Dr. Jérôme de Hemptinne

Dr. Jérôme de Hemptinne

Assistant Professor
International and European Law
+ 32483659711

Jérôme de Hemptinne is Lecturer at Utrecht University. He previously worked for nearly two decades at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, at the Office of the United Nations Legal Counsel in New York, and at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Jérôme de Hemptinne is co-editor of Modes of Liability in International Criminal Law (CUP, 2019) and of Animals in the International Law of Armed Conflict (CUP, 2022; ESIL Collective Book Prize, 2023). He is the author of Les conflits armés en mutation (Pedone, 2019; Walther Hug Prize, 2020) and is in charge of the book review of the Journal of International Criminal Justice. He previously co-edited two symposia of the Journal on Starvation in International Law (2019) and on the Protection of the Environment during warfare: an international environmental law perspective (2023). He drafted the Rules of procedure and Evidence of the Special Criminal Court of the Central African Republic (2017).