I am a PhD candidate within the department of Physical Geography working on reconstructing  relative sea-level rise (RSLR) and long term subsidence. My research project is part of the Living on Soft Soils research programme (NWA-LOSS). Currently, my research focusses on untangling the RSLR signal in the Netherlands during the Holocene. The RSLR in the Netherlands is strongly influenced by regional subsidence patterns caused by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA: Scandinavian forebulge collapse) and longer-term North Sea Basin tectono-sedimentary subsidence. I’m using a data-based approach, combining geological indicators of gradual drowning to reconstruct past RSLR in a spatially and temporally continuous grid. These geological indicators consist mainly of basal peat layer of varying ages and found at varying depths throughout the subsurface of the Netherlands. My work consists predominantly of data processing and analysing using R and GIS, complemented with occasional fieldwork and lab analyses aimed at improving the data density of geological gradual drowning indicators in the Netherlands.