Scholarly publications
Thiele, K. (2024). Intra/Sectional Praxis: How to Think-Practice the World Otherwise. Manuscript submitted for publication. In J. Haase-Knöpfle, & K. Thiele (Eds.), Intra/Sections (Schnitt/Mengen): Post-Anthropocentric Concepts of Muliplicity (Dispositiv der Menge). Brill / Fink.
Scholarly publications
Ponzanesi, S., Thiele, K., Midden, E., & Olivieri, D. (2023).
Transitions in Art, Culture, and Politics: An Introduction. In S. Ponzanesi, K. Thiele, E. Midden, D. Olivieri, & T. oorschot (Eds.),
Transitions in Art, Culture and Politics/Transities in Kunst, Cultuur and Politiek (pp. 9-24). AUP (Amsterdam University Press) / ICAS Publications. Ponzanesi, S., Thiele, K., Midden, E., Olivieri, D., & Oorschot, G. C. M. (Eds.) (2023).
Transitions in Art, Culture and Politics/Transities in Kunst, Cultuur en Politiek. AUP (Amsterdam University Press) / ICAS Publications. Thiele, K., Donoghue, D., & Türer, P. (2023).
Theory-Practicing in Critical Times: Viv Bozalek in Conversation With Kathrin Thiele, Deirdre M. Donoghue, and Pınar Türer.
Qualitative Inquiry,
29(1), 157-167. 2022
Scholarly publications
Kaiser, B., Thiele, K., & O'Leary, T. (2022). Introduction. In K. Thiele, B. M. Kaiser, & T. O'Leary (Eds.), Ends of Critique: Methods, Institutions, Politics (pp. 1-16). (New Critical Humanities). Rowman & Littlefield.
Thiele, K. C. (2022). "After Humanism?": Time and Transformation in Critical Thinking . In K. Thiele, B. M. Kaiser, & T. O'Leary (Eds.), The Ends of Critique: Methods, Institutions, Politics (pp. 19-39). (New Critical Humanities). Rowman & Littlefield.
Popularising publications
Thiele, K. (Author), & Hansen, I. (Author). (2022).
Relation(al) Matters Archive: Online Conversation Series. Web publication/site 2021
Scholarly publications
Thiele, K. C. (2021).
Figuration and/as Critique in Relational Matters. In A. Haas, M. Haas, H. Magauer, & D. Pohl (Eds.),
How to Relate: Wissen - Künste - Praktiken/Knowledge - Arts - Practices (pp. 229-243). (Wissen der Künste). transcript. Professional publications
Thiele, K., Kaiser, B., Bolte, R., & Cuntz, M. (2021).
Zwillingsträumer revisited. Über die Moderne(n) hinausträumen. In M. Bengert, J. Dünne, & M. Walther (Eds.),
Zukunft, gefaltet: Choreographien des Als-Ob (pp. 233-256). nocturne. Thiele, K., Kaiser, B., Bialas, D., & Bolte, R. (2021).
Leichenschau? Bio- und Thanatopolitiken exquisiter Kadaver. In M. Bengert, J. Dünne, & M. Walther (Eds.),
Zukunft, gefaltet: Choreographien des Als-Ob (pp. 93-118). nocturne. Thiele, K., Kaiser, B., Bialas, D., & Egert, G. (2021).
Brief ins Jahr 2070: Sorge in kollektiven Gefügen. In M. Bengert, J. Dünne, & M. Walther (Eds.),
Zukunft, gefaltet: Choreographien des Als-Ob (pp. 21-50). nocturne. 2020
Scholarly publications
Kaiser, B., & Thiele, K. (2020). Forms of Critique, Modes of Combat. In S. Khatib, H. Kuhn, O. Lochner , I. Mehl , & B. Söntgen (Eds.), Critique : The Stakes of Form (pp. 95-116). Univ. of Chicago Press.
Thiele, K. C., Allhutter, D., Bargetz, B., & Meißner, H. (2020).
Materiality-Critique-Transformation: Challenging the political in feminist new materialims.
Feminist Theory,
21(4), 403–411. Thiele, K. C., Górska, M. A., & Türer, P. (2020).
Relation(al) Matters: Vulnerable Pedagogies, Care and Carriance in Higher Education. In V. Bozalek, M. Zembylas, & J. Tronto (Eds.),
Posthuman and Care Ethics for Reconfiguring Higher Education Pedagogies: North/South Ruptures and Entanglements (1 ed., pp. 51-65). Routledge. Thiele, K. C. (Ed.), Bargetz, B. (Guest ed.), Althutter, D. (Guest ed.), & Meißner, H. (Guest ed.) (2020). Materiality - Critique - Transformation: Challenging the Political in Feminist New Materialisms. Feminist Theory, 21(4), 403-516.
Thiele, K. C. (2020). Figurieren als spekulativ-kritische feministische Praxis: Relationalität, Diffraktion und die Frage ihrer ‚Nicht-Unschuldigkeit’. In M.-L. Angerer, & N. Gramlich (Eds.), Feministische Spekulationen/spekulative Feminismen: Genealogien, Narrationen, Zeitlichkeiten (1 ed., pp. 43-61). Kadmos.
Thiele, K. C. (Guest ed.), & Quinan, C. L. (Guest ed.) (2020). Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Cosmopolitics: Feminist and Queer Interventions. Journal of Gender Studies, 29(1), 1-114.
Scholarly publications
Thiele, K. C. (2018). Ethos of Diffraction: New Paradigms for a (Post)humanist Ethics. In B. M. Kaiser, & K. Thiele (Eds.), Diffracted Worlds - Diffractive Readings: Onto-Epistemologies and the Critical Humanities (pp. 38-51). Routledge.
Thiele, K. C., & Kaiser, B. M. (2018). Preface. In B. Kaiser, & K. Thiele (Eds.), Diffracted Worlds - Diffractive Readings: Onto-Epistemologies and the Critical Humanities (pp. xi-xvi). Routledge.
Thiele, K. C., & Kaiser, B. M. (2018). Introduction – Diffraction: Onto-Epistemology, Quantum Physics and the Critical Humanities: Republished Introduction from Parallax Special Issue "Diffracted Worlds - Diffractive Readings" (Parallax, 20.3 2014). In Diffracted Worlds - Diffractive Readings: Onto-Epistemologies and the Critical Humanities (pp. 1-3). Routledge.
Kaiser, B. M., & Thiele, K. C. (Eds.) (2018). Diffracted Worlds - Diffractive Readings: Onto-Epistemologies and the Critical Humanities. Routledge.
Kaiser, B. M., & Thiele, K. C. (2018). Terrestrial. In R. Braidotti, & M. Hlavajova (Eds.), Posthuman Glossary Bloomsbury Academics.
Buikema, R. L., & Thiele, K. C. (2018). Feminism and Feminist Studies in Neoliberal Times: Furthering Social Justice in Higher Education Curricula. In V. Bozalek, R. Braidotti, T. Shefer, & M. Zembylas (Eds.), Socially Just Pedagogies.: Posthumanist, Feminist and Materialist Perspectives in Higher Education (pp. 31-45). Bloomsbury Academics.
Thiele, K. C., & Kaiser, B. M. (Eds.) (2018). Returning (to) the Question of the Human: Special Issue for philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism. philoSOPHIA, 8(1), 1-125.
Thiele, K. C. (2018). Was ist Politik? Ontologische Un/Verfügbarkeiten aus (neo)materialistischer Perspektive. In C. Bath, H. Meißner, S. Trinkaus, & S. Völcker (Eds.), Sektionsband Materialität: Verantwortung und Un/Verfügbarkeit – Impulse und Zugänge eines (neo)materialistischen Feminismus (pp. 28-43). (Reihe der DGS Sektion Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung). Verlag Westfaelisches Dampfboot.
Scholarly publications
Buikema, R. L., Thiele, K. C., & Plate, L. (2017). Introduction. In Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture: A Comprehensive Guide in Gender Studies (2nd ed., pp. 1-6). Routledge.
Thiele, K. C. (2017). The Arena of Knowledge: Virginia Woolf and the feminist Practice of Situated Knowledges. In R. Buikema, L. Plate, & K. Thiele (Eds.), Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture: A Comprehensive Guide to Gender Studies (pp. 52-66). Routledge.
Thiele, K. C. (2017). Der Schauplatz des Wissens: Virginia Woolf und die feministische Praxis situierten Wissens. In R. Buikema, & K. Thiele (Eds.), Doing Gender in Medien-, Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften: Eine Einführung (pp. 55-77). (Gender-Diskussion; Vol. 23). Lit Verlag.
Buikema, R. L., Thiele, K. C., & Plate, L. (Eds.) (2017). Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture: A Comprehensive Guide in Gender Studies. Routledge.
Buikema, R. L., & Thiele, K. C. (Eds.) (2017). 'Doing Gender' in Medien-, Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften: Eine Einführung. (Gender-Diskussion; Vol. 23). Lit Verlag.
Scholarly publications
Kaiser, B., & Thiele, K. (2016).
Other Headings: Ben Jelloun, Derrida, Sansal and the Critique of Europe.
Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies,
18(2), 270-285. Thiele, K. (2016).
Quantum Physics and/as Philosophy: Immanence, Diffraction, and the Ethics of Mattering.
Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge,
30. 2015
Scholarly publications
Thiele, K. C. (2015). Kennis als strijdtoneel: Virginia Woolf en de feministische praktijk van gesitueerde kennis. In R. Buikema, & L. Plate (Eds.), Handboek genderstudies in media, kunst en cultuur (pp. 77-95). Coutinho.
Thiele, K. (2015). Ende der Kritik? Kritisches Denken heute. In A. Allerkamp, S. Witt, & P. Valdivia Orozco (Eds.), Gegen/Stand der Kritik (pp. 139-162). diaphanes.
Other output
Kaiser, B. M. (Author), & Thiele, K. C. (Author). (2015). What is Critique in the 21st Century? Discussing Terra Critica: A Conversation between Birgit Mara Kaiser, Kathrin Thiele and Mercedes Bunz. Web publication/site, .
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Popularising publications
Kaiser, B. M., & Thiele, K. C. (2014). Weaving Ourselves Otherwise – Co-emerging with Others in the Matrixial. In B. Choi, & M. Tanaka (Eds.), Grand Domestic Revolution: Handbook (pp. 93-94). Casco.
Scholarly publications
Thiele, K. (2013). Diesseits. In E. Horn, & M. Lowrie (Eds.), Denkfiguren/Figures of Thought: For Anselm Haverkamp (pp. 47-49). August Verlag.
Scholarly publications
Thiele, K., & Kaiser, B. M. (2012). Sich verlieren – und plötzlich eine Welt finden. Bracha L. Ettinger im Gespräch mit Birgit M. Kaiser and Kathrin Thiele. In S. Leeb (Ed.), Materialität der Diagramme. Kunst und Theorie (pp. 231-262). (polypen). b_books.
Other output
Thiele, K., Smith, M. S., & Marten, E. (2012). Beyond Equality vs. Difference: Thinking Through the Dualism. Panel at the 8th European Feminist Research Conference, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Thiele, K., & Muhle, M. (2010). Konstellationen zwischen Politik und Leben. In M. Muhle, & K. Thiele (Eds.), Biopolitische Konstellationen (pp. 9-21). Augustverlag.
Scholarly publications
Thiele, K., & Trüstedt, K. (2009). Lebenswissen nach Cavell: Eine Einführung. In K. Thiele, & K. Trüstedt (Eds.), HAPPY DAYS: Lebenswissen nach Cavell (pp. 9-16). Wilhelm Fink.
Thiele, K. (2009). In Quest of Subjectivity. In K. Thiele, & K. Trüstedt (Eds.), HAPPY DAYS: Lebenswissen nach Cavell (pp. 72-76). Wilhelm Fink.
Professional publications
Thiele, K. (2009). Politik, ein leeres Wort. Ein Kommentar zum gegenwärtigen Intellektuellenstreit. Texte zur Kunst, 76(December), 182-183.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Thiele, K. (2007). Werden. In T. Khurana, & S. Diekmann (Eds.), Latenz. 40 Annäherungen an einen Begriff (pp. 234-239). Kadmos.
Other output
Thiele, K. (1998). Dekonstruktion von citizenship und das Projekt radikaler Demokratie. 1st International Graduate Conference Postmoderne Diskurse zwischen Sprache und Macht, November 1998, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen, Germany.