Dr. ing. J. (Jelle) Zandveld

Dr. ing. J. (Jelle) Zandveld

Assistant Professor
Education Institute Biology

I'm Jelle Zandveld, currently working at the Education Institute Biology (OWI). Involved in different courses on evolutionary biology and/or interdisciplinarity. So I'm curious how knowledge from evolutionary biology can be applied to other disciplines. Apart from teaching I'm also involved in research on (biology) education, and research on (genetics of) life-history biology (using fruit flies or moths).

With much pleasure I supervise students for their BSc- or MSc research projects or thesi, so dont hesitate to contact me if you have any interest in doing your thesis related to evolution, life-history biology or educational research!


For my interdisciplinary courses on evolution I'm always looking for interesting researchers from other backgrounds who'd like to participate in my courses and potentially can contribute to the courses from their disciplinary perspective. Please contact me with your ideas!