences, and Sensemaking (pp. 73-94). Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429324048-4
Almagor, L. (2019). “A highway to battlegrounds”: Jewish territorialism and the State of Israel, 1945–1960. Journal of Israeli History, 37(2), 201-225. https://doi.org/10.1080/13531042.2019.1674011


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2018). Fitting the Zeitgeist: Jewish territorialism and geopolitics, 1934-1960. Contemporary European History, 27(3), 351-369. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960777318000206


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2017). Jewish territorialism (in relation to Jewish studies). In Oxford Bibliographies in Jewish Studies Oxford University Press. https://libproxy.library.unt.edu/login?url=http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199840731/obo-9780199840731-0159.xml"; target="_blank
Almagor, L. (2017). Stefan Vogt, Subalterne Positionierungen. Der deutsche Zionismus im Feld des Nationalismus in Deutschland 1890-1933. Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History, (12).
Almagor, L. (2017). A Territory, but not a State: the Territorialists’ visions for a Jewish future after the Holocaust (1943-1960). Shoah: intervention, methods, documentation, 4(1), 93-108.


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2016). Jeruzalem: waar dan ook. Joods Territorialisme en zijn Hollandse dimensie. Historisch Tijdschrift Holland, 33-40.
Almagor, L. (2016). Haskalah. The Romantic movement in Judaism. European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, 23(1-2), 225-226. https://doi.org/10.1080/13507486.2015.1083260


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2015). Mediterranean Enlightenment: Livornese Jews, Tuscan Culture, and Eighteenth-Century Reform. European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, 22(6), 989-991. https://doi.org/10.1080/13507486.2015.1074409


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2012). Herstelwerkplaats aan de zijlijn. De militairgeneeskundige verzorging in Nederland tijdens de mobilisatie 1914-1918. In L. Dorrestijn, H. van der Linden, & P. Pierik (Eds.), De Grote Oorlog. Kroniek 1914-1918 (Vol. 24, pp. 53-92)
Almagor, L. (2012). Dieren ten strijde. De militair veterinaire verzorging in Nederland (1795-1919). Historisch Tijdschrift Holland, 219-226.


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2011). The Saramacca Project. A plan of Jewish colonization in Suriname. Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis, 124(3), 427-428. https://doi.org/10.5117/TVGESCH2011.3.B22


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2010). Jos van der Lans en Herman Vuijsje, Het Anne Frank Huis. Een biografie (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom 2010). Historisch Tijdschrift Holland, (4), 349-350.


Scholarly publications

Almagor, L. (2009). Een misplaatst imago. Al-Afghani en het moderne moslimfundamentalisme. Historisch Tijdschrift Aanzet.
Almagor, L. (2009). Een kruistocht tegen reuzen. Inkwartiering bij de Afgescheidenen, 1834-1841. Mars et Historia, (4).


Professional publications

Almagor, L. (2008). Bijna werd het 60 jaar Joden Savanne. Nieuw Israelietisch weekblad, (33).