Kirsten Buist is an Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Child and Family Studies.
In addition to her role as a lecturer, Buist also conducts research into the family system, sibling relationships and problem behaviour. In January 2024, she started a new study examining sibling relationships in blended families. Buist previously wrote the book Broertjes & zusjes: zo stimuleer je een warme band tussen je kinderen (Brothers & sisters: how to stimulate a warm bond between your children) together with Sheila van Berkel.
Buist is an Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Child and Family Studies. She is the programme coordinator of the Bachelor programme Pedagogical Sciences. In addition, she is the internationalisation coordinator for the Pedagogical Sciences degree programme and coordinator of the English-language minor Child and Adolescent Relationships and Development. Buist is also a member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Buist studied Developmental Psychology at Leiden University and obtained her PhD at Utrecht University for research into the development of family relationships during adolescence in relation to problem behaviour.